April is over and May is arriving

Woof all my friends,

Can you believe it is the end of April, this year is going so quickly. We had a busy last weekend which was pawsome but tiring.

On Saturday we went to DogFest. It is an annual Dog and Kid event held in the park not far from where we live. It is an annual fund raiser for one of the Elementary Schools in our area. A fun filled day, chaotic with lots of booths selling dog products and other items.

Layla with age is not doing well at events anymore, she has become afraid of all the chaos plus her sight is going so with all the people and dogs I carried her on my back in her backpack. She is happy sitting in it and very relaxed They were handing out samples of different treats which she was very happy to snack on especially the different jerkies LOL.

I was very surprised that there was only one Rescue Organization there this year as there is normally all of the Bay Area Rescues, but I think a lot of people are still getting back to normal lives.

On Sunday we went to chill in my friends’ garden which was great. Layla loves going there as she is alone wandering around, sniffing, and exploring plus she feels safe as there is no one else there. It was wonderful sitting outside in the sun, drinking tea and chatting. It was a fantastic morning and just what I needed.

Saturday is a very important day in the National Pet Holidays, it is National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day. I have always adopted from shelters as they need homes and will not support Puppy Mills or Breeders. I am aware that people will argue that there are some very responsible breeders, but you cannot change my mind as too many pets are dying in shelters because of the over population.

So, Layla is woofing to everyone please #adoptdontshop and open your home to a shelter pet. They have been let down by humans and deserve a second chance. Share this with your friends, family or co-workers to go to a shelter on Saturday and adopt a new fur kid.

Have a wonderful weekend, be safe

With a Woof and Love

From Layla








Mothers Day has arrived


Another week has passed and it’s Mother’s Day on Sunday, woof. What are your plans for your Moms as I am still stuck for ideas. I know Mom loves her Starbucks coffee so maybe I will break my piggy bank and get her a coffee, what do you think?

This is my letter to Mom:

Dear Mom,

Thank you for rescuing me from that awful shelter where I was stuck in a cage. I am very blessed to have you as my Mom, you take such good care of me, worry when I do not feel well, put up with my quirks which are growing with age, you feed me well, homemade food and treats. You make sure I go to the groomer at least twice a year if not more, and there is so much more you do for me that the list can go on and on.

I might drive you crazy sometimes but that is part of being your furkid as I cannot be perfect, no one is.

Mom, woof thank you, thank you, Happy Mother’s Day

With love from your piggidy wiggidy munchkin, Layla



Mom did get a surprise this week and I am so happy for her, she had told the company Critter Zone that our Critter Zone had broken down, she had had it for over 8 years, and they were kind enough to send her a new one, so our house is now pet odor free plus it helps with my allergies. If anyone is looking for one they should check these out as they are awesome especially if you have multiple pets. Thank you Critter Zone with surprising me with a new one, I really appreciate it.


Now before I forget we must not forget that May is“Responsible Animal Guardian Month.”   Most of us with animals know that being responsible for our furry friends is a daily, year-round commitment. To highlight the importance of humans’ responsibilities to animals, and that is where Dog Moms are involved in such a big way.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the Pet Moms out there,

With a woof and love from Layla


Do you know what day today is ?

TGIF !!  Friday has arrived, the weather is warming up and that means adventures woof.

Mom has had her vaccines so she is good to go is all I can say. I am really getting excited here as life has become boring and I am tired of walking the same routes every day. I know there is lots to smell but I am bored so it is time Mom takes me places. I will make sure she wears her mask and we do social distancing.

Last Saturday we went to the opening of a new pet store, it was such a hassle to get there, they had advertised that they would be giving free toys for the dogs, and other goodies and I personally can say it was a waste of time. The staff knew nothing when I asked them for something, they had rows of rawhide which is such a no no that for me, Mom it was a one and only time I will go there. Will stick to the local store instead which I love.

Now very important, today is National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day.

Each year, National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day is on April 30th to raise  awareness for the thousands of pets that are waiting and needing for  adoption from the sheltersAnimal shelters require year-round assistance and adoption is a part of the process.

