Life in the Layla Neighborhood

Woof friends,
How are you all ? 
Last weekend Georgie and Gidget came to visit, they caused havoc in the house and I just went to hide in my box and sleep but did keep an ear open just in case treats arrived although I must say Mom is good and always makes sure I get some.

I did remind them that I was here with a growl when they tipped the water bowl over and it nearly wet my blankie, that would have made me mad. BOL I watched Mom curse them as she mopped up the mess and then put a towel underneath the bowl for safety when it was refilled.

We have had a heat wave the past couple of days and it has been really hot so Mom has taken me to the park to sit under the trees where it is cooler than the house which was fun although I just slept of course. Mom said she needed the fresh air and I actually think it did her good. I also did find time in between napping with a good smelly roll, and I stunk Mom said so she bathed me to get the smell out. I hate bathing but for once I enjoyed being wet because of the heat, it really cooled me off. I am also one lucky girl to have a cooling vest which really helps and I think Mom needs one too. 

Today the weather is cooling down, the fog is showing slowly and I am happy but so is Mom. They are also talking about rain this weekend, can you believe it. 
There is no dog sitting this weekend at this moment so it is going be a Mom and Me weekend which I am really looking forward to.

Our lock down days are becoming a bit more of outdoors which I am happy with, my appetite has returned which is great and I think that we are a lot more relaxed and finally in a new routine. Mom is also spending less time on social medial and now tries to go off line by dinner time so we then cuddle and play which is lots of fun. She hid my favorite toys from Gidget and Georgie so they cannot ruin them like they did with others so my favorites are all in good shape.

OH ! Before I forget one of my uncles got me a mask, it is a cute color so I can be safe although I do not like it BOL, but if it is necessary then will wear it. Mom is being good and wearing hers when going out and shopping although she says she cannot breathe BOL.

There is a Jewish Holiday today, Shavuot which Mom calls Cheese Cake holiday as you eat dairy products and one of them is Cheese Cake. Mom was telling me that in Israel the children stand in the streets and throw water bombs at everyone which sounds like so much fun although I do not like getting wet. So am praying at this moment I will get some cheesecake from Mom and will let you know next week.

So that is what is happening in the Layla Neighborhood, I cannot complain as Mom is being great, spoiling me lots so I am one happy camper.

Chag Sameach, Happy Holiday to those that celebrate,Have a wonderful weekend 

With a woof and love from Layla 

May is nearly over

TGIF !!!

How are all you of you doing ? 

We are sorry we did not blog last week but I needed a break from social media which was really good for me, plus Layla was in her element as I was with her all the time.

This lock down has taught me a lot, it has not been easy triggering things inside me that I had buried, but worked through them, plus I have also realized how in a funny way I think Layla misses me dog sitting and having the other dogs in the house, although she does not play with them it is more the companionship and I really noticed it when Gidget came to spend a couple of hours with us last weekend and although Layla does not play with her, she was happy to see her, and they were lying and sleeping next to each other, which of course was adorable.

Layla is aging and I am noticing it more and more lately, she does not want to do long walks, I carry her into the park as she is afraid and if a person claps or any other odd sound she tries to run out, and this is worrying me. I now leave her leash on in the park as it is easier to catch her plus sit as far away as possible from others so she will relax. Once relaxed she sleeps LOL.

I also am noticing that she is not eating as much as she did in the past, treats yes, her food no so am trying to figure out what to add to her food to make it more appetizing. She loves her gizzards but needs more than that. 

That is what I am working on at the moment and if anyone has any suggestions am open to them.

With the sun shining today I did take her to the park, but it was good for both of us to be outside for an hour, I do not stay long as it starts filling up and I am really keeping social distancing as much as possible. Plus Layla will this week be getting her own mask, a friend of mine got her one so will post a photo with her wearing it next week, cannot wait.

Nothing else exciting happening in the Layla Neighborhood. Like everyone, we are going day by day and praying life will get back to normal one of these days.

I am happy that groomers are opening and maybe next week will see if I can get her an appointment which she desperately needs as I have been cutting away matts as much as possible.

