It is my birthday next week.

TGIF!!! Friday has arrived and I hope it does not rain so I can go somewhere as I am tired of being stuck in the house and Mom feels the same. I know I should not complain as so many of my friends are stuck with snow but enough is enough.

When it rains you snuffle for treats BOL



So weather permitting Mom is taking me to the Shi Tzu Meet Up tomorrow morning, it is a fantastic park and I am really excited. I cannot wait to wander around, bark of course BOL and embarrass Mom like I like doing, eat lots of treats and have some fresh air plus spend time with other fluffies like me. I am really excited and it better not rain.


On the 31st of January 2011 I was rescued from the Carson Shelter in Los Angeles. The story of how it was an online affair I love sharing to prove to people it can happen and it does work out. Mommy saw me sitting in a cage, emailed a friend of a friend who is a rescuer, Cindy went to the shelter and pulled me out, then Uncle Michael drove to me San Francisco.


Because they do not know my exact birth date, and have worked out I am 18 years old, Mom is working hard organizing a birthday party for me for next Friday afternoon, not sure who is going to be there, dogs and humans, but she says she will have a lot of surprises for me, my one gift arrived today but she would not me smell it and hid it in the closet immediately. She promised she would let me sniff it tomorrow when it assembled. I am so excited and cannot wait.

So I am getting really excited for next week, it is going to be so much fun I cannot wait. I might be old but you are never too old to have fun.

I am off to bed now as I am exhausted from dictating to Mom,


Have a safe warm weekend everyone, I wish you all could come to celebrate with me,

Lots of love as always with a woof

Layla xxx






We had an adventure

Woof everyone and how are you?  Friday has arrived and that means weekend, and woof weekend means adventures weather permitting cos as Mom says if it is raining we are staying home and hibernating. She will even give me extra treats if I let her do that, so the question is should I? BOL.

Last week it had stopped raining, the sun was out but chilly so we bundled up and took the train to my favorite park, it is a lawn on the promenade which has a dog park on one side but we sit on the opposite lawn, Mom gets her chair and coffee, and I wander around smelling and then normally lie down especially if there is sun and just chill next to the Bay, clean air and pawsome to be outside. Plus I get lots of treats from Mom, it is our quality time and we do not look at phones or any other electronics but enjoy the nature although Mom uses her camera to take photos of me of course, I am her model for all the shots.


I got very angry as there was garbage on the lawn which makes me angry as I wish people would respect nature and put the garbage in the bin and there are two right there, it shows how lazy people are, so I did what I do well, barked and barked but Mom was good and picked it all up and put in the garbage so we left the place clean. (see video below)

The rain came back so that was the end of our adventures this week so we have been stuck indoors, Mom I must admit is good and takes me with her to the stores when she goes shopping so I do get out in my stroller and stay dry while Mom gets soaked BOL, poor Mom.

I have a new quirk which comes with age and that is I now stand if I am not in the stroller although it is with us and bark for nothing, Mom stands there looking like a fool while I bark away and the empty stroller is held by Mom, I love doing it although Mom is not pleased especially if it is late at night but hey I am allowed to talk aren’t I?

We go for our last walk at about midnight cos Mom figured out the later I go the later I sleep in the morning so she is finally having 6 hours sleep a night and feeling more relaxed in the morning, so I can be nice to her if I want to.

It is my Gotcha Day at the end of the month and I am wondering what Mom is going to do for me, she cannot believe I have been with her 13 years and we are now growing old together. Does anyone have ideas for my Gotcha Day?

I am off to bed now it is past my bedtime and old ladies need their sleep,

Stay warm everyone, be safe and have a wonderful weekend!

With woof and love from Layla





Sun was out and we went for an adventure

Hello Friends, we hope you are all staying safe and warm in this cold weather.

It is Friday, a long weekend ahead of us and it is really cold here at the moment that I do not want to get out of bed in the mornings but Mom says I need to go out to potty so we go and then come back to bed.

Last Sunday, although it had been raining on and off all week the sun came out so Mom surprised me and took me on an adventure. We went to Stern Grove where they have a Chihuahua meet up once a month, so she texted one of her friends who goes and he picked us up from the train station as it is too complicated to get there without a car. The weather was perfect, warm, sunny and just what we needed plus the park is magical and has a lake at the one end which for Mom is paradise, she likes to sit and watch the ducks, enjoy the peace and just recharge her batteries as she says, which she needs to do so that she has lots of energy to walk or push me all the time when I demand it BOL.