I am a rescued dog, Mom adopted me from the Carson Shelter in Los Angeles over 10 years ago and living the life of a princess and that is why Mom and I discuss this every year as we want others to have the same opportunity I got. There are so many pets sitting in cages in shelters desperately looking for homes, we see it on social media and we all need to step up and help them, we cannot be silent.

We must also not forget that black pets are harder to get adopted than others so please remember them when looking.

Below is a list of what we must not forget when we go to a shelter to adopt a dog:

Here are links where you can search, I found Layla on PetHarbor.



Please also remember that if you want a pure bred dog you can also find them in a shelter or rescue organization, why pay a breeder when you can save one instead.

So now that I have spoken up for those that do not have a voice, I  reminded everyone how important it is to open your home to an adopted dog as they are not to blame for being in the shelters, the humans are to blame for dumping them there, which is so not fair and as Mom says may Karma get those humans.

Please take care everyone and have a great weekend

With a woof and love from


Today is National Lost Dog Awareness Day

TGIF !!!!!!!!!! We cannot believe it is Friday and April is nearly over.

We have had a busy week with the fluffs staying with us for 5 days, Layla is exhausted poor thing as they want to play and she does not want to, LOL.

It is amazing to see the dynamics between the dogs but am loving it also, they are really cute.

Pierre the Tripawd is just so funny, an energizer bunny who is not a big eater but when Layla tries eating he barks at her to get her food, although he has just finished his plate. I laugh at it as Layla ignores him but am sure she is getting a head ache from it. Leopold who is normally the food addict has no way of getting to her food because she growls at him. I feed all of them at the same time but Layla being a slow eater and used to eating when she wants I am having to pick her bowl up if she does not eat when they are eating and then put it back down when she moans for some food. It has become a restaurant here.

Otherwise they play with the toys in the house, Leopold loves pulling the bed apart and growls at the pillows whereas Pierre just lies on a pillow on the bed watching.

So that has been the five days in our house and today, Thursday they are going home, I think Layla is happy LOL.

Today, 23rd April, is National Lost Dog Awareness Day increases awareness concerning missing dogs. Through networks of shelters, veterinaries, social media, and other media sources, many lost canines and families reunite.

This is my biggest fear and that is why I make sure all Layla’s information is up to date on her collars and Microchip. I also have put an emergency number so if I cannot be found a friend will be called. I am fortunate that Layla is Velcro and won’t go far but would rather be safe than sorry.

What to do if your dog gets lost, below is my infograph with information on what to do plus of course to post on Nextdoor.com and any other local websites in your area.

So all our furfriends, please be safe and stay at home or with your parents, do not run as you can get lost and it is scary.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone

With love from Layla


Spring has Sprung, Fleas have arrived, Giveaway

TGIF !!!!!!!!! Good morning Fur friends.

We are having a heat wave here in San Francisco and that means those teenie tiny buggers are out and hungry, am sure you know what we mean – the fleas and ticks.

Itchy time has arrived and it is time to keep us safe from them, not only on our body but in our house also and for those that have yards or gardens with grass which are the breeding grounds.

So with the buggers arriving we decided to share with you and do a giveaway of the products from Tropiclean that I have been using on the brat, Madam Layla. They have now come out with a new one which I am really excited about, A flea and tick bite relief spray. All Tropiclean products are natural with no chemicals which is so important as I feel that the less chemicals Layla gets the better.

Tropiclean link : https://tropiclean.com/

Below is what we are giving away, some are for cats also or you can get for cats.

Spot on Treatment is made with natural active ingredients, cedarwood and peppermint oils, and is safe when used as directed to protect and defend against those irritating fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. Our water resistant spot-on treatment is a full body repellent for dogs up to 75 pounds that effectively protects your furry friend. Contains 4 applicators. They have for cats too.   INGREDIENTS : Cedarwood oil 5%, Peppermint oil 4%. almond oil 91%,

Flea & Tick Bite Relief Spray is a medicated solution formulated to quickly stop itching and irritation from flea and tick bites. This relief spray is specially formulated to penetrate the lowermost levels of the pet’s skin, cleaning out their pores and promoting healthy cell exfoliation and replenishment. It effectively moisturizes and nourishes the skin for immediate relief from bites, redness and irritation. Safe when used as directed on dogs and cats 12 weeks or older.  INGREDIENTS : Clove oil, lemongrass oil, cedarwood oil, cinnamon oil, sodium lauryl sulfate (natural), water, isopropyl alcohol, glycerin.

