I went on an adventure.

Woof hello friends, can you believe we are in the second month of the year already, the days go too fast but the good thing is spring is soon here, that means more outdoors for me, park time woof and of course adventures.

Last weekend was cold and rainy but Mom and Aunt Laura decided we needed to get out of the city so we drove about 20 minutes to Pacifica, a beautiful coastal town.

It was chilly but the sun was shining and we went for a long walk on the promenade smelling the fresh sea air. It was so great to be outdoors smelling lots of new smells and Mom was so proud of me as I walked a lot and loved it.


I woofed Mom that I would love to live in a place like that but because Mom does not drive we cannot move out of the city.

Today I went to get my annual senior wellness checkup. I was not happy but as Mom says I need to visit the vet every six months to keep me healthy. They did a blood test on me ouch and Mom is now waiting for the results. My vet is really nice and She is so kind to me, She is happy with what Mom is feeding me and of course all the supplements. Mom also told her about my session with the Animal Communicator last week.

Here is the video of the session which my friend did for me :


I do not like vets when they feel me and prod me. This is my vet Dr Gervais


This weekend we have plans to go on an adventure again but I am not sure where plus I love surprises. Mom also has surprised me with two new bags of treats which I am getting tomorrow and so excited I cannot wait, that means lots more snuffle toy time woof.


So all my friends, life is good in the Layla Neighborhood, I get spoiled, Mom is happy that I am happy and that is all that counts.


Have a wonderful weekend.

With a woof and love from Layla




Life is slowly changing

TGIF!!! Spring is here and the weather is warming up slowly which means us being outside more.

I am really looking forward to getting out of the house more now that we can although I am still wearing my mask, events are starting to pop up and life is slowly getting back to normal.

This Saturday I am going to the Ballet, something I have not done in so long and really looking forward to getting out of sweatpants and putting some normal clothes on, what a concept, Yes I will be wearing a mask but it is really exciting.

This month also Dog Fest is happening, one of my favorite Dog Events which is exciting although Layla does not enjoy events anymore but thank goodness for the backpack which she loves we will be going.

I took Layla to the Shi Tzu meet up last week and she did not enjoy herself unfortunately, she was ready to go home the minute we got there and in the past she always walked around all the fluffs but this time she tried running out of the park so I put her in her back pack and she relaxed and was happy, so was I relaxed and did not have to worry about her.


We had brunch with a friend last weekend also which was great and of course Layla was begging for something LOL.

Update on her health, her vet emailed me the lab results today which I am trying to decipher but am relieved 95% is good, her heart is good for her age.  I emailed the vet with some questions which hopefully will get her answer within the next few days. Layla also went to the Eye Doctor and her left eye does not have an infection but because of her cataract her eye is not making tears so its dry and therefore the redness in her eye. The vet will not operate at her age but has put her on new drops which seems to be helping, phew.

So that is what is happening in the senior Layla Neighborhood, we both aging gracefully.

Have a great week and be safe







The sun has been shining and Madam is happy

Hi and woof to all my friends,

The sun has been shining which has been pawsome as Mom and I have been out and about walking a lot BOL and went on adventure.

Mom has come to the conclusion when we are out walking I want to walk to South Africa as I make her walk about 6 or 7 blocks each time, uphill and downhill and off we go. She does not realize that excluding me needing to potty there are lots of smells and pmail to check along the way and shhh don’t tell her but I drag her in the direction where all my treat uncles are so I can get a snack along the way.

Last Saturday we went to the Shi Tzu meet up in another dog park. It was chilly and windy but also nice to be out although I told Mom I do not like dog parks anymore, too much going on and it scares me so am not sure if Mom will take me again. I sat on Mom’s lap most of the time while she chatted with the hoomans and was so happy to go home when the time came. I do love travelling on the bus and trams but that is different as I feel safe in my backpack and Mom carries me.


Tomorrow I am going to my Uncles garden and really excited. I love that garden as its only me, no chaos and just sniff and wander around while Mom chats with Uncle and they drink tea.

So that is what is happening in the Layla Neighborhood at the moment, keeping Mom on her toes and BOL I think she is losing some weight from the long walks.

Before I forget it is my gotcha day next week so Mom is going to do a give away for some yummy treats and food for someone lucky dog.


Be safe and have a great weekend

With a woof and love from



Living with Layla

TGIF !!!!

The weather has been awful, raining non stop, freezing and with the new variant we have been indoors most of the time.

January is Walk Your Dog Month and Layla is in heaven as all the Christmas Trees are on the sidewalks so all she does is smell

and pee on them LOL.

See video below of her helping me with the housework.


When there has been a break in the rain and the sun peeks out I have taken her somewhere to give her some fun. Last week I took her to the promenade, which was awesome, chilly but sun shining, and she was in her element running around and me running after her so she did not go far. I had taken tea with me but never got to drink it as I could not sit down for too long, but it was worth it as she had so much fun and that is all that counts.

See the video below of her happily running, I leave the leash on her so that I can stand on it which makes it easier for me to catch her.