Waiting for Uncle to pick us up

Walking along the path

Pine Lake with a duck, my heaven

Giving Mom a break to breathe next to the lake while I nap

It was a beautiful day out, there was lunch for the humans and of course Mom had goodies for me, So in a nutshell it was a wonderful adventure. When we got home, I made Mom walk me more to enjoy the sun so by the time we really got back home Mom was ready for a nap and me, snuffle time and then a nap.

Otherwise this week we have been staying warm and dry inside but of course I am getting Mom out so I can potty and smell all the trees along the way but the weekend has arrived again, and this week it is a long weekend so I hope Mom will surprise me with some kind of adventure. She has already told me we meeting my favorite Aunt for lunch tomorrow and that will be fun and then who knows !

So all my friends, have a wonderful long weekend, stay warm and safe, please keep us inside with you,

Woof and love from Layla






Being a Dog Mom to a senior fur kid

Good morning Friends,

We hope you enjoying our blog and will carry on reading it this year also, hopefully there will be lots of adventures and fun.

Last weekend Nigel, my new neighbor spent the weekend with us as his Dad went away. He is a cute dog, very mellow and slept most of the time like me so it was pawsome. Mom made sure we were safe and relaxed when the fireworks went off, grr as I hate them as much as Mom did but guess what I did not hear them and slept through it all, so did Nigel, he cuddled on the bed with Mom.

The sun finally came out on Tuesday, so Mom and I hopped on the train and went to the Promenade to my favorite lawns, it was great to be out but when we got there it started getting grey and gloomy and once we had settled, I had barked of course, sniffed everywhere the rain started so Mom had to pack us up, me under my plastic cover in the stroller, Mom got soaked, but we hopped on a train and came home. It was fun to be out on the lawn and in the fresh air and we hoping this week we will be able to do it again.

Grey and gloomy

Checking the pmail

Can you see me under my cover, Layla

One of the reasons I share our adventures is living with a senior dog can be trying and trying to keep her exercised and brain working can be challenging when it is raining as you cannot go out for long without getting drenched and unfortunately, I must look after myself and not get sick. It is a daily challenge, but I would not change it.


Layla is 18 years old, blind but very aware of what is going on plus has the energy that I need to burn off as such as sleeping all day is great but she needs mental stimulation and exercise also. She has become very needy, and I am learning more and more about her body language on a daily basis which is keeping me on my toes but can be exhausting also.


She has also become very picky when it comes to food, what she loved yesterday she does not want the following day so am cooking for her every couple of days different meals and alternating, it is not cheap, but I am relieved she does eat when she is hungry, I free feed her and I have slowed down on her treats so tough love is paying off. Her favorite still is Costco Chicken LOL but I only get it once a week, so she gobbles it happily when it arrives. So, her diet consists of ground lamb, chicken or chicken gizzards plus all her supplements (you can see the below link) and the food game goes on, what is on the menu will she eat that day. It can be very frustrating for me, but she is happy with a full tummy by the end of the day each day as I will not give into her also. Her treats are homemade dehydrated Tilapia which she loves and I look at it in a way as food also plus it is easy to put in her snuffle toy to dig for it and find it.

She has had the odd accident in the house, but it happened when I was out running errands and did not get home in time, but when home she moans to go out and I take her out and she potties outside. I try to take her out 4 times a day like clockwork plus at about 10 pm every night or later if I am awake so she is sleeping till about 5 in the morning, and then she wakes me up with a moan and I take her out to potty, bring her in and then try go back to sleep, not always working LOL. My clothes are ready each time to just slip on and run out with her, her stroller is ready next to the door. Thank goodness I live on a busy street so there are always people out so am not alone.  Another new thing is her standing on street corners barking into the air which worries me as I do not want to wake up the neighborhood but my vet explained to me that she does it because of her blindness.

Sleeping after going out to potty at 5 in the morning


In a nutshell, there is never a dull moment in the Layla Neighborhood but I count my blessings daily that she is healthy, happy and living the life of luxury which she deserves. Her 13th Gotcha Day is at the end of month which I do plan to make very special for her.


Be safe everyone, stay warm and dry

With a woof and love from Layla


2023 is over WOW

Good morning,

The weekend has arrived but guess what, it is the end of the year also. 2023 has gone so fast it is scary and 2024 is a few days away. WOW.

