Aging Gracefully

TGIF and Woof it is a long weekend. What are your plans ?

Here in the Layla neighborhood we have been taking it slow as Mom has been running around sorting out personal things plus going for interviews for more Hebrew tutoring so it has been a little chaotic.

In between all that she has been trying to take me to the park wherever possible and then grrr she punished me with a bath. I hate them and those should be banished from us plus put on the animal abuse list. Who agrees with me ? I know she says I need them as I roll and get stinky but I like those smells better than the ones from the shampoo which makes me smell fruity. 

So Mom and I had a discussion this week about us growing old together. She told me that I need to stay healthy and that is why she took me to the vet on Tuesday for my Bi-Annual check up. She explained to me that she does it also.

Well bless my vet. I have been seeing him for 8 years now, he is so funny also but very serious too. It is the same vet that looked after my sister when she was very ill and passed away, R.I.P. Baby. When Layla arrived from the Shelter he was the vet that checked her for me and I just adore him.

He calls Mom a typical Jewish Mom and I agree with him.  She worries about everything and needs to slow down a bit. 
The breakdown from the vet visit is like this :
01.  I am a very healthy 12 year old girl. 

02.  I have allergies but he said a lot of the dogs have at the moment so nothing to worry.

03.   He wanted to give me a flu shot and Mom said no it is not necessary as there is no flu here in San Francisco at the moment. Mom does not get them either.

04.  My cataract on my left eye – I still have some vision so we are not worrying about that and as Mom joked with him she does not have good vision at all in her left eye either – so we are two peas in a pod.

05. Teeth – all good phew.

06. Weight -perfect

These are the changes we discussed as with age adjustments are made :
01.  Food – He said the diet I am getting is awesome and the only change there is Mom must stop with apples as it is too much sugar for my teeth.
This is the recipe :
Boil a whole chicken, gizzards, chicken livers with a tbsp of apple cider vinegar, vegetables : carrots, peas, kale, spinach, apples, green beans, brussels sprouts, broccoli, pumpkin or sweet potato, zucchini, cauliflower. When cooked, I cool it down, then shred the chicken without the skin and bones, I make a smoothie of the veggies using the broth as liquid, I mix all together and put in containers and freeze. When I feed her I put these supplements in her food so she has a balanced diet – Raw Paws Organic Hip and Joint Green Lipped Mussel Powder and Raw Paws Organic Sea Kelp Daily Supplement.
This is the website of Raw Paws Pet Food and I swear by their products :

You can also use ground turkey or beef instead of the chicken.   

There is a 15% discount with the coupon Layla15  

02.  He wants me to get more fish oil so Mom is researching at this moment plus we have the Bay Area Pet Fair in two weeks time so Mom said she will see what is going on as there are loads of booths.

03.  Hemp Oil – He agrees with Mom giving it to me daily to keep me calm as lately I have become afraid of all kinds of things, part of growing old.

04.  Me not wanting to go out at night for my last walk – he said that could be because of my sight and if I do not want to go out then just to leave it. I am very smart telling Mom when I want to go out especially BOL when she is sleeping.

On the way home from the vet Mom popped into Trader Joes and got me some chicken jerky for being such a good girl. 

So you all see, age is just a number as I still act  like a puppy and full of energy which keeps my old Mother on her toes and I love it.

And now of course is siesta time as the dictating is very hard, I am going to have a snooze while Mom finishes off here. I have also ordered her to see what events there are this weekend so we can do something especially as it is a long weekend.

OY before I start my siesta I want to send prayers to all those that might be hit by the hurricane in Florida, our thoughts are with you and please be safe PLUS do not forget to take your pets with you as they are family.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone, enjoy the quality time with your families and please keep your pets safe.

Woof with love from Layla

Rain rain go away, its a long weekend and I want to play

Friday has finally arrived. I am on my last week of work and then will be taking a bit of a break and spending some more time with Layla.

Last Friday Layla went for a groom, I cannot believe the prices here in San Francisco and they are the same everywhere in the city. For Layla it costs approximately 85 dollars without a tip, BUT it is worth it on the other hand as she is looking clean, healthy and not so scraggly like a ragamuffin.

I am a little snob and sexy

Over the weekend the weather was awful, cold and raining, and everything that I had planned to do I cancelled so Layla and I spent quality time together.

We did meet with some friends for coffee but I felt like I was swimming there with Madam in her back pack quite cozy while I dripped from the rain BOL.

On Sunday when there was a break in the rain I walked her to our favorite pet store to stock up on some Turkey tendons which is her new favorite, AND BOL, guess what ? Madam peed in the pet store next to a box of kitty litter. I nearly died of embarrassment but the staff laughed and told me some other dog had just peed there also. So what can I say but she was testing the kitty litter.

