It is my birthday next week.

TGIF!!! Friday has arrived and I hope it does not rain so I can go somewhere as I am tired of being stuck in the house and Mom feels the same. I know I should not complain as so many of my friends are stuck with snow but enough is enough.

When it rains you snuffle for treats BOL



So weather permitting Mom is taking me to the Shi Tzu Meet Up tomorrow morning, it is a fantastic park and I am really excited. I cannot wait to wander around, bark of course BOL and embarrass Mom like I like doing, eat lots of treats and have some fresh air plus spend time with other fluffies like me. I am really excited and it better not rain.


On the 31st of January 2011 I was rescued from the Carson Shelter in Los Angeles. The story of how it was an online affair I love sharing to prove to people it can happen and it does work out. Mommy saw me sitting in a cage, emailed a friend of a friend who is a rescuer, Cindy went to the shelter and pulled me out, then Uncle Michael drove to me San Francisco.


Because they do not know my exact birth date, and have worked out I am 18 years old, Mom is working hard organizing a birthday party for me for next Friday afternoon, not sure who is going to be there, dogs and humans, but she says she will have a lot of surprises for me, my one gift arrived today but she would not me smell it and hid it in the closet immediately. She promised she would let me sniff it tomorrow when it assembled. I am so excited and cannot wait.

So I am getting really excited for next week, it is going to be so much fun I cannot wait. I might be old but you are never too old to have fun.

I am off to bed now as I am exhausted from dictating to Mom,


Have a safe warm weekend everyone, I wish you all could come to celebrate with me,

Lots of love as always with a woof

Layla xxx






We had an adventure

Woof everyone and how are you?  Friday has arrived and that means weekend, and woof weekend means adventures weather permitting cos as Mom says if it is raining we are staying home and hibernating. She will even give me extra treats if I let her do that, so the question is should I? BOL.

Last week it had stopped raining, the sun was out but chilly so we bundled up and took the train to my favorite park, it is a lawn on the promenade which has a dog park on one side but we sit on the opposite lawn, Mom gets her chair and coffee, and I wander around smelling and then normally lie down especially if there is sun and just chill next to the Bay, clean air and pawsome to be outside. Plus I get lots of treats from Mom, it is our quality time and we do not look at phones or any other electronics but enjoy the nature although Mom uses her camera to take photos of me of course, I am her model for all the shots.


I got very angry as there was garbage on the lawn which makes me angry as I wish people would respect nature and put the garbage in the bin and there are two right there, it shows how lazy people are, so I did what I do well, barked and barked but Mom was good and picked it all up and put in the garbage so we left the place clean. (see video below)

The rain came back so that was the end of our adventures this week so we have been stuck indoors, Mom I must admit is good and takes me with her to the stores when she goes shopping so I do get out in my stroller and stay dry while Mom gets soaked BOL, poor Mom.

I have a new quirk which comes with age and that is I now stand if I am not in the stroller although it is with us and bark for nothing, Mom stands there looking like a fool while I bark away and the empty stroller is held by Mom, I love doing it although Mom is not pleased especially if it is late at night but hey I am allowed to talk aren’t I?

We go for our last walk at about midnight cos Mom figured out the later I go the later I sleep in the morning so she is finally having 6 hours sleep a night and feeling more relaxed in the morning, so I can be nice to her if I want to.

It is my Gotcha Day at the end of the month and I am wondering what Mom is going to do for me, she cannot believe I have been with her 13 years and we are now growing old together. Does anyone have ideas for my Gotcha Day?

I am off to bed now it is past my bedtime and old ladies need their sleep,

Stay warm everyone, be safe and have a wonderful weekend!

With woof and love from Layla





January 2024 Pet Holidays and Observances

Welcome 2024, let the pet holidays and observances begin as we all need to remember them so our pets do not feel left out.


  • National Train your Dog Month
  • Unchain a Dog Month.
  • Walk Your Dog Month.
  • Adopt a Rescue Bird Month



  • 2: National Pet Travel Safety Day.
  • 2: Happy Mew Year for Cats Day.
  • 5: National Bird Day
  • 10: Save the Eagles Day
  • 14: National Dress Up Your Pet Day.
  •  18: Winnie the Pooh Day
  • 19: National Conservation Dog Day.
  • 20: Penguin Awareness Day
  • 21: Squirrel Appreciation Day
  • 22: National Answer Your Cat’s Question Day.
  • 24: Change a Pet’s Life Day.
  • 24: Peanut Butter Day. 
  • 29: Seeing Eye Guide Dog Anniversary.
  • 29: Tuxedo Cat Appreciation Day.

