Booo Halloween has arrived

Good morning, friends,


Halloween has arrived and that means lots going on and lots of yummy treats.


Last Sunday we went with Aunt Laura and Coco and Thomas to a Halloween event which was organized by a vet clinic called Dr. Treats, yes can you believe a name like that BOL. It was a parade on Union Street in San Francisco and all the stores along the way gave us treats so it was a yum parade and Mom found two new doggy treat stores which I hope she will take me back to as I need to try everything.


I am riding Dr Treats car vroom in my costume


Mom insulted me with my costume although everyone loved it, you can see my thoughts about it on the video below.

This Sunday we are doing two events, yes I did say two events, one with Aunt Melinda and the other with Aunt Laura and Coco and Thomas, it is going to be so much fun and the best of all is Mom has to push me in my stroller BOL and work off all the treats so she does not get fat.

So, I am happy to say that events are slowly starting to happen in San Francisco again woof and that is so exciting as it means going different places every weekend.

On a serious note, we must not forget :

Black Cats

Halloween season seems to spark violence against cats in general black cats, and therefore many shelters do not allow the adoption of black cats. Sadly, this does not protect cats that are normally outside from would-be sadists and other miscreants at Halloween-time. So please help keeping all cats especially black ones safe, whether feral or domesticated, they deserve to live a safe life like us all.

Also here is a list of hazards for us pets that we need to keep an eye out so that we can be safe :


On this note, have a Happy Halloween everyone, be safe, enjoy and do not eat too many sweet candies HA.

Now I have spoken, warned all my fur friends about the dangers, am off to sleep.

Woof with love from Layla






October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

TGIF !!!!

October has arrived and with it the Month of Domestic Violence Awareness. This is a topic that is very close to my heart as I am a lucky survivor.

I am one of the lucky ones that managed to get away with my little dog, hid at a friend and then moved to a new city where we were both helped.  If I had left her I know my ex would have carried on abusing her so the minute I could we ran.

Baby since has passed away, but she was my inspiration, my hero, my trooper and my lifeline through those dark days, and when she passed from IMHA, was when I was finally in my own home so she knew I was safe, and could then open my doors to a new pup, and Layla arrived to live with me.  Layla wears a tag that says: Shelter Survivor which speaks for both of us.

Today I am not going to talk about me, but “The Power and Control Wheel” of Animal Abuse and Domestic Violence. This gives us a better understanding as to what happens behind closed doors, and why so many victims stay in the relationships.

An abuser will want to control everything, and if he or she does not have that, we, the humans, kids or pets become the victims of his or her anger, although he/she will never admit it.

So when people reach out and talk about wanting to leave a Domestic Violence relationship but cannot leave their pets, these are some of the reasons and I from experience would have rather carried on suffering the abuse to make sure Baby was safe, than left her in a house where she would suffer.

Pets do not understand abuse the way we do and they should not have to suffer at the hands of an abuser of any kind as they give us the unconditional love and loyalty that unfortunately humans do not do.

October is also the National Month of Adopt a Shelter Dog Month so reach out to a Shelter and give a dog a new home, as I always say about Layla – from pound to princess.

Be safe, have a wonderful week, with a woof of love from









Quality of Life

TGIF!!! The weekend has arrived and with the weather still being warm I plan to go to the park as much as possible plus we are going to a dog event on Sunday.

Layla had her 6-month checkup last week where with the vet I discussed her quality of life as she is over 15 years old, in so many ways healthy but since her fall her anxiety has gone through the roof and she barks all the time. Her paw thank goodness has healed.

The vet replied to my answer like this which relaxed me a lot as I do not want her to suffer with age.

  1. She is eating and drinking – phew
  2. No accidents in the house – phew
  3. Her tail is wagging – phew
  4. Her heart and internal organs are all good – phew
  5. Barking (I had sent a video to the vet to see) – can be from anxiety and the start of Dementia. She prescribed Gabapentin which I have started giving her and she is now sleeping through the nights.
  6. During the day she gets a calming supplement which is working so she is a lot more relaxed now also which makes my life a lot easier. Vet approved.

So in a nutshell this is what my vet said: She is doing good, her quality of life is good and I should not think about it but focus on making memories, enjoying each day with her and keep her brain working all the time.

So, I have put that question on the shelf and enjoying each day as it comes as I am blessed to have her in my life.