The Boss is ordering me around

This whole week the weather has  been cold and dreary and  I must admit I think both of us have cabin fever at the moment. So let’s hope this weekend, especially as it is a long one, we will have some sunshine and then we will be able to visit a different park which is what I am planning to do at the moment.

So as you can see, our fur friends and families, our week this week has not been so exciting and we need to do something about it.

Have a wonderful long weekend with all your family, both two legged and four legged and your friends, we cannot wait to hear what your plans are.

With a woof with love


Park time is starting

Let the park fun begin

Spring has arrived and the sun is shining although they say there is going to be more rain grrrrrrrrrrrrr.  It has been awesome though being able to walk Layla her long walks in the mornings which she loves. 

So as you always see Layla sitting or sleeping LOL I decided to share with you a video of her walking – or as I call it on a mission as once she gets started she just goes LOL and I feel we walk San Francisco.

Last weekend we spent most of the time in the park, the weather was wonderfully warm and it was just great to sit on a blanket and relax with coffee of course, Madam and her treats and the best of all no electronics. I love those kind of days when I people / dog watch and do nothing.

I have also found that since she is on her new supplements from Raw Paws Pet Food her energy level has doubled and it is great, she is also not itching when coming in from the park which I think is the best news of all and I hope it just carries on this way.

Don’t forget that you can get a 15% discount if you shop on line for their products with the code : Layla15

On Tuesday she got a bath, or as she calls it punishment but her favorite of course is getting all the free treats at the Pet Store where the bathing is done. So she is smelling of coconut at the moment which is better than the smelly park smells from rolling in the grass. 

I am at the moment looking into what dog events are happening this year in the Bay Area which is my favorite also, Layla gets to taste all the treats and I get to check all out and of course carry her in her back pack. The first one I know is happening in April around the corner from us, one of my favorites.

So that is what is happening in the Layla Neighborhood at the moment.

Have a wonderful weekend

 With a woof and love from Layla

Middle of January already

Morning Everyone from rainy San Francisco,

Today we are expecting a major rain storm which means me getting wet but BOL Mom has to go to work so she will be swimming there while I sleep cozily in my bed. This is the life, Mom working, I have food, treats and a warm bed while she is out there suffering, I like that and call it Karma as she makes me walk in the rain.

It will be soon my gotcha day and Mom and I were discussing how I was dumped in the shelter and how lucky I am today especially when she sees the amount of dogs that have been dumped, it breaks our heart and she told me she wish she could afford a brother or sister for me. I am not sure if I want one though as I love being the only child.

Since I took Layla off the dog food and only cooking at home including her veggie smoothies I have noticed she has lost some weight. She was never over weight so this is worrying me a bit. I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday about it as he only cooks for his dogs and has a senior, a little older than Layla and he told me that the same thing happened to him and I must not worry. He did suggest I only use the brown meat of the chicken as it is fattier and add a little brown rice to her food for carbohydrates. So as I got a Power Cooker as a gift from friends I made up some brown meat chicken for her yesterday with a little brown rice and of course all the veggies. When I made the smoothie of the veggies, zucchini, carrots, spinach, parsley, peas and green beans, plus some apple and blueberries, I added the rice so she would not know she is eating it as she spits the rice out LOL. She ate all her food yesterday and today so I am hoping this will help solve that problem and if not her annual vet visit is next month so will ask the vet. She is not drinking more than normal which I am relieved about.

I am finding it hard to find in some ways the perfect balance as I am always worried that I am doing something wrong so if anyone has any input am open to it. She is also getting a teaspoon of goats milk in her food, plus green lipped mussels and coconut oil.

This past weekend was basically most of the time indoors because of the rain and next weekend I think it is going to be the same. The Women’s March is on Saturday and I am debating whether to go or not, Layla in her backpack of course but will decide on Saturday when I see the weather forecast.

So life has not been that exciting this past week thanks to the rain and I think we are going to be stuck inside till the weather changes.

For those that are in the snow or colder weather, stay safe and warm

Woof with love from Layla

I am aging gracefully

Good Morning Fur friends and Hooman friends,

One week into the New Year and it has not stopped raining since Saturday. I have been singing rain rain go away Layla needs to walk and play but it is not helping.

Layla has never liked the rain and it stems from her having been an outside dog in her past life as I call it so it is a battle to get her out when it rains and if she sees her raincoat she goes and hides in her box and stays there. So the past week I decided to try a new approach with less stress and it seems to be working.

In the mornings I let her sleep for as long as she wants and when she feels she needs to go out we go out, she tells me by getting up and walking towards the door. I am doing that also during the day or evening by letting her tell me and wow what a difference it has made. She is more relaxed, happier to go out and not fighting me with the raincoat. It might not be long walks like we are used to but at least she is going out to potty. I cannot believe that I never thought about this in the past but as I am saying to myself better late than never.

