The Social Butterfly

TGIF !!! The weekend has arrived and San Francisco is having Pride Weekend, lots of parades and parties and the city is going to be chaotic. I am not sure if

I will go to any of the events this weekend as little Miss Social Butterfly is exhausted from last weekend including a birthday park for her friends in one of the dog parks.

Plus we have Gidget staying with us this weekend so it is one happy doggy home this weekend.

Last Saturday we went to a birthday party in the Alamo Square dog park for Dash and Storm, both seniors now and it was lots of fun. It was great seeing all our friends, hanging out in the park although it was very windy LOL but worth the windy weather.  Troy their father did a fantastic job organizing it all, lots of human snacks, yumm and of course lots of goodies for the pups including little swag bags for them to take home with amazing treats inside. They were all totally spoiled as usual and Storm and Dash were very spoiled.

waiting for the goodies at the party

Kissing Uncle thank you for the fun party

The goodie bags for the pups to take home

So now you understand why we lying low this weekend although we will do some regular dog park time for fresh air but we will avoid all the chaos.

As you all know Layla is aging and with age she is becoming a puppy again and starting to do things she has never done, stealing treats from her Uncle’s pocket and this week I caught her sticking her nose in the recycle bin trying to get to the aluminum foil that I had used for cooking. I now must hide things from Madam to keep her safe and healthy. She is becoming a little mischief maker LOL.

That is what is happening here, please be safe everyone and have a safe wonderful weekend,

Happy Pride to those that are celebrating

With a woof and love from







Why we celebrate Pride Month

Woof hello every pawdy, as you know it is Pride Month all over the world which is a month of celebrating so much that I decided to share with you here the history so you understand why it is so important.


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Pride Month is celebrated each year in June to honor the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan. The Stonewall Uprising was a tipping point for the Gay Liberation Movement in the United States. It opened the doors to our freedom and being able to live the way we want to live, love who we want to love, and as they say it enabled so many to come out of the closet and be openly freely gay.

This year the theme in San Francisco  is #LookingBackandMovingForward and Washington DC was #peace,love, revolution

The Rainbow flag was created by an artist Gilbert Baker and the colors have a meaning.

Red : Vitality

Orange : Healing

Yellow : Sunlight

Green : Nature

Indigo : Harmony

Violet : Spirit


The Pink or Black Triangle: During the Holocaust the Gays were forced to wear Pink Triangles so that they could be singled out and persecuted, the Black Triangle was for the Lesbians who went through the same and that is why we wear those Triangles to remember the Gays and Lesbians who were killed during the Holocaust. In San Francisco every June they put a large Pink Triangle on Twin Peaks for the month to remember those that were killed.  It is the same reason the Jews were forced to wear a yellow Star of David, so that they would stand out and be alienated by the Third Reich and unfortunately met their fate in gas chambers.


So now you know why it is important to celebrate in June, as we are fortunate but there are so many countries to this day that torture the LGBTQ community and they have so many living in fear for the lives to this day:

Muslim Majority : Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Brunei, Chad, Comoros, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine/Gaza, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, United Arab Emirates, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan

Christian majority : Antigua & Barbuda, Burundi, Cameroon, Cook Islands, Russia, Dominican, Grenada, Guinea, Guyana, Jamaica, Kenya, Kirbati, Liberia, Malawi, Namibia, Papua & New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Sierra Leone, St Kitts & Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent & the Grenadines, Tanzania, Swaziland, Togo, Tonga, Tuvalu, Uganda, Zimbabwe

Other : Mauritius, Myanmar, Nigeria, Singapore, Sri Lanka

I am aware that there are those in the USA that are against the LGBTQ community, label us and so much more but if we keep quiet, do not talk out against the hatred it will carry on and the sad part is that many LGBTQ more youth will commit suicide because of the pressure from those haters.

The reason I am talking out today is we speak out against animal abuse, protecting our pets, Domestic Violence, this is just as important as there are so many in the world that do not have a voice to speak out from fear so we need to be their voices.

So let us celebrate and this week Layla and I went to two Pride Parties, one had a Drag Queen who looked like Cher and sang her songs which was fantastic, a lot of laughter and fun and the other was a Pride Party at a Diving School, a pool party although Madam did not swim, it was just so much fun to be out and about celebrating this month with others. She is exhausted today from her busy week, I am too from pushing the stroller but it was worth it so this weekend we are taking it easy although she has a doggy birthday party to go to in one of the parks, photos will be shared next week.