My question this week is what are your thoughts of quality of life? I would love to hear from you,

Be safe everyone, our prayers and thoughts are with all those in Florida, both humans and animals.

Have a wonderful weekend,

With woof and love from Layla and Me


Remember Me Thursday

Remember Me Thursday is a day to honor all pets who never found a loving home, I am one of the blessed Dog Moms to have found one (rescued from the Carlson Shelter).

It is a day when the world will share and discuss the importance of pet adoption, and shine a light on all orphan pets waiting in shelters and rescues. We all come from different countries, religions but one thing we all have in common is the fate of the pets in shelters so we need to be their voice.

One of the important ways of spreading the word around about Remember Me Thursday is to draw the attention to those wanting a pet and stop them from buying but instead adopting from a local shelter or rescue organization.

I do not believe in buying a pet, will not do and will fight against the Puppy Mills and other Breeders till all the shelters are empty and all the pets have homes. I have watched over the years how pet owners speak about rescuing but go out and buy for themselves a pure bred dog when they could be going to a pure bred rescue organization to adopt from instead. I thank goodness live in a city where pet stores are not allowed to sell pets but if I know of one, that one would not get my money.

How to get involved with this special day :

01. Find an event near you – there are events being held in California – Helen Woodward Animal Center in San Diego – their event is being held online this year via Zoom.

02. Hold a pet food donation event

03. Educate children about rescue and not buying from a breeder. (I as a teacher have taught all my pupils about rescue and taken some to rescue events)

04. And for me the most important one is to share all over social media to bring awareness to everyone.

05. Be the voice for the orphaned pets

So Layla is calling on everyone to adopt a pet, give them a home, so that they will be one of the lucky ones sleeping in a bed tonight and not in cold shelter with all the noise and stress around them.

We want to say a special thanks to Mike Arms, President and CEO of Helen Woodward Animal Center, for creating this day to draw the attention of the orphaned pets sitting in shelters and by lighting a candle will draw people to their fate of euthanasia.

So let us shine the light on all the orphan pets in all the shelters and rescues all over the world and help them find a home.

Thank you with a woof and love from


Are you prepared ?

TGIF!!! Phew weekend has arrived and thank goodness the weather here is cooling down, San Francisco has had such a heatwave I thought we would melt, global warming is slowly starting to happen here and all over the world. Are we all prepared for these changes?

September is National Disaster Preparedness Month and what else will happen this month? Are we really prepared in our house for one? What do we really need? It worries me as I wonder what if I am not home when an earthquake happens. Will Layla be, ok? Do any of you think of this?

I recheck once a month our emergency bag but I then say will I have time to pick it up and run when an earthquake hits, is too heavy, have I overpacked, it might sound crazy but would rather be safe than sorry.

So this is emergency bag :

Water / flashlight / batteries / radio / change of clothing / food for Layla and me / her supplements and medications / poop bags / dog treats / blanket / toy for her / first aid kit / copies of documents / cash / usb drives of all my computer files / my beach canopy that I could use as a tent and other sentimental items of mine.  It sounds a lot, but I still wonder if it is enough. I also have a collapsible pet carrier to put her in so she will feel safe plus her backpack to carry her out of the house (although with her age she is not comfortable in it) but it is safe, and she does not walk on the sidewalks in case there is debris and could get hurt.

I also say that I can live off bread and water, but her food is extremely important.

So, when all these disasters hit us, and however much we are prepared we all lose material items which for me is as I say, something that can be replaced, but the lives of the animals and birds cannot so it is so important to do as much as possible to protect them.

On this note I am asking everyone to be safe and check your bags.

Most important our pets are family and should not be left behind to fend for themselves as you are serving them a death sentence.

Have a great safe week,

With a woof and love from Layla





September is National Responsible Dog Ownership Month

TGIF !!!!!

Friday has arrived, it is a long weekend for relaxing and spending quality time with Layla and I am sure you will all be spending time with your families, Enjoy !!!!! Stay cool and make sure you all stay hydrated.

September is National Responsible Dog Owners Month,  which is a really important reminder for all of us who are dog parents.

The reason for this is to help us raise healthy happy dogs and it is a good reminder for all of us.

