Another week in my life

TGIF and we cannot believe we are half way through June. This year is going too fast or is it the Madam Social Butterfly’s schedule that is doing it.
All I know is I wish on some days the year would slow down a bit.

All Dressed Up

Last Thursday evening, 6 June, was the Annual Fundraising Gala for the Shanti/PAWS Project, an amazing event where money of course is raised to keep their programs going such as :

PAWS – Pets Are Wonderful Support who provide comprehensive support services for animal companions. They serve seniors and people with life threatening illnesses or disabilities – all of whom are low income with services such as pet food bank, financial assistance for vet care, emergency pet foster care, dog washes, dog walking, cat care and other volunteer based services.

And many other programs like the Margot Murphy Women’s Cancer Program, HIV Services Program, Volunteer Services Program, LGBT Aging & Abilities Support Network, Peer Advocate Care Team, Jeffrey’s Place and Community Support Council. 
You can read all about the amazing work they do on their website :

There were lots of dogs at this event, plus a bird and of course Lilou the Therapy Pig who helps at SFO Airport and many other places.
Layla got all dressed up in her fancy pink glittery dress and looked very cute. I of course as always took her expandable carry bag with so if it became too much she had a safe haven and was very happy for that.

Some of the animals at the event – You can read all about Lilou the Pig on her
website :

Musik has her own Facebook Page :
thanks to her Mom Beverly for this fantastic photo.

By the time we got home I was exhausted and Madam was full of energy LOL.

On Sunday we went to another event, did not stay long as with the heatwave here in San Francisco it was unbearable plus I do not want her to over heat although she was wearing her cooling vest.

It was the 9th Annual Three Legged Picnic in our Park. It was wonderful to see so many come to this with their three legged dogs, lots of fun although it was so ridiculously hot. Layla got blessed by one of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence which made me very happy.

After her blessing with the Sister of Perpetual Indulgance 

Since Sunday and because of the heat which has finally broken we have basically been indoors as I did not want her to burn her paws on the sidewalk or over heat. We though did end the week with a fluffy party at my house on Wednesday night when some friends of mine went out and left their dogs, Savannah and Charlotte with us. Layla LOL just went to sleep while they played.

So as you can see never a dull moment in our lives, Layla keeps me busy which is great although I must admit I am now exhausted and looking forward to slowing down a bit this weekend PHEW.

What has been happening in your neighborhood ?  We cannot wait to hear !
Have a wonderful weekend everyone, stay cool,

With a woof and love from 

Rain rain go away, its a long weekend and I want to play

Friday has finally arrived. I am on my last week of work and then will be taking a bit of a break and spending some more time with Layla.

Last Friday Layla went for a groom, I cannot believe the prices here in San Francisco and they are the same everywhere in the city. For Layla it costs approximately 85 dollars without a tip, BUT it is worth it on the other hand as she is looking clean, healthy and not so scraggly like a ragamuffin.

I am a little snob and sexy

Over the weekend the weather was awful, cold and raining, and everything that I had planned to do I cancelled so Layla and I spent quality time together.

We did meet with some friends for coffee but I felt like I was swimming there with Madam in her back pack quite cozy while I dripped from the rain BOL.

On Sunday when there was a break in the rain I walked her to our favorite pet store to stock up on some Turkey tendons which is her new favorite, AND BOL, guess what ? Madam peed in the pet store next to a box of kitty litter. I nearly died of embarrassment but the staff laughed and told me some other dog had just peed there also. So what can I say but she was testing the kitty litter.

The Boss is ordering me around

This whole week the weather has  been cold and dreary and  I must admit I think both of us have cabin fever at the moment. So let’s hope this weekend, especially as it is a long one, we will have some sunshine and then we will be able to visit a different park which is what I am planning to do at the moment.

So as you can see, our fur friends and families, our week this week has not been so exciting and we need to do something about it.

Have a wonderful long weekend with all your family, both two legged and four legged and your friends, we cannot wait to hear what your plans are.

With a woof with love


Park time is starting

Let the park fun begin

Spring has arrived and the sun is shining although they say there is going to be more rain grrrrrrrrrrrrr.  It has been awesome though being able to walk Layla her long walks in the mornings which she loves. 