We hope you have a great long weekend,

With a woof and love from Layla 

Earth Day 2020

Woof to all my friends,

How are you all doing ? Are you keeping your hoomans busy at home and making sure they working and giving you extra hugs and treats ?

Today, April 22 is Earth Day, a very important day and because of the virus and all of us on lock downs the world has changed so much. We can actually learn about this as we see the difference and maybe it is a wake up call to make the earth a healthier better place to live in.

So what has been happening in the world to show it :

01. The air is cleaner and not so polluted so we are finally breathing in clean air which is so much healthier especially for those that suffer from different illnesses.
02. There is less industrial pollution
03. Less litter on the streets and beaches
04. There is less car pollution 
05. There is less noise pollution 

I have been reading articles from different countries to see how the lock down has caused wild animals to start roaming the streets, here are a few examples :

01. The Marine Life in Hawaii is flourishing

02. Penguins have been seen wandering the streets in Cape Town South Africa

03. Ostriches have been seen wandering the streets in Cape Town South Africa

04. Coyotes have been seen in downtown San Francisco and on the beaches

05. Jackals have been seen in the enormous park in the center of Tel Aviv, Israel

06. A Kudu wandering the streets in South Africa \

07. The new traffic in Italy

08. Wild Boars wandering the streets in Haifa Israel

09. In Eilat. Israel the Ibex have claimed the beachfront  (This is my hometown)–AWS7vPwaSglvGODxCcg#autoplay

And that is all I have seen but am so sure there is so much more but what an eye opener is all I can say.  It makes me realize how much damage we have done, how much we have messed this earth up and it is time for us to step back and get it right. Who agrees with me ?

I today, to celebrate Earth Day, and the sun shining took Layla for some time in the park, it was beautiful, empty which was even better LOL. I sat there with my coffee relaxing while the Madam did what she does best sleep. A friend then joined us which was great to chat while her lil one joined us also. A great way to spend a couple of hours outdoors.  Layla is now sleeping and relaxed.

So on this note, please stay safe, lets all work towards a better healthier earth as we have the chance now.

Woof and Love fromLayla

Another week gone by

Woof hello everyone,

How are you all doing and we hope you are all staying safe and healthy.

San Francisco as you know is on lock down although thank goodness we are able to go for walks and get some fresh air so last Sunday I decided I need to see the ocean. I dressed safely, put Layla in her backpack and off we went on a tram down to the beach for a couple of hours. It was the best medicine for both of us, fresh sea air just recharged my batteries. Layla of course was in seventh heaven, fresh new smells, able to walk off leash and it was great for her. 

I am going to try do something different this weekend also as I feel lately she does not want to go out too much and is bored with our area, not wanting to walk like she did in the past.  I know she is not sick as she is eating like a pig LOL.

Yesterday a friend of mine called to tell me he has some lamb bones for her, best thing to happen as she chewed away yesterday and wagged her tail. I have enough for her for a couple of days which is great.

So we are dealing with the lock down, I have pulled away quite a bit from social media as I am trying to stay as calm as possible.

My only concern and I do worry about is the Domestic Violence Victims who are on lock down with their abusers, as someone said, this is when abuse is going to get really bad and unfortunately due to lock downs the resources are not out there as it normally would be as most non profits are closed. So let us all pray for them and keep them in your thoughts. I am one of the lucky ones but so many are not.

And now Layla is moaning LOL as she wants some cuddles so am off here to spoil her which makes me feel great.

Please be safe all, take care and share with us what you are doing with your pets.
Woof with love Layla

WOW February is nearly over

Wednesday woof hello to all my friends,

We cannot believe that February is nearly over and March is around the corner.

It has been a really dry winter for San Francisco, we have not had rain in nearly a month which is worrying as that means the drought is going to get worse, Layla is happy though as she is enjoying the warm weather and not getting wet.

Last weekend was the fluffy meet up, that is what I call it LOL, it is actually the monthly Shi Tzhu Meet Up which I love going to as it is in one of my favorite parks and for Layla it is an adventure. She loves riding on the buses, sitting in her back pack of course and everyone on the bus always wants to pet her. So Madam is in seventh heaven and happy.

