Are you prepared ?

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June has arrived and it is important month for us pet parents. It is the month where we should make sure we are prepared for any disaster that can happen and our bags are packed and ready to go.

Living in San Francisco which is earthquake city I am prepared and check my bag once every six months to make sure all is good. With Layla aging and now on medications I have got extras in the bag, so I do not have to worry if we must run.

In the bag I have food for Madam, I have put freeze dried food as she eats homemade, boxes of water, water bowl, food bowl, leash, poop bags, first aid kit and so much more. I also have a wonderful carrier which expands on all sides to enlarge it so I can put her inside it, and she will be safe plus I will not have to worry about her wandering off especially as she is going blind.  There is also a file with all her important info which includes a document with emergency contact if something happens to me. Her microchip is up to date, like her tags with an emergency phone number in case my phone is not working. My plan is if we must run to put her in her backpack and carry the bag, so she does not fall and hurt herself.


For me LOL, some instant coffee and creamer, crackers, and some cans of food but not much as the bag is so heavy with all her stuff. As I say I can live off bread and water, but she needs proper food. I also have a sleeping bag, flashlight, battery operated radio and I put to protect us from winds which San Francisco does have a beach canopy which will give us some shelter.

Being prepared can be a life saver for our fur family plus being prepared makes my life easier as I do not have to worry If something happens.

Are you prepared? Tell us what you have in your bag as hey maybe I forgot something. Please keep microchip and tags information updated at all times.


So, everyone, get the bags ready, please be safe

Happy Pride everyone, get rainbows flying in the wind,


With a woof and love from Layla


18 Replies to “Are you prepared ?”

  1. We do the same kind of thing. It’s important for the adults to be prepared and our babies too. Well done.

    I hope you had a fabulous Thankful Thursday.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  2. We like to think we’re prepared, not only is it hurricane season but it is also tornado season in our neck of the woods. Howdy sweet Layla! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

    • Brian please stay safe as we worry about our friends in hurricane or tornado areas. Thanks for your blog hop as always and have a safe wonderful week

  3. Probably the biggest thing I can think of that you didn’t mention is cash! During hurricane Sandy we lost power for over a week, and although stores in the area opened after a few days, they were not able to accept credit/debit because they didn’t have power to run the card readers. We couldn’t get cash out from the ATM or bank without electricity either. So now I always make sure to include some money in our emergency kit. Learned that one the hard way!

  4. You are so right, we all need to have an emergency survival bag for our pets. It’s critical even if you aren’t in an earthquake zone. You never know what will happen at any given moment in our world. It’s always best to be prepared.

    I’m like you. Make sure the pup is well tended to and then turn to my needs. Although, I don’t function well without coffee either.

    Great information. I’m sharing with my dog and pet friends.

    • Terri it is so important to be prepared in todays world. You are right we think of our pets first and then us and I agree coffee is a must have. Be safe and thank
      you for sharing with your friends

  5. It sounds like you are well prepared! It’s so sad when a pet is found, and the owner is MIA due to outdated information. It’s also very common for pet parents to forget to keep their microchip contact information up to date. You never know if, in an emergency, you’ll get separated from your pet. Thanks for this important reminder this month! Layla looks like she loves the backpack too!

    • Kamira keeping their information updated should be first priority and it upsets me when dogs get lost and the information is incorrect. I unfortunately
      blame the humans for that. I love sharing the reminders as it is so important for all of us. Layla loves her backpack and gets so excited when I take
      it out of the closet. Be safe and have a wonderful week

  6. I’d say we’re mostly prepared for disasters, just hope none are coming. The closest we came to a disaster was a nearby forest fire a couple of years back.

  7. Although we live in a low-risk area for natural disasters, manmade disasters can happy anywhere. We keep a bag packed for our pets including a first aid kit. I probably ought to pack a go-bag for myself too.

  8. What a great list of to-go things. While earthquakes are not as an imminent threat here as they are there, we have had a few minor ones, but definitely hurricanes, periodic tornado watch, and a hourse two doors down caught on fire. So I did always have a to-go bag always at the ready here, and an Epi First Aid (expanded in the First Aid Kit to include things for my epileptic boy), as well as harnesses and leashes and seat belts at the ready. While I no longer have my beloved Huskies, I still do have the go-bag full. I can’t seem to part with it, and the basic are a good first aid for us humans, too. Stay safe and enjoy that beautiful SF area!

    • Dorothy I am sure you were always organized for your babies as you were an incredible Dog Mom. Thanks for the compliment as I have tried to keep it altogether
      for Layla as with age I worry about her. We need a bag for ourselves also if something happens. Please be safe and have a great week

  9. It sounds like you are very prepared for an emergency. We don’t have that many natural disasters here in Michigan, but we do get tornados and floods. I have to refresh the supplies in my to-go bag. If I’m honest, I haven’t looked at them in a while. Thank you for the great reminder!

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