So as you always see Layla sitting or sleeping LOL I decided to share with you a video of her walking – or as I call it on a mission as once she gets started she just goes LOL and I feel we walk San Francisco.

Last weekend we spent most of the time in the park, the weather was wonderfully warm and it was just great to sit on a blanket and relax with coffee of course, Madam and her treats and the best of all no electronics. I love those kind of days when I people / dog watch and do nothing.

I have also found that since she is on her new supplements from Raw Paws Pet Food her energy level has doubled and it is great, she is also not itching when coming in from the park which I think is the best news of all and I hope it just carries on this way.

Don’t forget that you can get a 15% discount if you shop on line for their products with the code : Layla15

On Tuesday she got a bath, or as she calls it punishment but her favorite of course is getting all the free treats at the Pet Store where the bathing is done. So she is smelling of coconut at the moment which is better than the smelly park smells from rolling in the grass. 

I am at the moment looking into what dog events are happening this year in the Bay Area which is my favorite also, Layla gets to taste all the treats and I get to check all out and of course carry her in her back pack. The first one I know is happening in April around the corner from us, one of my favorites.

So that is what is happening in the Layla Neighborhood at the moment.

Have a wonderful weekend

 With a woof and love from Layla

Spring is in the Air

TGIF !!!!!  Woof Happy Friday all my fur friends and I hope you are all looking forward to the weekend the way we are.

We have had a busy week but also celebrating that the sun is shining and with the Daylight Savings we are now able to get to the park when I finish work. WOW what a concept, to feel the warm sun on your face after all the cold rainy weather. Not sure how long it will last but we are enjoying it immensely.

On Tuesday I took Layla for her annual check up. Growing old means being more careful, keeping double eyes on all and in a nutshell making sure she is getting all the correct nutrients in her food which I as a Jewish Mother is always worried about. They had done blood work on her a month ago as she had lost 1.5 lbs and I was really concerned BUT the happy news is she is back to her normal 15 lbs and nothing to worry about, she got a clean bill of health. I am so relieved over this as I know now I must be doing something right.

I spoke to the vet about her not wanting to go out after 7 in the evening and the vet told me not to worry, because of her one eye going blind she might be afraid of the dark so just to let her do what she wants and if she needs to go out she will tell me, which is what she normally does. 

Now as you all know I cook for Layla, and one of my biggest worries is that her food is not properly balanced so I am always doing research, checking and have come across the most amazing supplements which even my vet said she can see the difference in her since I have been giving them. Plus they are made in the USA which is the most important of all.

What are they :

01. Raw Paws Hip and Joint Support for Dogs and Cats : Organic hip and joint supplement is beneficial for all pet life stages from puppies and kittens up to seniors! This joint supplement is a healthy blend of green lipped mussel powder, ginger, turmeric curcumin, pumpkin and ceylon cinnamon. Giving this daily supplement offers natural arthritis relief without the nasty side effects from pet arthritis medicine! 

02.  Raw Paws Mineral Rich Organic Sea Kelp Daily Supplement for Dogs and Cats : This excellent natural source of iodine supports glandular functioning such as thyroid health and metabolism. With an improved metabolism, the overall health of your pets will improve by an increase in energy and decrease in inflammation and infection. Sea Kelp promotes oral health by reducing buildup of plaque and tartar for healthy teeth. Being the #1 source of natural trace minerals, sea kelp helps to strengthen the immune system, promotes a healthy skin and coat, reduces itching and fortifies the blood for an overall healthy, vibrant life! Sea Kelp also has 60 different vitamins, minerals, and trace elements as well as 21 amino acids. Made with zero artificial ingredients.

And I think the most important for our pampered pets are the TREATS which Layla is addicted to now. They sent me :

01. Chicken Jerky for dogs only  02. Freeze Dried Green Tripe which is for both Dogs and Cats 03. Freeze Dried Duck which is for both Dogs and Cats .

Layla is at this moment in Treat Heaven, every time she hears a bag she thinks its treats.

A Give Away (see the Rafflecopter Widget below) of a basket with Chicken Breast Jerky (8 oz), Freeze Dried Duck Treats (4 oz), and Freeze Dried Beef Green Tripe Treats (4oz).