We had a great time there, meeting some new dogs, wandering around the park and in a nutshell it was good to be out in the fresh air and relax.
Sunday we just relaxed together as with dog sitting and having dogs in the house at the moment, it is a new concept for Layla but she is dealing with it fantastically and just ignores the dogs LOL. 

Below watch the happy chaos the house when Gidget and Georgie get together, they can play like this for hours.

I am really enjoying it as it means I am home a lot more and not running around like a lunatic every day.  The plus also is I prefer working with dogs than humans which makes life less stressful. I am also walking each dog alone so am getting lots of exercise which helps with my diet.

So the Layla neighborhood has changed in some ways, but in good ways I can tell you that Layla, for her age, and used to being alone with me in the house, is doing amazingly well, and I am really proud of her.

So that is what is what is happening here, we have no plans for this weekend but to chill out and have Mom/Layla time which is so important plus recharge our batteries.

We must not forget that till the end of the month is Justice for Animals Week, an annual event dedicated to raising public awareness about animal abuse, what to do if you see abuse, where to report it, and work with our communities to enforce stronger and tougher laws. We must be their voice as they do not have one.

Stay safe all, have a wonderful weekend,

With a woof and love from Layla 

We went to Tulipmania

Woof woof woof,

We went on an adventure on Saturday and it was pawsome.
The weather was warm and sunny so Mom took me on the tram which is my favorite, and we went to Tulipmania on Pier 39 on the Bay.

What is Tulipmania ?

Pier 39 bursts out in bloom with more than 39,000 blooming tulips and seasonal garden favorites come to life. This festival is open starts Feb 8 and ends the 17th although the flowers stay there till end of March.

It was great being out and about breathing the sea air, Layla wandering around although there were times she was in her back pack as there were so many people. The seals were out sunning and in a nutshell just a perfect couple of Mom and Layla hours, something I miss with the cold weather.

I am sharing a collage of photos as there were so many so chose my favorites and we hope you all enjoy them, plus the video of Layla talking to me before we left. She sees the back pack and starts moaning and chatting till she gets into it, pure happiness and excitement.

February 20th is Love Your Pet Day and it’s special day to show your love for your little furry friends. Whether you’re a cat lover, a dog lover or any other pet sharing your home, today’s the day to double spoil them and show them how much they mean to your family.  

What is the best way to celebrate this day :
01. Give your pet some new treats,  or make them a special meal. 02. Buy them some new toys or a new bed. 03. Give your pet a spa day. 04. If it is your dog take them on a special adventure.  05. See if there is any special event in your area celebrating this day. 06. Invite your friends over with their pets and have a party. 07. Best of all, if you are not a pet owner, why not go to a shelter/rescue organization and adopt a new family member.
So what are you going to do ?

Now I am going back to bed to rest as tomorrow I have a busy day as my friend Gidget is going to be visiting.
Have a wonderful weekend,With a woof and love from Layla

The Holidays are nearly here

Woof !!!!!!!!!!!

Mom and I have been busy as always and with the holidays creeping up on us it seems as everyone is having Christmas events for us pampered dogs.
So Mom sat with her schedule and all the dates BOL to see what she could do and fit in although there are some on the same day, plus of course Mom wants to do something for herself too, which I am not sure I agree with.

On Friday I was spoiled as Uncle Matthew came to see Mom and brought my Christmas Bag from the Shanti/PAWS project which had yumm treats, and two new toys, one I really love which is a unicorn.

Happy with her Unicorn

On Saturday there were quite a few events including the Santacon but because the weather was so bad, sheets of rain, we decided to cuddle inside instead. When the rain stopped for a little bit Mom took me to our favorite pet store and stocked me up on my favorite chews, Turkey tendons so I have a stash in the house.

Shhhh don’t tell Mom I hide them so she will get me more

On Sunday the sun appeared, so we went for a long walk to the Castro District where they were having the annual Skivvies Santa Run. This is a fun event, a fundraiser for the AIDS foundation in San Francisco. What happens is everyone congregates in skivvies at one point, and then they do a run finishing at the same place where they started. There was band playing Christmas songs and jazzy music, Santa Claus and lots and lots of skivvies with Santa Hats. I even met some dogs there joining in the fun. We took a slow walk home from there through the dog park which was great as I had a good run without my leash.