Some of the basics of responsible dog ownership include:

  1. Regular Vet Exams : Keeping them up to date on all their vaccinations
  2. Keeping them fit and not over weight. Feed them a healthy diet only and if possible no kibbles.
  3. Putting dog care in our monthly budget
  4. Making sure their microchip and tags are all up to date
  5. Keep your pets inside so that they do not suffer in summer or winter
  6. Spay or neuter your dogs as there are so many in shelters looking for homes.
  7. Be prepared for Natural Disasters
  8. Lots of love and playtime
  9. Spoil them rotten.

It is so easy to do the above as they are our fur kids and depend on us to live a healthy happy life.

Shnoozing in the park

What do you do to keep your dog happy?

Have a safe weekend

With a woof and love from Layla










Today is a Special Day

TGIF!! Friday is here and that means weekend, time to put our feet up and relax.

Layla is still hobbling around so have kept her on bed rest as much as possible this week and her energy level is going through the roof LOL but am doing my utmost to prevent her from walking. I have taken her to the park once or twice to get fresh air but she starts walking so I bring her home although she loves sleeping there LOL.

Wearing my granny jacket cos it was cold but zzzzzzzzz

I phoned my vet today to discuss with her what is happening, and she was so great and told me to relax as Layla is a senior and it could take time for her paw to heal and that I am doing well with what I am doing. We have put her on Galliprant for a week which is an anti-inflammatory and pain killer which hopefully will help her paw, but it is making her sleep LOL, phew.

Now why is today a special day?

Today is National Dog Day is recognized worldwide on August 26th annually. We celebrate all dogs and encourage adoption.


It is so important to encourage adoption as there are so many dogs in shelters waiting for homes. It hurts me so much to see all the rescues and shelters posting photos of dogs needing homes and breeders still breeding to make money, we need to put a stop to all breeders till shelters and rescues are empty. I understand there are people that want pure bred dogs BUT you can adopt one from a breed rescue organization or from a shelter as there are so many there.


So why we celebrate dogs lets turn today into a day of adoption and celebrate the freedom of those caged dogs who need homes.


On this note we are asking to spread the word, help emptying shelters and giving all beautiful dogs a home and freedom.


Stay safe everyone, have a wonderful weekend

With love and woofs


Keeping Your Senior Healthy

TGIF!! The weekend has arrived and never mind Mom I am exhausted and need a rest.

Mom has been running around all week, nonstop, like an energizer bunny and she needs to put her feet up but hey I love keeping her busy.

On Wednesday Mom took me to the Eye Vet to have my eyes checked up.  They have found that I have now an ulcer on my right eye so have doubled my eye drops and hopefully all will be good. We have another appointment in 6 months’ time unless something happens before then.

As you all know I have a Jewish Mom that drives me nuts trying to keep me healthy and happy so she decided that I need a new dog food to add to my homecooked food so it would be very balanced and healthy. I sometimes worry that she will make me chicken soup and matza balls BOL.

So, as we love the Dr Harvey’s Foods Mom got me their new one, The Raw Vibrance as she got excited when she saw it has milk thistle, green lipped mussels and so much more and it takes the worry off her shoulders with me not getting a balanced diet with all the right supplements. The plus with eating Dr Harvey’s food is it Holistic, Chemical Free and made with organic ingredients. What could be healthier than that.

The ingredients in this food are Broccoli, Green Beans, Squash, Celery, Cabbage, Carrots, Crushed Eggshell, Spinach, Beets, Raw Goat’s Milk Powder, Apples, Blueberries, Bone Meal, Sesame Seeds, Chia Seeds, Shiitake Mushrooms, Green Lipped Mussel Powder, Ginger, Kelp, Parsley, Eggshell Memb 

I love this food and it is pink from the beets which is my favorite color so am gulping it down as quickly as possible when it is put in my bowl.  Mom also takes it to the park for me so I can have a picnic.

Mom has also started making me treats with the food which she mixes with my homemade food and bakes it, then cuts it and puts it in my snuffle ball and it is yummy. I am a very lucky old girl here.

Home made dog treats with the dog food

So, because we love this food, and want to help everyone keep their babies healthy and happy, we have decided to do a giveaway for a bag of Raw Vibrance which one lucky winner will win.

We were sponsored by Dr. Harvey’s with a bag of this food. The giveaway is for the USA only and you must be over 18 to enter.

Below is the Rafflecopter link to enter:

And of course, if you want to check out Dr Harvey’s website this is the link – Your code for a discount is: Layla10. The great thing is you can order samples of his food to try on your dog before you buy a big bag.

I solemnly swear with my paws that your dog will be a happy healthy furkid.