This past week it has been cold and rainy so we have stayed indoors dry and playing with snuffle ball and napping, it can be boring for me but Mom does not want me to get sick, so she is very firm with her plans when it rains. I do not like the rain so in a way I enjoy being home although I do have the stroller with a cover to keep me dry but Mom gets wet and she is not happy BOL.

I lucked out Mom spilled my treats so am vacuuming with my tongue

New Years eve is a nightmare for so many of my fur friends because of those horrible noisy fireworks, in my younger days Mom would make me a bed in the shower with my water and favorite toys so I would not hear them plus she played the Jaz station all night long but now I am old I do not hear them that much which has made Moms life a lot less stressful and easy. She never leaves me alone, so I feel very safe and secure.


Please keep all of us safe and it can be very scary to be outdoors with all bangs going off plus as I woofed to Mom I feel very sorry for the wild animals and birds that suffer from it all. Do you agree with me?

Did you know that January is overflowing with pets because people have dumped their pets for selfish reasons, they do not think that pets are part of family and should live all their lives with them. Layla was dumped in January and I rescued her on the 31st of January, a total matted mess but I lucked out with the most beautiful little girl in the world and her ex family lost out.


I must now go to sleep as an old girl needs her beauty sleep, Happy New Year Everyone, may 2024 bring peace, love, health and happiness to everyone,

With a woof and love from






Happy Holidays Everyone

Good morning Friends,

Can you believe it is nearly the end of 2023 WOW, this year has gone too fast or is Mom getting old too quickly BOL.

I was not well last week and Mom was very worried about me. I kept pooping, not diarrhea though but could not hold my poops so Mom was cleaning all weekend after me and she was exhausted. Because of it Mom could not go to her Hanukkah party on Sunday and I feel bad. She phoned our vet and spoke to a tech about it and he suggested that Mom speak to a vet and gave us a phone number of an emergency clinic which answers questions over the phone. So Mom called them and spoke to a really sweet vet who calmed Mom down and since then Mom has relaxed and my problem has been solved. Mom emailed my vet on Monday telling her what had been happening and my vet told Mom to give me some medications. But because my tummy had settled we decided not to give me the medications but as my vet is going on holiday this week for two weeks she has left the medication on my name for an emergency but thank goodness we have no need at this moment.

My vet did tell Mom that pumpkin could have been part of the problem as I am a senior and sometimes pumpkin does not work on us, so no more pumpkin for me.

We have done something new, changed my diet which my vet thinks is a good idea. I now eat ground lamb with brown rice for fiber and my tummy is working perfectly and the lamb is so so good, although as Mom says it is not cheap either. But I am a princess and deserve the best.

Another thing we have done is because my back legs are not that stable anymore and I fall into my food or knock it over, I cannot eat out of bowls anymore as I do not see and knock them over, so Mom now feeds me on my own little table with a flat porcelain dish which is heavy and hard to push over. See the photo below and my video where you can hear me slurping away.

Yum the lamb is so good

Video :

Because of the rain all week we have not really gone out that much as Mom does not like swimming in the rain and neither do I so Christmas events we did now do this week but I have been spoiled and we are sharing some old photos from Christmas events in San Francisco. Memories cannot be erased.

From one of the Christmas events in San Francisco a couple of years ago

Video :


Please keep your fur family safe this Christmas, do not drink and drive and most of all adopt don’t shop if you are getting a new fur baby.

Merry Christmas Everyone,


Enjoy your time with your family and make lots of memories

With love from Layla



We did a walkabout in our Neighborhood

TGIF, Good Morning all my furfriends, phew it is Friday and I am tired.


Mom has been very busy this week so we did not go to the park although Mom explained to me the grass is really wet and she does not want me to get a cold although I think she is thinking of herself BOL.

On Tuesday Mom’s best friend and my favorite Auntie surprised us with a visit and we went to our favorite place for lunch, I call it the chicken place but it is actually Syrian food, a Mom and Pop place and everything is delicious. Mom’s favorite is their garlic sauce which is called Toum (Lebanese) and Mom says it is so yum she could eat it all day BOL. Of course I got some chicken from Mom so I had a full tummy when we left there, if you ever in San Francisco you must go eat there, it is called Palmyra and it is in the lower Haight, down the road from where the Hippy Movement started on Haight Ashbury. And most of all they are pet friendly so you can take your dog inside with you, Woof.