Relaxing listening to Cher at the Pride Party

Waiting to go to the pool party

Happy Pride to those that celebrate and have a wonderful safe weekend

With a woof and love from Layla

The Sun has been Shining

Good morning Everyone,

Friday has arrived and I am so looking forward to park time this weekend, eat lots of treats and make Mom run after me when I go to far, it is the best and lots of fun. Layla knows where the people sit on the benches and the treat Uncles are so she will walk there to get treats and I have to run after her as I do not want her to get lost or hurt herself being old and blind.

This past week with the sun shining we spent quite a bit of time in the park which was really great just to be outdoors, me drinking my coffee with hot chocolate which I am not addicted to LOL and Layla wandering, sleeping and just like me enjoying life.

Waiting for Uncle with my treats

I am reminding everyone about this amazing chocolate mix with mushrooms as it is so so so tasty and of course makes the coffee so chocolaty.

On Monday we met up with a good friend of mine, Troy, Layla adores him as he always spoils her but this time she got into mischief LOL and found the bag of treats in his pocket, slyly pulled it out, with a big smile on her face, bag in her mouth, tail wagging, she was chomping away like a little pig LOL. I of course took it away from her as I was afraid of her choking on the plastic, but I laughed so much over the entire thing as she in the 12 + years I have her she has never done something like that.  Sorry for no photo as I was just laughing and could not get the camera fast enough.

So where is he ?


So mischief maker is keeping me on my toes, she is quite a clown but I adore her and would not change anything plus it makes me realize how aware she is with age, and wanting to go out and wander around the park. I am very blessed.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone, what are your plans ?

With woof and love from






Last Weekends Adventure

Hi friends,

The sun is out and with it comes the fun. Mom took me to one of our favorite places last week, Stow Lake which is just beautiful and full of nature. Mom and Aunt Laura sat on a blanket chatting while Thomas, Coco and Me wandered around, it was pawsome with hardly anyone there but a few families doing Easter Egg hunts with their children.  So this week we are sharing photos and not chatting that much BOL,


There was a LGBT event at one of the parks called Hunky Jesus and these guys were on their way and outside our building

Coco a lucky rescued girl

Thomas and Layla wandering around

Lots of new smells to sniff

I love being outdoors amongst nature and I love trees

Relaxing on the cool grass, life is good

So you can all see that I might be a senior but am loving life and adventures

Have a wonderful weekend everyone,

Woof with love from Layla



Fun times in the parks

TGIF!!!! What a week and I personally cannot wait for the weekend when I can put my feet up and relax.

As you all know Layla went last week for her annual senior checkup, I got the results on Friday but did not understand them LOL so was stressed all weekend till I spoke to her vet on Monday. Excluding the UTI which she is on medications for at the moment her bloodwork is good so I am more relaxed. We have based our week on her taking her medications on time like clock work and she has to have a follow up in ten days to make sure it has cleared up. Layla thank goodness is eating well, playing with her snuffle toy, so I suppose I cannot complain.

Last Saturday we spent some time in the dog park which was great, I met a good friend there with her two rescues and we just sat on blankets relaxing while the dogs wandered around. It was a perfect afternoon.

I took her to the park on Wednesday morning which was awesome as we sat on our blanket, she wandered around, sniffed a lot and came home and slept like a baby.

Today we met friends for a picnic in a different park, one of my favorites, enormous with a view of the Bay. It was chilly but the sun was shining so we were all bundled up including Layla and she was in her element. I think she was sniffing and walking around for about an hour plus till she lay down and started dozing LOL.

Layla wandering around sniffing with no fear plus the beautiful view of the Bay and the beautiful trees

Mom this is fun, lots to smell

zzzzzzzzz I need my nap in the sun


I know many do not agree with dog parks but since doing the session with the Animal Communicator and understanding Layla more, thanks to her I now know that Layla does not like walks on the sidewalk, she is afraid but in the dog park where she can wander around without worrying about banging her head, plus me letting the leash go gives her that confidence and freedom to wander safely and she is happy, so as the sun comes out we will be doing more of these fun times plus the fresh air is healthy and good for both of us.


That is what is happening in the Layla neighborhood, am waiting to see the weather forecast to plan our weekend,


Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

With a woof and love from


January is the month of freedom.

TGIF !! Rain has stopped, sun is out but it is still cold here.

Many of you do not know but January is the month of freedom for me, it is the month I ran from my ex, and it is the month I rescued Layla so it is her month of freedom also.