May 2024 be a healthy happy safe peaceful New Year for Everyone

Woof with love from Layla







2023 is over WOW

Good morning,

The weekend has arrived but guess what, it is the end of the year also. 2023 has gone so fast it is scary and 2024 is a few days away. WOW.

This past week it has been cold and rainy so we have stayed indoors dry and playing with snuffle ball and napping, it can be boring for me but Mom does not want me to get sick, so she is very firm with her plans when it rains. I do not like the rain so in a way I enjoy being home although I do have the stroller with a cover to keep me dry but Mom gets wet and she is not happy BOL.

I lucked out Mom spilled my treats so am vacuuming with my tongue

New Years eve is a nightmare for so many of my fur friends because of those horrible noisy fireworks, in my younger days Mom would make me a bed in the shower with my water and favorite toys so I would not hear them plus she played the Jaz station all night long but now I am old I do not hear them that much which has made Moms life a lot less stressful and easy. She never leaves me alone, so I feel very safe and secure.


Please keep all of us safe and it can be very scary to be outdoors with all bangs going off plus as I woofed to Mom I feel very sorry for the wild animals and birds that suffer from it all. Do you agree with me?

Did you know that January is overflowing with pets because people have dumped their pets for selfish reasons, they do not think that pets are part of family and should live all their lives with them. Layla was dumped in January and I rescued her on the 31st of January, a total matted mess but I lucked out with the most beautiful little girl in the world and her ex family lost out.


I must now go to sleep as an old girl needs her beauty sleep, Happy New Year Everyone, may 2024 bring peace, love, health and happiness to everyone,

With a woof and love from






Happy Holidays Everyone

Good morning Friends,

Can you believe it is nearly the end of 2023 WOW, this year has gone too fast or is Mom getting old too quickly BOL.

I was not well last week and Mom was very worried about me. I kept pooping, not diarrhea though but could not hold my poops so Mom was cleaning all weekend after me and she was exhausted. Because of it Mom could not go to her Hanukkah party on Sunday and I feel bad. She phoned our vet and spoke to a tech about it and he suggested that Mom speak to a vet and gave us a phone number of an emergency clinic which answers questions over the phone. So Mom called them and spoke to a really sweet vet who calmed Mom down and since then Mom has relaxed and my problem has been solved. Mom emailed my vet on Monday telling her what had been happening and my vet told Mom to give me some medications. But because my tummy had settled we decided not to give me the medications but as my vet is going on holiday this week for two weeks she has left the medication on my name for an emergency but thank goodness we have no need at this moment.

My vet did tell Mom that pumpkin could have been part of the problem as I am a senior and sometimes pumpkin does not work on us, so no more pumpkin for me.

We have done something new, changed my diet which my vet thinks is a good idea. I now eat ground lamb with brown rice for fiber and my tummy is working perfectly and the lamb is so so good, although as Mom says it is not cheap either. But I am a princess and deserve the best.

Another thing we have done is because my back legs are not that stable anymore and I fall into my food or knock it over, I cannot eat out of bowls anymore as I do not see and knock them over, so Mom now feeds me on my own little table with a flat porcelain dish which is heavy and hard to push over. See the photo below and my video where you can hear me slurping away.

Yum the lamb is so good

Video :

Because of the rain all week we have not really gone out that much as Mom does not like swimming in the rain and neither do I so Christmas events we did now do this week but I have been spoiled and we are sharing some old photos from Christmas events in San Francisco. Memories cannot be erased.

From one of the Christmas events in San Francisco a couple of years ago

Video :


Please keep your fur family safe this Christmas, do not drink and drive and most of all adopt don’t shop if you are getting a new fur baby.

Merry Christmas Everyone,


Enjoy your time with your family and make lots of memories

With love from Layla



How to protect your dog with Supplements from Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease (CIRDC)

TGIF! Good morning, everyone,

Winter has arrived and with it all the colds, flu and so much more. We are all aware of the new CANINE INFECTIOUS RESPIRATORY Virus that is going around and we have all become alert and aware of everywhere our dogs go. I have been following it everywhere and as a Mom to a senior it got me more concerned as Layla loves being outdoors and when in parks roam around so decided to do some real research.

One of the wake up calls for me was the email I received from my vet clinic, The San Francisco Animal Medical Centre where we went last week as they invited all their clients to the opening of a new section, An Oncology Department and MRI, and they will be adding more in the near future. I am really excited to have everything under one roof and knowing the staff and vets makes it a lot easier. Layla’s vet was there, and she thanked me for the mention in my Thanksgiving post and loved that I shared my list of supplements that I give Layla and complemented me that I am a wonderful Dog Mom, which made me feel good.

I got permission from Dr. Judy Morgan to share here  from her blog:

What foods strengthen the immune system?