Checking the store window

So after lunch Mom and I decided to walk home and look at some of the street murals and those are the photos we going to share today on my blog. Is our walkabout window shopping and enjoying the cold sunny day. I was exhausted when I got home but it was lots of fun.

Outside a Barber Shop

Smelling the air with the beautiful mural behind me, Layla

Exhausted after my day out which was fun

I am going to sleep now as I am tired but cannot wait to see what Mom has planned for us this weekend,

Have a wonderful weekend everyone

With a woof and love from





I have had a barking busy week.

Woof hello all my friends,

I have had a barking busy week with lots of barking. Mom is not impressed but I feel I have the right to give my input.

On Saturday Mom took me to the vet for a senior checkup. The vet was very impressed with Mom for keeping me so healthy and Mom asked her a favor which she was happy to help with. My back leg muscles are slowing giving in, no arthritis phew, but because of it I am falling into my food, so I had some matts. So, the vet tech was kind enough to shave me (Mom says rather I am bare in parts than have matts) which was going well until I got fed up and oy vey snapped at the vet. Mom was in shock as she has never seen me do that but thank goodness the vet was not upset. Can you believe they put a muzzle on me and that is when Mom started to giggle as she told the vet I looked like a duck gone wrong. I was not impressed but at least I am matt free now phew and happy. I got lots of treats from the vet, so it was worth it.

Do I really look like a duck ?


On Sunday Mom took me to my favorite park to get some fresh air, or should I say Mom wanted fresh air but it was great to be outdoors as the weather is changing and getting cold and rainy. Of course, I did my barking in the park as that has become my ritual and if I do not do it I will not be happy. Poor Mom gets a headache but too bad I need to tell the world I have arrived. It was a wonderful couple of hours outdoors, Mom watching the boats on the bay and me wandering around sniffing all the new smells so in a nutshell we were both relaxed and happy.

Then the highlight of my week was Wednesday, we went to a Thanksgiving event where there was lots of food, yes Mom shared some with me, I was the only dog there so I got lots of love from everyone, but the best BOL was when they started the Karaoke singing, I did not like the music and voices so I sat in the stroller barking away. I would not keep quiet even when Mom offered me treats to keep quiet, but it did not work. The minute it all stopped I lay back down in my stroller and went back to sleep. Mom won some smelly shower products on the raffle so she was a happy Mom who will now smell fruity BOL.

Do I have a turkey on my back ?


So, as you read, I have been busy barking and Mom is not talking about my barking orders in the house when I want or should I say demand something from her and one of my newest quirks is to stand on the corner and bark for no reason, Mom is not happy with that BOL but I am the Boss.

I am laughing at this post as I think barking is fun BOL


Have a wonderful safe weekend everyone,

With a woof and love from Layla, the Bossy Barker



November is Adopt A Senior Pet Month

TGIF!!!   Woof, hello my friends and how are you?

November has arrived, which is an important month for me as a senior as it is Adopt A Senior Pet Month and there are so many that have been dumped in shelters by selfish humans and are suffering now. Let us open our hearts and homes to a senior so that they can live happily and loved for the rest of their lives. It means so much to me and I cry when I read the stories. Watch the rescuers trying to save them all, find fosters and work relentlessly to make sure all shelter pets have homes especially the seniors.

The excuses that the humans give for dumping is all lies and as I woofed to Mom those humans should not be allowed pets in the future, there is no excuse to do what they are doing and I often woof to Mom may Karma get them.

This is my video I woofed on asking everyone to adopt a senior pet.

Now another topic we must not forget is on November 1 was Cook for your pet day, yup we need to stay healthy and home cooked food is the best and healthier than the kibbles and cans as your Mom knows exactly what you are eating and there are no preservatives. So I asked Mom to share with you my favorite home cooked food so you can all make it at home, cos sharing is caring.

My bowl of home cooked breakfast



Pieces of Chicken and if you allergic to chicken you can use beef.

Filet of Tilapia as fish is very good for the brain.

Chicken Gizzards as they are yum and crunchy.

Veggies: Carrots and pumpkin for fiber which is important for me as I am a senior, if Mom has other veggies like zucchini, cauliflower, peas or green beans she adds them also.

She puts it all in the Instapot, adds apple cider vinegar: Why Apple Cider Vinegar, here are the benefits :

It is a  digestive aid to regulate digestion and relieve digestive upset.