For those that are interested in shopping a coupon :

All you have to do is go their website and type in : LAYLA15 and get 15% off your order.There is no expiration date on this coupon but it is a one time use only.

To read more about them and shop this is their website link :

Raw Paws Pet Food has sponsored me for this review plus give away which is only open for the USA.

Woof to all our fur friends that are entering, as you can see I love sharing with my cat friends also, so good luck. I am off now to beg for some more treats from Mom.

Have a wonderful weekend, Layla

The Rafflecopter Link for the Giveaway :

Poison Prevention Awareness Month.

March has arrived and the rains are still here. When will they stop. The good news is that California is out of drought the last I read but the grounds are so soaked that they are not absorbing the rains anymore. One muddy mess in the dog park LOL which Madam does not like.

March is also an important month as it is Poison Prevention Awareness Month.

Please keep us safe !

This is so important and it reminds us how important it is to keep our pets safe from anything toxic which leads to illness and sometimes death. So Layla decided that this week our blog is going to focus on this subject to make sure that all our fur friends are safe both in the house and outside. The way we child proof a house and garden, we should pet proof the same way.

01. Plants can be poisonous especially azalea, oleander, castor bean, sago palm, Easter lily or yew plant material eaten by an animal can be fatal.

02.. Cleaning products – those are dangerous and should not be lying around in the house. Please store them in a place that your pets have no access to. I personally only use Apple Cider Vinegar in the house for cleaning, etc as that way I know if Layla walks on the wet floor she is safe.

03. Medications – never give your pets medications unless directed by a Vet. Keep all medications locked away so they cannot find them.

04. Chocolate is a BIG NO. 

05.  Household products like coffee grinds, play dough, fabric softener sheets and more are all toxic to your pets.

06. Automotive products – please do not leave them lying around the garage and if something spills make sure to clean up.

07. Flea Meds – all pets have different reactions to these so please check with your vet before you administer them to your pets.

08. Always read all instructions / cautions of any product before using it in your house, garden or on your pet. 

09. Keep your pets inside or away from any insecticides  Also keep your pets away from fertilizers on the grass or in the garden. All of them can be toxic. Plus make sure you store these products in a place that is inaccessible to your pets.

10. Do not use products for dogs on cats and vice versa unless it says you can. 

11. If you are uncertain about the proper usage of any product, contact the manufacturer and/or your veterinarian for instructions.ASPCA National Animal Poison Control CenterSuite 361717 Philo RoadUrbana, IL 61801

Phone : (888) 4-ANI-HELP

I am aware we do these reminders all the time but I feel by reading the above, remembering we are keeping our pets safe, no extra vet bills or expenses and most of all we have a happy healthy home.

So now that Layla has woofed all this she is going back to bed LOL,
Be safe and have a great week, With love from Layla 

And the New Year has arrived

Good Morning Friends,

How are you and we hope you have all recovered from the holidays and over eating LOL, we have managed to relax in the middle also.

January is a special month for me as it is the month that I ran from Domestic Violence and found my freedom and it is the month that I rescued Layla also, we call it the month we found our freedom.

It has been a long journey, there have been ups and downs like when I lost Baby but whatever the negatives have been I am so happy I did it, saved Baby RIP from the abuse and although life is not perfect today I would rather have this life than what I had.

Rescuing Layla is a bonus, she has given me so much laughter, love and friendship which is things money cannot buy and I am so blessed to wake up to Ms Piss and Vinegar every morning.

Today and the next couple of days are for Layla Christmas Tree heaven as everyone puts their trees out to be picked up so she when going for walks pees on all of them. I often wonder what is going through her mind when doing it as when we visit friends over Christmas we watch the dogs to make sure they do not pee and then overnight they have the freedom to do it whenever they want. They must really think we are nuts.

Many are asking what resolutions we have made for New Year and going to be honest have made none, am going to take each day as it comes, cross every bridge as I get to it and make the best of the year as possible. Of course though the most important is keeping Layla healthy and happy.

So as Layla starts her morning nap we both want to wish everyone again a Happy Healthy 2019.

Woof with love from Layla