Layla will be 12 this year, like me she is aging and with it comes all the new quirks or triggers and am having to deal with them on a daily basis. She is also losing her sight in her left eye which does not make things easier. She does not like going out in the evenings when it is dark so her last walk is like 6 or 7.

Her new fear is clapping and when we in the dog park if someone claps for their dog she dives under the bench to hide. I am not giving in to her by leaving but the opposite I pick her up and cuddle her to give her a feeling of security. There are days that it works and days that it does not. Treats always work though LOL.

Our lives are changing because of it, I am working through her fears/triggers/quirks on a daily basis and learning at the same time. Thank goodness her appetite or water consumption has not changed which is keeping me more relaxed. I have also found an amazing chew for her, not as hard as bones but it keeps her really busy during the day in this weather. It is a turkey tendon and she loves them. My pet store has a great deal at the moment of buy 3 get one free so have stocked up on them to keep her happy.

She is still doing zoomies when we enter the building, full of puppy energy and as I call her Ms. Piss and Vinegar, that she is. She even plays more with her squeaky toys lately which is awesome as I love watching her jump on the bed and grab one to squeak like crazy.

I have started a new part time job which is taking me out of the house for about 4 to 5 hours each day and thank goodness I do not have to deal with anxiety as she seems to be handling this really well.

So that is what is happening in the Layla Neighborhood at the moment, we are stuck indoors because of the rain, Jazz playing in the background so life is good here for us two old ladies.

How are all of you coping with the cold weather and rain ?

Stay warm and dry and please remember pets are family and need to be kept indoors safely,

Have a great week with a woof from Layla

Countdown to Christmas

Woof Fur friends,

How are you ? Are you getting excited for Christmas ? I am although Mom says I got all my gifts for Hanukkah so she is not sure if I will get something for Christmas. I call that unfair and discrimination BOL. What do you think ?

We have been busy as always although it was raining I decided to stay indoors unless I had to do my business and watched Mom run around doing errands and getting wet.

My new game is when I hear the leash I go hide in my box and refuse to move which makes Mom mad sometimes as she says she has no time for all my games like that as she has things to do. Too bad, I do not want my paws wet.

I also made sure on the errand list was my favorite bones and warned her that if she did not come home with them I would bark at her.  Guess what she listened to my orders so I am one happy girl here.

Yesterday, Tuesday, we went on an adventure to Pier 33 as we were planning to go to Alcatraz. The weather was great and warm although Mom, being Jewish bundled me up in a hoodie just in case. Grrrrr I hate clothing. This was an organized fun day out by PAWS (Pets Are Wonderful Support) and when we got there although they had been told that dogs could go, they said no when we wanted to board. There was another dog also who was turned away. So we just spent time wandering around the pier and then came home. It is very interesting as Federal places do not allow Assistance Dogs even with all the legal paperwork but service dogs yes. State Parks allow dogs, so a lesson was learned and as Mom said if Layla cannot go neither would she. So bang went the idea of seeing Alcatraz.

Our plans for the coming days is Mom is working and I am just bossing her around when I want to go out or to the park and she has promised me as soon as the weather is nice again she will take me somewhere. I cannot wait as I love riding on the trams and smelling and seeing other places plus of course getting lots of pets from strangers. Best of all BOL of course is Mom carries me in the backpack part of the way, ohhhhhh I am a lady of luxury.

As we mentioned in our last blog and reminding everyone again, this is a happy time for some but a miserable time for others. So many pets are being dumped at shelters and I am noticing more and more how many seniors which is even more upsetting. I have been staying up late at nights with others cross posting everywhere to try save as many as possible. I am slowly giving up on people and their cruelty. A pet is for life, not for how you feel, and I question all the time how many  of them dump their senior family at different places as they are too lazy to be responsible and care for them. It just makes me sick.

Mom also wants to add in memory of my sister which we do every year is the Christmas Tree in the dog park my sister used to go to. What they do is decorate one of the trees and put all the photos up of all the dogs, I think it a great idea and there are times like this that I wish I had had the opportunity to meet her.

NOW before I forget I want to wish all my fur friends Happy Holidays, may you have a wonderful time with your families who you are blessed to have, and I cannot wait to hear what you found under the Christmas Tree.

Woofing lots of love,

PS. A reminder of the Christmas hazards for our pets which we must not forget

Holiday after Holiday

Good Morning friends from rainy San Francisco,

Mom has come to the conclusion that the next month is all about holidays, we just finished Thanksgiving and Hanukkah will be starting this weekend.