  • Blueberries nourish Blood and Yin, clear heat, have antioxidant properties, and play an essential role in the respiratory tract’s immune defense system.
  • Turmeric has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, is a Chi (energy) tonic and resolves stagnation.
  • Oily fish like sardines are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, have anti-inflammatory properties, and are a Blood and Chi tonic.
  • Broccoli is rich in vitamins, has antioxidant properties, tonifies Blood, and clears heat. Serve steamed or grind into small pieces and serve raw.
  • Sweet potato reinforces the spleen and stomach, has antioxidant properties, and is rich in beta carotene and vitamin A.
  • Spinach is rich in vitamins C and E, flavonoids, carotenoids, and is a Blood tonic.
  • Ginger contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, warms the lungs and arrests cough. Ginger is a warm herb; if a high fever is present, use peppermint or spearmint.
  • Garlic breaks down phlegm, reinforces the stomach, and aids digestion. Like ginger, garlic has warming properties and is not recommended if fever is present.
  • Red bell pepper is a rich source of vitamin C and promotes circulation.
  • Ground almonds transform phlegm and moisten the lungs.

What supplements strengthen the immune system?

Turkey Tail Mushrooms boost immune cell production, combat infections, and alleviate inflammation.

Vitamin C, an antioxidant, helps maintain healthy immune system function and is also good for arthritis.

Colostrum supplies immunoglobulins (antibodies) and cytokines which are important components of the immune system.

Probiotics support the immune function and gut health.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. It is important to test current levels of Vitamin D in the body as too much is toxic. Be sure to test levels before administering. On the other hand, low Vitamin D leaves the immune system compromised. Foods such as egg yolks and oily fish (sardines) can be given in place of Vitamin D without the risk of toxicity.

Fresh or Freeze-Dried Lung like treats like and lung can be a great food or treat to support respiratory function.

You can read more about her on:

Mushroom Supplements – If you shop at Real Mushrooms, you have a 10% coupon with LaylasWoof

Another very interesting resource is the Q&A today by Dr Rob Silver from Real Mushrooms ad Joni Kamlet.  They answered a lot of questions and I found it very interesting plus I got from them all the answers I needed to keep Layla healthy and safe. One of the products that stood out for me is 5 Defenders which has all the mushrooms needed to keep her immune system healthy plus they mentioned a new product that would be on the market soon which is a daily mushroom supplement called Daily Dawg.

This document says it all:

So, I hope all this information will help everyone keep their pups healthy and happy.

Before we end off this week, we want to wish everyone a Happy Hanukkah, the Miracle of Lights and please keep your pets safe. Layla has a message for you as always, see the link below :

I cannot not share my healthy latkes recipes which are great treats for dogs

Happy Hanukkah Everyone, be safe and have a wonderful weekend

With a woof and love from Layla






December Pet Holidays and Observances

December has arrived that means hoodie time

December has arrived and with it all the holidays we celebrate so please stay warm and cozy as the cold weather has arrived also, brrrrr


  • National Cat Lover’s Month.

One Day

  • Dec. 1: National Twin With Your Dog Day.
  • Dec. 2: National Mutt Day.
  • Dec. 7: Hanukkah Starts
  • Dec. 9: International Day of Veterinary Medicine.
  • Dec. 10: International Animal Rights Day.
  • Dec. 11: Holiday Food Drive for the Needy Animals Day.
  • Dec. 15: National Cat Herders Day.
  • Dec. 15: Hanukkah Ends
  • Dec. 25: Christmas Day
  • Dec. 26:  Boxing Day

Wishing all our friends Happy Hanukkah חַג חֲנוּכָּה שַׂמֵחַ and a Merry Christmas


Love Layla


Happy Halloween

TGIF! Happy Friday all my friends, can you believe it is the end of October and that means Halloween.

Mom is like a child BOL when it comes to Halloween as she loves all the costumes, the fun in the streets and of course the candies, but at the same time she makes sure I am safe and enjoying myself.

This year we are not going anywhere, Mom feels it is getting too much all the crowds so we decided instead to share with you some photos of our past Halloween including a photo of my sister Baby and what Mom dressed her in which still makes Mom giggle.

I am a little ballerina, Layla

My personality, a princess but I can be a devil also, Layla

Baby as a fire hydrant

We hope you will enjoy the photos as much as I am enjoying sharing then with you.

Please remember to keep us safe as there are Halloween hazards for your fur babies and especially make sure your cats are safe inside especially if they are back.


Happy Halloween Everyone, please do not eat too much candy or your dentist bill will be high oy vey and please keep all chocolates and candies away from us.

Lots of love and hugs from




We have been busy

TGIF !!! Good morning all my friends, we hope you are all well and safe.

