They just amaze me

Last Saturday we went to the 10th Tripawed Meet Up in our dog park. These dogs just amaze me and I always say we humans can learn from them.

Some of the dogs at the event

Madam watching what is going on

Most of the dogs are rescues and unfortunately have been dumped in shelters because of their disabilities but it does not bother them as they are happy dogs, some hopping on two legs, others with three legs and they just playing around, begging for treats and absolutely adorable.

It was a great day to have a picnic in the park with all dog parents, with lots of laughter and forget all the world problems.

This Saturday, August 21st is International Homeless Animal Day – Every year on the third Saturday of August, International Homeless Animals Day is celebrated to draw attention to the issue of pet overpopulation.

To raise awareness spay and neuter clinics are held, adoption fairs are held, unfortunately because of Covid a lot of these events will not be happening but we can all do something to stop the over population of pets.

We must remember that worldwide there is an over population of pets and if we do what I listed below these poor homeless pets will not face euthanasia and will live happy healthy lives in homes.

How can we help with over population of pets :

  • Spay and Neuter
  • Foster a shelter pet
  • Microchip your pets
  • Become an animal rescue advocate

So Layla is begging everyone to spay and neuter your pets, do not buy from breeders but open your heart to a homeless pet who desperately needs a safe home,

Thinking of all the homeless pets

Be safe everyone, with a woof and love from Layla

Do you know what day today is ?

TGIF !!  Friday has arrived, the weather is warming up and that means adventures woof.

Mom has had her vaccines so she is good to go is all I can say. I am really getting excited here as life has become boring and I am tired of walking the same routes every day. I know there is lots to smell but I am bored so it is time Mom takes me places. I will make sure she wears her mask and we do social distancing.

Last Saturday we went to the opening of a new pet store, it was such a hassle to get there, they had advertised that they would be giving free toys for the dogs, and other goodies and I personally can say it was a waste of time. The staff knew nothing when I asked them for something, they had rows of rawhide which is such a no no that for me, Mom it was a one and only time I will go there. Will stick to the local store instead which I love.

Now very important, today is National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day.

Each year, National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day is on April 30th to raise  awareness for the thousands of pets that are waiting and needing for  adoption from the sheltersAnimal shelters require year-round assistance and adoption is a part of the process.

I am a rescued dog, Mom adopted me from the Carson Shelter in Los Angeles over 10 years ago and living the life of a princess and that is why Mom and I discuss this every year as we want others to have the same opportunity I got. There are so many pets sitting in cages in shelters desperately looking for homes, we see it on social media and we all need to step up and help them, we cannot be silent.

We must also not forget that black pets are harder to get adopted than others so please remember them when looking.

Below is a list of what we must not forget when we go to a shelter to adopt a dog:

Here are links where you can search, I found Layla on PetHarbor. 

Please also remember that if you want a pure bred dog you can also find them in a shelter or rescue organization, why pay a breeder when you can save one instead.

So now that I have spoken up for those that do not have a voice, I  reminded everyone how important it is to open your home to an adopted dog as they are not to blame for being in the shelters, the humans are to blame for dumping them there, which is so not fair and as Mom says may Karma get those humans.

Please take care everyone and have a great weekend

With a woof and love from


Remember Me Thursday

Good Morning friends,

Today is a very important day so without hesitation we decided that our blog should be up today and not tomorrow as it is Remember Me Thursday.

I have always rescued, and only believe in rescuing and that is why this day is extra special for me.

On this day the world will share and discuss the importance of pet adoption, and shine a light on all orphan pets waiting in shelters and rescues to be adopted . We all come from different countries, religions but one thing we all have in common is the fate of the pets in shelters so we need to be their voice as they do not have one.

Those orphan pets in the shelters need homes, they want a warm bed to sleep in, good food, toys but most of all they want to be loved by humans so every time one is adopted you are saving two lives, the pet and yours.

We can help by spreading the word, changing the minds of people to open their hearts also :

01. Adopt and open your house to an orphan pet

02. Go to Remember Me Thursday Events in your area

PLUS I think the most important of all is to show everyone all over the world that adoption is the only way to go as the adopted/rescued pets deserve a second chance.

We want to say a special thanks to Mike Arms, President and CEO of Helen Woodward Animal Center, for creating this day to draw the attention of the orphaned pets sitting in shelters and by lighting a candle will draw people to their fate of euthanasia.  Thank you Helen Woodward Animal Center for permitting me to share this poem by Mike Arms.

Thank you for allowing me to share this poem

So let’s all get together, light a candle and save the shelter pets and give them the good life they deserve,

Thank you with love from

Layla   (my rescue from a shelter)


Mom made me work hard

Happy Friday Everyone,

We did not blog last week as we were working the Bay Area Pet Fair which is held every year by Pet Food Express, an amazing pet food store that gives so much back to the community, and because they do everything I need for Layla I buy from them.

It meant Layla and I getting up at 6 in the morning and getting home after 8 in the evening so it was a long but worthy weekend.

This fair is held at one of the fairgrounds in the East Bay and what is so important about it, is it is focused on rescue so all the rescue organizations of all animals come together there to show off and find homes for all the pets. There is a mix of dogs, cats, birds, bunnies and so much more. 

WOW is all I can say as the last I heard over 1603 animals found new homes, that is amazing and makes me so happy.

I was asked by Tropiclean to help with their booth this year, and as Layla is in many ways a Tropiclean baby I was happy to do so as I love their products. 

This year Tropiclean focused on their dental products handing out to everyone a 2 week trial pack for clean teeth and a healthy mouth which included :
01. Water additive – You add a cupful into your dogs fresh water everyday which gives up to 12 hours fresh breath and daily plaque and tartar defense.02. Clean teeth gel – You put a pea size on your both sides of your dogs molars once a day to remove plaque and tartar.03. I call the dog crack LOL – a Bone Dental Chew

I have been using these products for about 4 years, have never had to brush Layla’s teeth and they are pearly white. It is a product I swear by and recommend to everyone who is having problems brushing their dogs teeth. 
Tropiclean also has amazing natural flea and tick products, and grooming products which I use all the time on Layla. For those looking for natural products this is the place to go.

On Sunday evening when closing Tropiclean donated to some of the rescues boxes of their dental products which I think is so great as that helps the rescue organizations with the new dogs they are rescuing. A company that gives back is always in my eyes a company worth supporting.

I am not being sponsored by Tropiclean in this blog.

On Monday Layla and I were exhausted and just took it easy to recharge our batteries and catch up on things in the house plus of course emails.
So that was our weekend, and of course I am working as always while Madam just walks, eats and sleeps.  She has a hard life LOL.

What did you do this past weekend ? 

Today is Friday, the start of a new weekend where I am hopefully planning to go to the Greek Festival – love their foods yummm and am going to be leaving Layla at home so I can have some Me time, what a concept.

Have a great weekend all,

With a woof and love from Layla