Flea & Tick Home Spray is guaranteed to kill fleas and ticks by contact. This natural essential blend contains some of nature’s most powerful pest-fighting ingredients, maximized with lemongrass and sesame oil, for long-lasting effects.  Home Spray is safe enough to use around dogs and cats.  INGREDIENTS : Clove oil, lemongrass oil, cedarwood oil, cinnamon oil, sodium lauryl sulfate (natural), water, isopropyl alcohol, glycerin.    They also have one for the yard.

To enter click on the link below for the Rafflecopter widget:


Tropiclean has sponsored me for this giveaway an it is only open to the USA.

All participants must be 18 years or older.

So we want to wish everyone a Hoppy Happy Easter, do not OD on chocolates LOL, remeber to keep us safe and have lots of fun,


Good luck, with a woof and love from



Pet Theft Awareness Day

Good Morning Everypawdy and TGIF !

Another week in February is over and it has brought us a very important day and that is Valentines Day.

It is a day that we spread love all over the world, spoil ourselves or our partners or pets with love and special gifts, so what are you going to spoil your pet with ?

My Valentine

February 14th is also Pet Theft Awareness Day which is meant to call attention to the importance of pet identification methods. It is a day to show how much the presence of an animal can enrich a family and also the responsibility that goes with it. It encourages those with pets to take steps to ensure the animal’s security and their own peace of mind.

In 1988 it was started by the Last Chance for Animals organisation, Pet Theft Awareness Day is aimed at educating animal owners to keep their pets safe from thieves. With almost 2 million pets being stolen annually in America the threat is real. That is why it is so important to have pets microchipped,  wear a tag with all your information as it will be easier to find your pet if G-d forbid it is stolen.

Below is a list of tips on how to keep your pet safe.

Tips on what to do if your pet is stolen.

Other important tips 

  • Keep your dog indoors when you’re not home. Outdoor dogs should be kept safely behind a locked gate. It only takes a couple of seconds for a thief to steal your pet from your yard.
  • Walk your dog on a leash.
  • Keep cats indoors. Indoor cats live safer, longer, healthier lives.
  • Make sure  your pets has a collar with an I.D. tags, and licenses. Microchips are also very important also.
  • Report suspicious neighborhood activities and/or missing companion animals to the police and animal control. 
  • Keep recent photos of your pets.
  • Spay and neuter your companion animals. Fixed animals are less likely to stray.
  • Please do NOT tie your dog up outside of restaurants, coffee shops or stores, and never leave any animal unattended in a car.
  • Please do NOT use “free to good home” ads to rehome your pet, they can fall into the wrong hands, if you cannot care for your pet anymore contact rescue organizations in your area.

PREVENT PET THEFT BEFORE IT HAPPENS!  Report any suspicious activity, or animal cruelty and neglect to your local police department and animal control office.

On this note we would like to wish all our friends Happy Valentines Day, we hope you have a wonderful day filled with love BUT also please keep us pets safe,

With a woof and love from Layla

Easter is here

Woof friends,
How are you all doing ? 
Are you bored like me ? Mom poor thing is trying to keep me busy and I think I am driving her crazy sometimes BOL but that is what fur kids are supposed to do.  Do you agree with me ?

While I am writing the blog today am listening to a live Melissa Etheridge concert on Facebook which keeps me relaxed daily and of course Layla is sleeping. I must admit the one plus with the lock down is I am catching up on shows etc on Facebook and it keeps me occupied as I am tired of TV.
This weekend is Easter which means lots of chocolate, please keep your pets away from them. My thoughts go out to all the parents that will have to do Easter Egg Hunts inside the house.