Some of the many photos 

The rest of the week has been normal BOL as Mom has been doing things and I have been hibernating from the rain, but Mom is really proud of me as I have actually been walking in the rain if I need to go out. It has taken Mom nearly 8 years I think to get me to do it, better late than never. The best part is when I get home Mom doubles my treats so it is worth it.

OH!!! Before I forget one lousy thing happened this week, I got a bath. Can you believe it is raining but Mom still insists I get a bath. How dare she ! I made sure she would suffer when we got home and what I did was rolled all wet all over her bed so she had to change all the bedding. Ha I love that kind of payback.

Thank you Ally for the photo 

This coming Sunday, I am going on an adventure, as must not forget that Hanukkah is around the corner so am going to a Hanukkah party with Mom. There are going to be lots of people and children so it is going to be lots of fun. Mom says she will pack my dinner in her bag plus treats so I will not starve BOL.

I will be posting next week our Hanukkah doggy latke recipe for everyone so you can all get your humans to make you something new.

Now am going to relax, just ate lunch as I was not in the mood for breakfast, have walked Mom good today so she is tired, 

Have a wonderful warm weekend everypawdy

With love and licks From Layla

Life is good in the Layla Neighborhood

Woof the weekend has arrived ! I wonder what Mom has planned for me as last weekend I had lots of fun.

Happy St. Roch’s Day which is today – who was he ? St. Roch, The Patron Saint of Dogs. It was the loving care a dog gave that led to St. Roch being named the Patron Saint of Dogs.

Yesterday, August 15th was Check Your MicroChip Day, to remind us all to make sure all our contact information is updated for emergencies and we hope everyone has checked theirs.

Last Friday Harry came to spend the day with us, he is an adorable Westie who like Layla spent most of the day sleeping BOL. She was really good with him, no arguing either HA till he decided to crawl into her box where she was sleeping, and suddenly a growl happened. He just backed away and she turned over and went to sleep. It was quite amusing and Harry’s Mom laughed with me over the whole thing. I hope he will come visit again as it was good for her.

On Saturday I caught up with housework, her weekly food, etc and then took the Madam and went to chill out in the park. It was a glorious day and great to be outdoors relaxing, Madam of course slept on the blanket and ran each time she saw one of her Uncles with treats.

Sunday was adventure day. In one of the neighborhoods they were having the Noe Valley Animal Fair. So backpack came out and off we went. It was a hot day so I made sure Madam had her cooling vest on also. There were goats, different species of birds, cats, rabbits and of course dogs. All the animals were up for adoption. 

LiLou the Therapy Pig was there also, she volunteers at San Francisco Airport and is a well known figure in our city.

For the children there was face painting, games, music and in a nutshell a fun family time for everyone.

Layla met a bunny close up for the first time and she was fascinated but very gentle, it was really cute.

On the way home we came through our park, sat in the shade under a tree relaxing like I love doing, cooled off while she wandered around for a bit, and then came home, where she ate and went to sleep. What a life !

The past couple of days have been really hot so we have been mainly indoors but last night we did something different and met a friend in the park at about 8 or so as it had cooled down and sat there for about 2 hours just chatting and relaxing. It was great to be outside in the cool weather and what was nice was there were quite a few people doing the same with their dogs.  So Layla also met some new dogs which was fun for her.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone,

With a woof and love From Layla 

I am a Social Butterfly

Morning All,

Friday has arrived and with it my schedule as always is filling up. Yes I am a very busy little dog but it keeps Mom and I young and healthy although BOL she has to carry me a lot. It is also Pride Month so am now wearing my rainbow harness with Pride.

Last weekend, Saturday we took it easy as Mom was really tired. We just went for long walks and otherwise slept and did nothing.  Mom decided she needed it as it had been a long week for her.

On Sunday to make up for it, we went to the Chihuahua Meet Up where I become an honorary Chihuahua plus it is always held in an amazing park Stern Grove.