I have been debating whether to write this week about what is happening in Israel but as an Israeli I cannot keep quiet so all I am asking from my friends is that they say a prayer for all the pets that through the massacres have lost their families, are now orphaned and I pray they all find new safe homes.

I am attaching a link from a newspaper that broke my heart and made me really think about all of them : This is what is said in English as the article is in Hebrew “We just left the slaughter area at the party. We cleared the bodies. The horrors that we saw will never get out of our heads. The only thing that came out of this life is one cute little dog ”   Tomer Peretz

We have been very busy the last two weekends so will now share our adventures as life needs to carry on and Layla loves going out so this is what we have been doing :

Two weeks ago we went to a dog event, a place I have never been to which was fun and visited a friend of mine who had a booth there and she has the cutest most well mannered dog so Layla said hi and I sat and chatted with her for a bit. We then wandered around checking the booths and from there walked to our favorite park where Layla was happy to sniff a lot, bark of course and then nap LOL. Her favorite past time.  From there we came home as I needed a nap also so we just chilled and relaxed at home the rest of the weekend.

Phew thank goodness my butt is not that fat, Layla

Layla and Musk

Wandering around the cool damp grass


Last weekend was Fleet week in San Francisco. There was a lot going on in our park next to our house but because of her in the stroller and always wanting to jump out I decided not to go but instead took the train to our favorite park on the Bay where we chilled, she wandered and barked of course and after an hour or so fell asleep. I sat a bit longer but when the Blue Angels started (I don’t like) she woke up, seemed to be a bit anxious so I packed up and came home to relax.

Cool as a cucumber in my cooling vest

Me and the sailors

Being on the Bay is the best for me as I totally relax plus do not have to worry about her as there are no dogs so she is safe wandering around sniffing and napping which makes my life more relaxing.

I love this view

On top of all this we did her senior blood panel this week, she has no liver problems, phew but does have a kidney infection and it does not matter how much water she drinks she seems to be dehydrated to am making sure she drinks a lot and I wake her up in the middle of the night to drink more.  She is on antibiotics for two weeks and hopefully they will clear it up.

So never a dull moment in our house, but cannot complain because as long as she is a happy healthy 17 year old I am happy.

On this note we are sending prayers to all our family and friends in Israel, please be safe everyone and have a wonderful weekend,

With love and hugs from



October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Good Morning,

October has arrived and with it the Month of Domestic Violence Awareness. This is very close to my heart as I am a proud survivor.

I am one of the lucky ones that managed to get away with my little dog, hid at a friend and then moved to a new city where we were both helped.  If I had left my dog I know my ex would have carried on abusing her so the minute I could run, we ran.

She since has passed away, but she was my inspiration, my hero, my trooper and my lifeline through those dark days, and when she passed it was when I was finally in my own home so she knew I was safe, and could then open my heart to a new pup, and Layla arrived to live with me.  Layla wears a tag that says: Shelter Survivor which speaks for both of us.

Today I am not going to talk about me, but “The Power and Control Wheel” of Animal Abuse and Domestic Violence. This gives us a better understanding as to what happens behind closed doors, and why so many victims stay in the relationships.

  1. Threats – The abuser will threaten to kill or abuse the pet during the relationship or if left behind. (I stayed in mine to protect Baby.)
  2. Isolation – Refusing vet care for the pet. Isolating the victim that the pet also suffers as it is not socialized with other dogs. It is as if you are living in a cage.
  3. Emotional Abuse – Giving away or killing the pet to take away her source of unconditional love.
  4. Economical Abuse – Refusing to permit her to buy pet food or vet care
  5. Legal Abuse – Custody battles over pets. This is heart breaking as they file charges against the victim claiming theft if she leaves with the pet.
  6. Intimidation – Harming or killing the pet and then saying to the victim “Next time it will be you…..” They do this to family and friends who assist with the victim and pets getting away.
  7. Denying and blaming – Blaming the victim or the pet when something happens.

An abuser will want to control everything, and if he or she does not have that, we, the humans, kids or pets become the victims of his or her anger, although he/she will never admit it.

So when people reach out and talk about wanting to leave a Domestic Violence relationship but cannot leave their pets, these are some of the reasons and I from experience would have rather carried on suffering the abuse to make sure Baby was safe, than left her in a house where she would suffer.

Today things have changed and there are Domestic Violence shelters that are allowing pets or they will know where your pet can go and be safe.

Pets do not understand abuse the way we do and they should not have to suffer at the hands of an abuser of any kind as they give us the unconditional love and loyalty that unfortunately humans do not do.

Be safe, have a wonderful week, with a woof of love from



National Domestic Violence Hotline Phone number : 800-799-7233

Red Rover – they help Domestic Violence Victims and their pets