Here is the list of what we must be careful of to keep our fur kids safe :

And we have one other thing to remind everyone of and please please don’t do this, thank you.

Be safe friends,  have a wonderful Easter

And last but not least, today 10 April is Hug your Dog day, that means Layla will be demanding a lot more hugs today,

With a woof and love from Layla 

April has arrived

TGIF !!!!!!!!!!!!! 

April has arrived and with it has come lock downs, Spring, and of course Easter and Passover. So where do we start.

Our lock down is going good, we are indoors more than normal, trying to find things to keep Layla occupied as unfortunately all my dog sitting jobs have been cancelled. So she has a new quirk to sit on the bed and moan for attention all the time which is not making my life easy as I ignore it part of the time and then feel guilty also. 

Our dog parks closed this week, they are focusing more on the enclosed ones than the one like ours that has no fencing although ours has a kids playground etc which they have closed but are not making a big deal about us sitting on the lawns as long as there is 6 ft between us. Many families are there enjoying the warm weather which we have at the moment and I the past two days have been going also with a blanket and coffee, getting that fresh air is so great plus good for Layla also. She does not wander far so I have no worries with her.

Outdoor recreation is still allowed like walking, hiking, biking and running without limitations as long as people follow social requirements.

With the lock downs I am reading more and more how unfortunately Domestic Violence cases are rising, something that upsets me very much because we all complain about the lock downs but are blessed that we are free of violence not like those that are stuck at home with an abuser. My prayers and thoughts go out to all of them. If you hear of anyone in trouble and you can please reach out or give them the National Hotline Number so that they call. Remember they sometimes do not have access to a computer so having the number on hand will help them.


Advocates are available 24/7 at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) in more than 200 languages. All calls are free and confidential.  

Another cause we must not forget is April is Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month.

We must not forget that like Domestic Violence with the lock down many animals may be being abused by an abusive human and as they are more in the house the abuse could be worse. Please if you see any animal abuse or hear of any please call your local Animal Control or the Police. 

I feel in these times we must be more aware of our surroundings, neighbors and reach out where possible as you could be saving a life.

Passover is next week, I cannot believe it and that holiday as many of you know symbolizes the freedom from slavery of the Jews from Egypt, and for me it also symbolizes especially with what is happening in the world today, freedom for Domestic Violence Victims and Animals from Cruelty situations.

So on this note we are asking everyone to be aware, keep your eyes open for any abuse if you are out on an essential errand, stay safe and healthy,

With a woof and love from Layla 

PS: For our all our Jewish Followers

Another week in the Layla Neighborhood

Woof to all our friends,

March has arrived and that means summer is around the corner which I am sure many of you are happy about.

In my neighborhood it has been warm, no rain which is pawsome although Mom is upset and says we need it. I will let her be right this time.

Gidget and Georgie have been spending time here playing like crazy and I am the referee and growl when they come close to me. I keep telling them I am an old lady and do not have patience for all the playing and jumping around so the growl puts them in their place.

You know the saying you can teach an old dog tricks well LOL I am still laughing over this, Layla in the 9 years plus that I have her has never chewed up or shredded a toy and last Thursday she did it so I think she has learnt from Georgie and Gidget.

Mom is loving having them, but as she says, with the water bowl flying everywhere and water all over the ground our floor is clean all the time BOL. 

They are keeping her busy and healthy as she is walking more than usual also and when they go out I hide in my box for some down time and then make her walk me without them. I have her well trained.

Today, has been a crazy morning for Mom, she cleaned the house (not sure why as the other two are here), a new mattress was delivered so she has loads of laundry to do now and she got me up early to get everything done. I am not really happy about that one as I need my beauty sleep.