Below Facebook link is the video of her running into the park all happy, Miss Wiggly butt with her feather tail flying.

This is one place that Mom calls heaven, as it is so lush, green with lots of place to roam around plus the lake at the end of it makes it really peaceful. There were lots of dogs at the meetup which was fun as I got to smell a lot of them. I like this meet up as it is all small dogs so I feel safe. 

Mom was really proud of me as when we went for our long walk I even went off the path exploring which is something I do not do often but it was so much fun, so many smells to check out and so much space to roam around. Mom of course kept an eye on me as Coyotes have been seen in this park but in the middle of the day they are normally sleeping. 

It was such a pawsome day, we relaxed, ran around, and perfect weather just helped it all. I told Mom I cannot wait for the next one which is in July.
When we got home we were both tired so I was nice to Mom and let her sleep, she does deserve it sometimes.

The rest of the week has been slow as Mom has now finished work for the summer but last night we went to a big fundraising event for the Shanti/PAWS Organization and we will share it with you in our next week’s blog.

This weekend I know we are going to the Tri-Pawed Meet Up which is always held in our dog park so I will get to meet some new dogs which is exciting but other than that we have nothing else planned. 

So as you can see I am a very busy dog with a full schedule and I love it as after being stuck indoors during the winter it is so much fun to be out and about again.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone and please share what your plans are.

With a woof and love From Layla, the social butterfly 

A weekend of Adventures

Woof Helloo my Fur friends and Family,

We had such a fun weekend last weekend, Mom spoiled me and took me on two adventures, yes two can you believe it.

On Saturday we went for the first time to the Shi Tzu Meet Up at a great park called Alta Plaza Park. It is a beautiful big park with a view of the Bay on one side and a view of the city on the other side.

There were about 20 Shi Tzus and their owners and what a surprise as it was Jacques (a Shi Tzu) birthday and his Mom made a delicious cake. I have told Mom I want the same for my next gotcha day. We all wore party hats and had so much fun. I also made new friends which was pawsome, as I love meeting other fluffies like me. The weather was perfect and it was a perfect fun day. 
I cannot wait for the next one.

Of course Mom had the back pack for the bus as she says it is safer for me when the bus is full so no one will stand on me and I won’t get hurt.

When we got home guess what I did ? Of course sleep as I was really tired but LOL Mom took a nap too. She says she gets tired from carrying me in the back pack so I woofed her that she is getting old BOL.

On Monday we had another adventure. We went with my favorite Aunt Barbara to Fisherman’s Wharf. We went on the tram there and did a long walk along the bay looking out at the sea, Mom and Aunt chatted while I smelled and checked all the pmail. I had to stay on leash most of the time as there were lots of people, skateboarders and Woof I love barking at them BOL. There was a part where there was lawn so I ran over there but Mom left my leash on just in case as we are close to the street. 

Mom and Aunt then sat down for coffee, relax and to look over the bay, she gave me of course water and some treats to snack on so I was really spoiled.  I wandered around and looked out also over the bay as you can see in the photo below.

We then came home in one of the old fashioned trams which was fun but I was really tired so Mom had put me in my back pack to rest.  
When we got home I ate my dinner, dug up the bed, BOL and then settled for an afternoon sleep. 

It was such a fun day and have asked Mom to do this again with me.
Mom is working hard this week and as she told me she has another month of work and then we will be taking a break, but she did promise me if there are any fun events on weekends as summer has arrived she will take me to them.

Many of you must think I am always on the go but actually I do take things slowly also LOL but with summer here, and in San Francisco there is always something doggy going on on weekends, I try to go to them as I feel it is good for me to get out and see what is happening, and good for Layla to be out and about also especially as we live in a tiny studio with no garden, and going to the same park all the time can get boring also.
So as you can see Layla is a spoiled busy girl, but I would not change it for anything and I feel that variety is the spice of life,  and we are going to keep on doing it. 

This weekend I have not checked what is going on yet so will go with the flow plus weather wise see what we will do.

Everyone, TGIF and have a wonderful weekend all, cannot wait to hear what you did this past weekend.
Woof with love Layla