Works as a natural supplement for the urinary tract system to prevent urinary tract infections, bladder, and kidney stones.

Mom steams it all till ready, then she lets it cool down. Blend the veggies into a smoothie with the chicken broth. Mix all together and my food is ready.  When cool she puts in plastic containers and freezes.

When Mom puts in my plate, she adds the following supplements: Lions Mane and 5 Defenders from this company You have 10% off with LaylasWoof coupon. Oops did I forget to tell you I get their calming supplement also and it so yummy plus Mom drinks their Hot Chocolate with Mushrooms which she says is the best.


Muscle Formula from this company  and finally the All In Senior Supplement from this company

So, in a nutshell I am eating a very balanced healthy diet and not overweight either.

Another thing Mom does to prevent UTIS or any other infections she wipes my Tush each time I potty with Tushy Wipes from this company so am clean all the time. They have great grooming products and all healthy and safe.  You have a coupon for 10% off with LaylasWoof15.

The most important thing of all is of course my candy in my snuffle ball, oops did I say candy, I meant treats and they are so good and crunchy from this company and I am telling you it is a must have. and you have a 10% discount with this coupon YumTreats0311.

It is now my bedtime and I need my beauty sleep as I am a senior and sleep is very important to me,

My new favorite place to sleep cos I am guarding the door

Have a safe weekend everyone with lots of fun,

Love Layla












Why do we have adventures.

TGIF, the weekend has arrived, and I am still not sure what our plans will be.

Layla is off her antibiotics; I am praying we kicked the infection and life can get back to normal whatever that Is in this household. Layla rules the house and I jump to attention for whatever she barks about, it is insane but that is how it goes here.

Madam suddenly does not want to eat chicken as I was hiding her medication in it so on Monday we went to the markets and bought chicken gizzards and she is now a happy old lady and Mom is happy also that she is eating but by the photo below you will see who the Boss is.

I want chicken not gizzards, did you hear me Mom


The reason I do adventures with her, trying different parks, going on the train and so much more is to keep her brain going, different places mean different smells and I am always looking for a new place which is easy to get to, I do not drive, so all is on public transport and her being in a stroller I am learning I have to go to easy accessible places as living in San Francisco there are lots of hills and pushing the stroller up them is not easy especially as the princess has a new game, get comfy in the stroller then stand up to walk, and she repeats herself most of the way so by the end of the day my back is killing me. Another reason I do them is I have found if she does not go out for a couple of hours during the day, she sleeps a lot and then in the evenings wakes up and wants to go out every hour, barking to get her own way and it is exhausting for me and I have started eating cold dinners LOL.

So, what we have done the past week, last Saturday we went to the park on the Bay. The weather was perfect and it was just so relaxing to be outdoors by the Bay where I could watch her and the boats on the Bay. Layla was wandering around. All of a sudden, I could not see her, nearly had a heart attack and then turned around on my chair to see her scrambling through a gap in the hedges. She was caught on a branch thank goodness, so I had to untangle her and bring her back to the lawn. Thank goodness the hedge is along a wall so she could not have gone far phew. But once back on the lawn she was happily walking around and of course doing her weekly bark in the park, once she started napping, about 2 hours later, I packed up and brought her home. These outings exhaust her, so she normally naps when we get home and phew I manage to catch a nap also. Lucky me.

I smell something in the grass

On Sunday and Monday, we went to the park around the corner from my building, it was great to just sit outdoors, she do her thing and of course bark and me drank coffee and relaxed. The weather has been perfect for these outdoor days plus good for her. Plus being in that park she knows where the benches are where some of the dog people sit with all the treats so off she goes like a bullet to beg from them. I keep an eye on her and if there are a lot of big dogs there, I pick her up and put her in her stroller and push her there. There are only two people she can get treats from so if they are not there, I just bring her back to the blanket and give her a treat.

Sunshine on my face feels awesome

The video below shows Layla trying to get into my bag to get the treats LOL

Life with a senior dog is not easy, tiring especially when they wake you up in the middle of the night or 4 in the morning to go potty but I would not change it for anything as I am very blessed to have a healthy happy blind senior that is getting me out and exercise.

So, all my friends, as you can see, Fall has arrived, we are busy and each day that it does not rain we are outdoors for a couple of hours each day.

Have a wonderful weekend, Be safe,

With lots of love from Layla