I asked Mom what the plans are for this weekend and she told me she is not working and wants to go to the Tulip Festival which I am excited about  as that means riding on the bus woof doing happy dance. We will also be meeting another blogger and  her dog so I will be making a new friend and am excited about that one.  So Saturday is going to be a good day and Sunday no plans. What are yours this weekend ?
NOW something serious :

This month is Poison Prevention Awareness Month for us pets.
This is so important for us to remember and know about to keep us safe.
What is poison for us dogs :
1.    Chocolate
2.    Rodenticides
3.    Anti-inflammatory medications
4.    Xylitol (sugar-free gum & more)
5.    Grapes & Raisins, Onions, Garlic, 
6.    Antidepressant Medications and Stimulant Medications 
7.    Acetaminophen (e.g., Tylenol)
8.    Vitamin D Overdose
9.    Stimulant Medications 
10.  Fertilizers 

What is poison for our cats  :
1.    Lilies (Lilium species)
2.    Spot-on flea/tick medication for dogs
3.    Household Cleaners
4.    Antidepressant Medications
5.    Essential Oils
6.    Anti-inflammatory Medications
7.    Mouse & Rat Poisons (rodenticides)
8.    Stimulant Medications 
9.    Onions & Garlic
10.  Vitamin D Overdose  

And final list for all pets :
Autumn Crocus
Lily of the Valley
Sago Palm
Tulips and Hyacinths 

So please everyone, keep us safe and if something happens call the Pet Poison Helpline: 855-764-7661 This is a 24/7 helpline and there is an incident fee of 59 dollars.

On this note, I have finished dictating to Mom and now need a nap,
Have a wonderful weekend Layla

Wow October is over

TGIF !!!!!!!!!! 

We cannot believe that 2019 is nearly over, this year has gone too fast.  Who feels the same way ?

I am typing this while looking out the window at all the kids and dogs dressed up for Halloween and some of the parents too, I can see everyone is having lots of fun and of course you have the drunks among them LOL. Layla is fast asleep and keeping her indoors this evening, rather be safe than sorry.

I am sharing a memory of Baby RIP at the only Halloween Party she went to as the costume was priceless.

I still think one of the best costumes in the world BOL

While talking about Halloween I entered her into this contest and if anyone wants to help her win which would be awesome you can click on the link below and it can be done daily. I plan to donate the Bark Boxes to one of the non profits for their Pet Pantry.


Last weekend Layla of course went to the Shih Tzu meet up to play with all her fluffy friends, it was fun to hang out with lots of little fluffs and of course be at a different park.

On Sunday we just relaxed and took it easy hanging out at our park with Danielle, a good friend of mine that owns and runs a Sanctuary in the mountains near Yosemite, chatting and catching up. She does amazing work rescuing all the poor senior, disabled, sick pets that are dumped in shelters so that they can live the rest of their lives in comfort in a home. Layla adores her and was in her element to spend time with her. 

On Wednesday some friends of mine took me and Layla on an outing to a beautiful place that I did not know existed and WOW it was amazing. The weather was coolish although warmed up around lunch time.
We walked along this stunning trail with the sea at the end of it, it is called Mori Point near Pacifica about 30 minute drive from San Francisco. Layla was amazing and walked most of it but I carried her in the back pack on the way back to the car as she was hot and tired. That is when I say phew thank goodness I have the cooling vest, backpack and so much more as it makes life so easy to take her.I would have loved to have gone down to the beach but will do it next time I go as I will be more prepared with a towel.

A collage of some of the beauty

I wish I could put all the pics up
I love flowers
the Madam in the car going there, walking and the backpacking

My favorite picture

Layla is exhausted from yesterday and basically been sleeping and eating and quick walks to do her business today LOL, poor baby.

So as you can see we are always on the move although Layla has it easier as when running errands etc I leave her at home. 
As you can see life is never boring in the Layla neighborhood and we have a busy weekend ahead of us, another fun outing with friends on Saturday and Sunday we will be going to one of my favorite pet events. 
We hope you all had a great Halloween and did not OD on candies LOL or our pampered pets on treats.

And before we forget today, 01 November is National Cook for Your Pets Day, I never knew there would be such a holiday to honor us who do cook for our pets. Here is photo of Layla’s food and just finished putting 4 containers into the freezer.

My Pampered Princess eats well 

What are your plans this weekend ? We hope you have a wonderful one and of course cannot wait to see the photos,

Woof with love from Layla