What is Hanukkah – it is the festival of lights when a miracle happened and the oil that the Maccabees found to last for one night lasted eight nights so we celebrate this by lighting a candle every night and eat lots of oily foods. Very good for the diet and cholesterol LOL.

What are these foods – Latkes which are like fried hash browns and are yumm, Donuts or what we call them Sufganiyot – in Israel they make them with the jelly in the middle and are delicious. I remember when living in Tel Aviv there was a bakery that made the best I have ever eaten and you had to order in advance to get them as if you went randomly there was a line around the corner waiting. Hmm those were the days.
Chocolate Coins which we give to the kids and are called Hanukkah Geld.
We also play a game with a dreidel – it is a four sided top with Hebrew Letters on and you win when it falls on one of the letters.

Another tradition for Hanukkah is we exchange gifts and Layla was lucky to get a wonderful gift from Purebites of different treats. They are her favorite as they are freeze dried treats made with only 1 – 3 ingredients and I call them Layla’s crack LOL, the flavors she got are chicken breasts lamb liver and beef liver. PLUS I think for her the cherry on the cake was their Chicken & Sweet Potato Jerky, she is now set for the holidays with healthy treats made in the USA and I am so grateful for Purebites sending them to us as their treats is one of the few companies I really trust.

For our cat friends we want to share so you are aware that they make awesome cat treats also. To read more about them you can go to their website :


Mom says I cannot eat most of the Hanukkah foods but she will be making me my own doggy latkes and we are sharing the recipe here plus sharing with you the recipe for the Hooman ones for those that want to try.

Doggy Latkes
Ingredients and Method
One sweet potato grated
One egg
Flour to bind it all together
Mix all in a bowl, spoon on to a baking sheet which is covered with parchment paper, bake on 350 Deg till brown on top, flip over and carry on baking till ready (golden brown) Cool and serve it to them with sour cream or cottage cheese.
This recipe makes about 5 or 6 depending on the size of the sweet potato.

Human Latkes recipe

Ingredients and Method
5 Russet Potatoes peeled (you can do unpeeled also)
2 Eggs
Breadcrumbs or Matza meal to bind it all together
NOW to make life easier and tastier instead of crying while grating onions I use a packet of Lipton Onion Soup mix.
Squeeze all the water out of the potatoes, add the rest of the ingredients and mix together.
Heat up oil in a frying pan, I use Canola oil, drop a table spoon of the mixture into the hot oil, flattening them a bit, fry till golden brown on each side, drain on a paper towel. Serve hot with either sour cream or apple sauce. Bon Appetit.

Please make sure you keep your pets safe during Hanukkah.

Now I am going to hibernate as it is cold and raining, to all those that celebrate Hanukkah – Hanukkah Sameach, have a wonderful holiday and do not over eat.

With a woof and love from

Woof it is Me

Woof to all my friends,

October being Domestic Violence Month and a month that brings back so many sad memories for Mom we decided last weekend to enjoy life and freedom instead.

It is not that we are ignoring the sad fact of the abuse of women, kids and pets but it has been a long journey for Mom and having that freedom and sunny weather Mom decided to take advantage of it.

We are though going to include the Power and Control Wheel of Animal Abuse in Domestic Violence as this is an issue close to us and they do not have a voice but we do so we need to speak up. You are welcome to share this on your pages or websites and be there voices too, it would be much appreciated.

Last weekend was a long weekend, so much to do all around San Francisco as there are always free events. Mom sat and worked out what we would do and the adventures started. BOL the only time I ever let her be boss is when making those decisions. It was also Fleet Week weekend and I do not like the jets flying over us plus Mom thinks that money should be used for better causes.

On Saturday they had in our Dog Park an event called Bark at the Park. This event honors our K-9 Heroes and their human friends during San Francisco Fleet Week. Lots of dogs, fun, and loads to learn on how to keep our pets safe during disasters. A really great noisy event, plus I love supporting these organizations that do so much for us.

On Sunday was the annual Castro Street Fair – this is just a fun fair with lots of booths, food and dancing. We, of course went although I carried Madam in her backpack as it is chaotic the best was popping into one of the booths called Pet Wants, Layla woofs best treats in town and she got utterly spoiled.

On the way home from the fair we stopped in the park, hung out with friends and just relaxed. The weather was perfect.

On Monday I decided that was it, no events, no nothing and instead relaxed in the park with all our friends. It was just a relaxing day.

So as you can see our life is always busy and I love it especially as I can take Layla with me although I must admit I do base a lot on Pet Events as they are fun and I really enjoy them.

On this note we going to end our weekly adventure blog as Layla is waiting for dinner and I must make mine too. I have a big pot of veggie soup simmering also – yummmm.

Have a wonderful weekend and everyone please be safe.

Woof with love from Layla