So, to celebrate our freedom, and the sun shining today, I took Layla on an adventure to our old haunt or should I say park. It is one I have not been to in ages, and it was wonderful to be there. It was bitter sweet as it was the park I used to go to with Baby who ran with me, and her ashes are buried in the park but it was great also, as it brought back so many good memories and being able to sit in the sun, relax, have a picnic with friends there it was the best medicine.

Baby RIP who died suddenly of IMHA at the age of 6

Lafayette Park is a beautiful big park in the city of San Francisco. It is beautifully kept, the view of the Bay from the top is just amazing, the old trees standing upright are stunning, the green lawns are just beautifully kept and sitting there, listening to the children playing and laughing down the hill in the children’s section is magical. There is nothing like listening to kids laugh and play, pure happiness. Thank you Robin and Roger for this wonderful time.

Where we sat on the hill with a view of the Bay

The lawn where Baby’ ashes were buried

The place Layla used to play when we used to come to this park

Layla wandered around, I had to watch her so she would not hurt herself, but she had so much fun and came home, finished her dinner, and went to sleep. A healthy sleep as I say as she had so much fresh air today it was the best of the best.

I am hoping the rain has stopped finally for a bit so that we can get out more, visit different parks and get lots of fresh air which is so important for both of us. I also notice that if she is out and about she is hungry and gobbles down her food which makes me happy and relaxed.

So that was our adventure this week, who knows what we will do next week but there is never a dull moment here plus Layla loves riding on the bus so it is exciting for her.

I had to pee on the way out so I marked my spot, Layla

Stay safe and warm everyone, have a wonderful weekend

With love from Layla


What a wet week

TGIF !!!!


Hi everyone and oy vey today is Friday the 13th. This day brings back so many memories of my childhood with my grandmother who was so superstitious that it drove all of us crazy. I must admit that thanks to her I wear a Hamsa all the time around my neck and has a blue stone in to protect me against evil. Layla has one on her harness too. (In Jewish culture, the Hamsa hand represents protection from evil and a reminder to pray. Five is a significant number in Judaism and is considered the number of protection)

Her blue stone fell out and I have glued new ones but they do not stay in, the fish on the hand symbolize luck and in the circle below the loop you will see Hebrew word Chai means Life

Some of my memories of my grandmother was her spitting on her hand and then touching her head, always avoiding walking under ladders and the funniest of all was when my sister crawled through a window to open a door so my grandmother made her crawl back through the window or she would not grow. We were not allowed to put keys on the table, we had to set our shoes in a certain way and the list can go on and on and I am giggling here while sharing.

So Friday the 13th brings back so many memories for me and what a wonderful weird life it was with all the superstitions.

Now lets go over to this past week, what a week !!!! Climate change is really happening and the storms in San Francisco is proof of it, the rain has been relentless, the hail, thunder and lightening WOW it has been hard to take Layla for long walks as we swim not walk plus Layla has this new thing of standing and staring into space so we stand for like 10 minutes every time getting drenched and that is how we were caught in the hail storm also. Thank goodness for the stroller and plastic cover I picked her up and put her in immediately and we ran home LOL.  Two wet old ladies, me and Layla.

Today thank goodness it did not rain so we went for a long long walk about 5 times, I am exhausted and Layla is sleeping at the moment. I hope she sleeps through the night which has become a new thing of her waking me up at about 2 to go potty and then we come inside, she moans for a treat of course and then I sit on the floor with her till she settles down and goes back to sleep which can take at least a half hour if not more. I am slowly becoming a zombie from lack of sleep and Layla is full of energy as she sleeps during the day also. It is a hard life for her LOL.

But however I share all this, watching her age is heartbreaking, and I would not change any of her quirks however irritating they can be sometimes, she is my fur kid and needs the best of best love and attention.

Her snuffle doodle bug was the best thing I ever got for her I think, she loves it and lately when she does not want to eat her food because of the supplements, I put the food in the snuffle doodle and she sniffs it and eats her food that way, it has become a game so am washing it all the time and cleaning the floor also. Never a dull moment here.

Doodle Bug Time

So no adventures this week, only swimming in the rain and trying to stay dry, have a wonderful weekend everyone, stay warm and dry and please be safe,

With a woof and love from














January is here

TGIF !!!! It is Friday and what a week we have had.

San Francisco has been wet with rain for over a week, Mom is not happy as walking me in the rain is making her wet and cold all the time BOL but as she says we need the rain.

I am getting old, so I love to go out in the middle of the night, I moan to Mom to tell her and then sit and wait for her to get out of her warm bed, get dressed and bundle me up for the cold weather. I think it is fun and wag my tail while Mom curses under her breath.