Good luck everypawdy, with a woof and love from



woof it is give away time

TGIF! Friday has arrived and that means weekend is here for some fun, I am not sure what we going to do but go with the flow and be outdoors.

I need my daily dose of dog park, Layla

Woof as you all know I have now have a stroller and as Mom says every princess needs a crown. I will not wear a crown, but a fancy collar is just as good if not better.

So, Mom my slave has been searching for something special and as we believe in giving back, helping women and their families, hand made crafts,  Mom came across this amazing site and they sent us a collar.

Princess with her beautiful collar

Who are they?

Sambboho – Sustainable fashion to empower women.

Their Mission :  They started their store to empower artisan women of their little hometown in Brazil. With your purchases you allow them to safely work from home so they can take care of the household and be independent financially.

They are also dog lovers so a percentage from their profits goes to a No Kill Shelter in San Diego which I think is awesome.

The collar I got for Layla is called Paris Sambboho dog collar and I love it. The colors are perfect for Madam, and she looks adorable wearing it proudly.

Princess modelling her Paris collar

It is beautifully made, the beads are triple hand sewn onto leather, the glass beads are imported from Slovakia do not break or fade, they are water resistance, the leather is treated with organic beeswax for comfort, and of course there is a D-Ring for the leash.

So, this week we are dedicating the blog to this fantastic business who is helping others and with Christmas/Hanukkah 4 months away giving you ideas as to what to get as gifts and helping the women feed their families plus enabling them to have a fantastic Christmas also.

You have an 11% discount on all your shopping with the code Rescue11.

Now as we love sharing, we are this week doing a give away for the USA only for a collar for your dog or cat, yes, a cat can enter also woof, all you must do is fill in the below link and keep entering so that you have more of a chance to win.

Link to enter :

To see their all their stunning products pop on over to their website:

So let us get the fun going and good luck to all those that enter,

Have a wonderful weekend, with woof and love from Layla



July 21st is No to Pet Store Puppies Day


TGIF!!! Friday has arrived, that means Mom will be less on the computer and more with me, woof.

Last weekend we went to the TriPawd Meet Up, it was so much fun, lots of amazing dogs, their parents and of course lots of treats. I also got blessed by one of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence which made Mom very happy.


Thank you Mark Swanson for letting me share some of your photos

Thank you Mark Swanson for sharing some of your photos

Today, 21st of July is No to Pet Store Puppies Day, a very important day as need to draw the public awareness of puppy mills and their connections to pet stores that sell puppies, kittens, and rabbits.

This is a National Problem and Abusive as thousands of dogs spend their lives in Puppy Mills with no medical attention or proper care of any kind. Female dogs are bred like machines with no break in between each litter and when they cannot breed anymore, they are dumped.

This is not a life it is abuse

Puppies from Puppy Mills or backyard breeders may suffer from behavior, congenital and hereditary problems as a result of irresponsible breeding practices.

How you can help stop this practice and reasons why NOT to buy from a Pet Store:

  1. Do not shop at a Pet Store that sells puppies
  2. Check out this website see if your State regulates commercial breeders.
  3. Convince your family and friends not to shop at Pet Stores that sell puppies.
  4. If you want a puppy, go to a Rescue Organization to adopt a puppy as there are many that need homes.
  5. Some Pet Stores have Rescued Puppies so shop at that store and adopt a pup from them.
  6. Puppies from Pet Stores have health problems as they are not bred carefully.
  7. Behavioral Issues as the staff at a Pet Store is not trained and therefore will not see those problems.
  8. They are not socialized as puppies at Pet Stores are taken away from their litters too you and therefore are not developed socially.
  9. Puppies from Puppy Mills or backyard breeders may suffer from behavior, congenital and hereditary problems as a result of irresponsible breeding practices.
  10. Lack of Information – Pet store staff will not have all the correct information for you about the puppy.
  11. Housetraining, pups from Pet Stores do not have the correct instinct from doing their business next to the food and water as they have lived in cages all their lives.
  12. If you are looking for a pure bred puppy, the Pet Store might not have the documentation to prove it is pure bred and therefore you have spend hundreds of dollars on a puppy which is not what you wanted in the end.

So, let’s all take the pledge and adopt don’t shop and open our home to a pup that has been dumped in a Shelter.

Have a safe weekend and please stay indoors from the heat,

With a woof and love from Layla