On top of it all Layla now has an ear infection which I was lucky to get her into the Vet and get it sorted out, 200 plus dollars later she is slowly getting better. The vet is really impressed with Layla’s over all health for her age so am relieved.

Today we went to my friends garden, it was cold and misty but it was great to sit outdoors for a bit and Madam was in her element.

See below the video of her moaning for treats, I give her freeze dried raw kibbles as treats as she loves them.


So, the beginning of the New Year has been very quiet, nothing exciting as such but I am blessed to have a happy healthy little girl.

We hope you all have a safe healthy New Year

With love from Layla

Layla went on an adventure

TGIF !!!!!!!

Friday has arrived and they are expecting a sunny weekend phew as I would love to be out of house for a couple of hours with Madam.

I love adventures with Layla and every weekend I try to take her somewhere where she can run off leash and of course sniff new smells.

Last weekend we hopped on the Tram Line and went down to the Pier to see the sea lions and walk along the Pier and Bay. It was a beautiful day, just perfect and we had a wonderful time.

I let Layla run on leash but free from my hands and she was so happy to have that freedom, lots to sniff of course and she was fascinated with the Bay sticking her face through the wooden fence checking everything out. It was adorable to watch her and with her age she loves these outings.

Waiting for the tram in her backpack





Watching the bay

See video : https://youtu.be/1juNpuQfD7E


Layla was at the Vet Opthamologist recently where they found she is having really bad environmental allergies with her eyes and they have put her on a new eye drop. When I heard the price of the medication I nearly had a heart attack – 400 dollars for a bottle WOW. The vet told me to order them from Canada so I did research and bought 3 bottles for 130 including shipping. Big difference and they arrived yesterday so hopefully these will work. They are called Nevanac but I am calling them eye gold. I am praying they will help her eyes and get rid of the redness and itching.

Otherwise she is really healthy for her age phew.

So that is what is happening in the Layla Neighborhood, Bossy Barker orders me around, I jump to attention and we are taking each day as it comes.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone,  be safe

With a woof and love from




The fireworks are coming keep us safe please


Dressed up ready to party

Its Friday, the beginning of a long weekend and that means the fireworks are coming. Actually people have been letting them off for weeks now and I personally am sick of it all.

In a nutshell a waste of money which could be used on better things like donations to non profits, helping the homeless, helping shelters and so much more. I actually do not even want to go into this subject too much as my blood pressure goes through the roof.

So many pets get lost on 4th of July thanks to stupid owners who do not care for their pets by keeping them safe.

How to keep pet safe on 4th of July :

Never leave alcoholic drinks unattended where pets can reach them – these can be poison and make us very sick, death can also be possible

Do not apply any sunscreen or insect repellent product to your pet that is not labeled specifically for use on animals, this can also poison us.

Always keep matches and lighter fluid out of your pets’ reach – these can also make us sick

Keep your pets on their normal diet.  This is important as a change of diet with all the stress from fireworks etc can cause indigestion and diarrhea

Never use fireworks around pets – these can cause severe burns, trauma to the face plus they contain toxic materials.

Loud, crowded fireworks displays are no fun for pets – leave your pets at home in a safe quiet spot, why traumatize them in this situation which is just being selfish and uncaring.

Be prepared in the event that your pet does escape – make sure your pet is wearing a collar with an updated tag, microchip is updated and BEST of all just keep your pet inside in a safe place where it cannot escape.

Safe in my box where I love to hide

Now for some fun stuff – we had a very busy weekend last week, on Friday we went to the Trans March and Mom and I met the Mayor of San Francisco. She was nice enough to let us get a  photo of her.

Mayor London Breed chatting with me and Layla (Sorry my face is covered but I have to because of my ex

On Saturday we went to the Shi Tzhu meet up which was awesome as I saw all my friends that I have not seen in over a year, it was a fun fluffy morning.  From there we went to another park for Storm and Dash’s Birthday Party. It was windy and freezing cold but so much fun to see so many people again and of course the dogs.

Lots of fluffies all my size

We had the pools out as we were hoping to swim but because of the cold we decided not to, Mom says I would have turned into a popsicle.

Protecting the pool from blowing away

The pool we had was amazing though and cannot wait to try it out on a hot day. It is from a company called Pecute and they sell on Amazon. The pool is safe and made with a non toxic PVC material, durable with a nonslip bottom, it has quick drainage which is fantastic, an additional adaptor which will help you recycle the water and most of all it can be conveniently stored. For all those that have yards this is a must as it is big enough for us humans also.

Birthday cake time

Dash and Storm and their yummy birthday cakes, Happy Birthday both of you with love from Layla

Uncle Troy handing out the treats

We have the size XL which is large and comfy.

The company is giving a $10.00 coupon for all those that buy it by the 3rd of July which is a great money saver of course. Coupon on the link below.

Coupon for Amazon


We were given the pool to try out

So last weekend was busy but on Sunday Mom put her feet up and relaxed and I slept all day BOL as I was tired also plus I need my energy for this weekend adventures, not sure what they are.


On this note we want to wish everyone a Happy 4th of July, please keep us safe and have a wonderful family fun weekend,

With a woof and love from Layla