Mom surprised me this week to help me stay extra dry and warm from the winds and bought me a plastic stroller cover, so I sit under a tent as such and do not get wet. We learnt the hard way last weekend when it was pouring, and my stroller became a pool it had so much water in plus everything was wet, so our bathroom turned into a laundry room with everything drying.

There were no small ones in the store so bought whatever size I could find and it is working

Because of the rain we have not been out that much, and the past 24 hours have been really bad so we are doing short walks so that I can potty, but the best is coming home for treats and snuffle ball time which keeps me busy.

I am very lucky as I have a raincoat made out of an umbrella that a friend of Mom made for me, so while Mom tries to hold the umbrella, I wear one BOL and it keeps me warm and dry. Mom also bought me some fleece t-shirts which I sleep in so am cozy when I am in the house.

Layla loves sleeping with her head under the bed LOL

So, I should not complain as Mom does her best to keep me healthy, happy and warm in the cold weather and she dries me off when we get home and changes my clothes also so I am always wearing something dry.

That is what is happening in our neighborhood, please be safe and warm everyone,

With lots of love






Happy Hanukkah Everyone

What a busy weekend last week.

TGIF!!!! Friday has arrived and our plans are to kick back and relax as we had such a busy weekend last week, especially Sunday.

On Saturday it was raining all day so Mom would take me out for quick walks or as she called them swims as the rain did not stop, we need the rain but it can also become a headache and I do not like getting my paws wet so I was riding around in my stroller BOL.

On Sunday was the annual Skivvy run which is a fund raiser for the AIDS Foundation of San Francisco, the guys run through a part of the city in underwear, they close off a street and people party, have fun and of course eat lots of food. The sun was shining, it was chilly but worth going to. Layla met the Grinch, and he was kind enough to hold her so I could get a photograph of them together. I took many photos and am sharing some of them here.

Me and the Grinch, he has weird furry green hands which kept me warm


In the afternoon we went to our annual Hanukkah party, light the Hanukkiah and eat latkes yummy. It was wonderful being with friends and celebrating the Miracle of Lights. For those that do not know the story of Hanukkah in a short version the Maccabees found oil for their lamps for one day but it lasted 8 days and that Is why for 8 days we light a candle each night, and eat fried foods, traditionally latkes and sufganiyot (jelly donuts). The children play a game with a spinning top called a Dreidel, and each time they win they get chocolate coins or as they say in Yiddish Hanukkah Geld.

Happy Hanukkah Everyone


By the time we got home Mom was exhausted and so was I but it was a diverse day of fun and well worth it.


The rest of this week we have just gone with the flow which is what Mom likes BOL, so to all my friends celebrating Hanukkah, Chag Sameach and don’t eat too much BOL


Be safe and have a wonderful weekend

Love from Layla


Winter has arrived and so has the fun

Brrrr the past few days have been cold here in San Francisco, so we have been indoors a lot, Madam is not that happy, but it has been too cold and damp to sit in the park.

Layla on Monday got groomed, full spa day and what was great was she and one another dog were the only ones there which surprised me although my groomer does not normally work on a Monday, but I was happy as it was not crowded and less stressful for her. We unfortunately had to cut her hair short this time as from the rain it had got matted especially on her paws so I am worrying now she will be cold and keeping clothing on her in the house so that she is comfortable and layering her up when we go out.

Phew at home from the groomer

Mom has blankets at the side of the bed as I love sleeping there plus one over lapping the bed so I wont bang my head

Events are starting up again and this weekend we are going to two different events on the same day oy vey. On Sunday they having the annual Skivvy Run in the Castro which is an amazing and fun fundraiser for AIDS and then we going to a Hannukah party which I am really looking forward to. Photos will be on the blog next week for all of you to see.

We are taking precautions, wearing masks and of course will test myself before going to be safe. I am not taking any chances as it is not worth it.

So socially life is picking up but am not over doing it either as LOL I do not want to put on weight after losing so much and feeling good with myself.

I was also surprised last week; I belong to a women’s international forum, and they asked us what talents we have so I told them I write a blog and gave them the link. I was chosen as one of the five winners and got a $50.00 on line debit card for shopping so guess who is getting two new fleece lined t-shirts which she can sleep in and be warm, Layla of course, it is her blog so she does deserve it and It will be the start of her Hanukkah gifts this year.

So that is what is happening in the Layla neighborhood, we are aging slowly, cold but enjoying life wherever possible.

Please stay warm and dry, have a wonderful weekend,

With love from Layla