Are Mushrooms Magic?

TGIF !! Another week over and the weekend is starting. I cannot believe how fast this year is going it is scary in a way or maybe I am just aging LOL.

Last Friday we had a picnic in the park with one of my closest friends, it was the first time Layla was in the park in months as she has become afraid of them, but she surprised me and was totally relaxed, wandered around a bit, and then went to sleep. It was relaxing for me to see her that way and not worry so have decided that am going to try it again today for a couple of hours. I think it was because the park was not full.

As you all know Layla is aging, it worries me big time and having lost her sight has made walking hard as I am so scared of her bumping her head, so I got her a halo which is arriving today. I am praying it will make outings less stressful for me as she will be able to walk on a longer leash and I will not have to keep pulling her in before she hurts herself. I think the pulling on the harness is hurting her back poor baby.

I have also been doing research on mushroom supplements for her and now am trying one on her.  She seems to be more energetic with it which is fantastic. What it is a capsule with 5 different mushrooms in.

A breakdown of the mushrooms and benefits below :

Reishi : have antioxidant properties to nourish, detoxify and protect the liver. It can also renew liver cells, strengthen the liver and improve the detox process.

  • Shiitake :
  • High Fiber Content Supports Digestion
  • High in B Vitamins. …
  • Contain Vitamin D. …
  • Protect Oral Health. …
  • Help Immune Function. …
  • Contain Cancer-Fighting Compounds. …
  • Good For Heart Health. …
  • Promote Healthy Coat And Skin.
  • Turkey Tail Mushrooms: Boost The Immune System.
  • Support The Digestive, Urinary And Respiratory Tracts.
  • Provide Phytonutrients.
  • Protect The Liver.
  • Increase Longevity In Dogs With Hemangiosarcoma.
  • Fight Other Forms Of Cancer.
  • Reduce Side Effects of Chemotherapy.

Maitake means “dancing mushroom” in Japanese.

  • Preventing cancer.
  • Supporting the body during chemotherapy and other cancer treatment.
  • Helping manage diabetes.
  • Supporting dogs with liver problems.

Chaga Mushrooms

Some of the earliest uses of chaga mushrooms were for ulcers, stomach pain, and inflammatory bowel disease. It’s believed that the immune-stimulating traits of chaga help balance the gut bacteria and ease ulcers and gastritis. Chaga mushrooms can help regulate blood sugar levels for animals with diabetes

I approached an Organic Mushroom Company – to get a bottle for a review as they have one capsule with all 5 in and I can open the capsule and mix in her food.

I am giving her their 5 Defenders Organic Mushroom Blend Capsules for Pets.



Their customer service has been fantastic, they have answered all my questions and I would recommend them to any other dog blogger who is interested.

I have not changed Layla’s diet or other supplements but adding the mushrooms have given me peace of mind that I am controlling her body health wise inside and out.

If you are interested in learning more about them this is their website :

So, on this note as I pack to go to the park to relax a bit which I need, I want to wish everyone a wonderful safe weekend with lots of fun, stay cool and hydrated,

With a woof and love from Layla


April is over and May is arriving

Woof all my friends,

Can you believe it is the end of April, this year is going so quickly. We had a busy last weekend which was pawsome but tiring.

On Saturday we went to DogFest. It is an annual Dog and Kid event held in the park not far from where we live. It is an annual fund raiser for one of the Elementary Schools in our area. A fun filled day, chaotic with lots of booths selling dog products and other items.

Layla with age is not doing well at events anymore, she has become afraid of all the chaos plus her sight is going so with all the people and dogs I carried her on my back in her backpack. She is happy sitting in it and very relaxed They were handing out samples of different treats which she was very happy to snack on especially the different jerkies LOL.

I was very surprised that there was only one Rescue Organization there this year as there is normally all of the Bay Area Rescues, but I think a lot of people are still getting back to normal lives.

On Sunday we went to chill in my friends’ garden which was great. Layla loves going there as she is alone wandering around, sniffing, and exploring plus she feels safe as there is no one else there. It was wonderful sitting outside in the sun, drinking tea and chatting. It was a fantastic morning and just what I needed.

Saturday is a very important day in the National Pet Holidays, it is National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day. I have always adopted from shelters as they need homes and will not support Puppy Mills or Breeders. I am aware that people will argue that there are some very responsible breeders, but you cannot change my mind as too many pets are dying in shelters because of the over population.

So, Layla is woofing to everyone please #adoptdontshop and open your home to a shelter pet. They have been let down by humans and deserve a second chance. Share this with your friends, family or co-workers to go to a shelter on Saturday and adopt a new fur kid.

Have a wonderful weekend, be safe

With a Woof and Love

From Layla








We having fluffy over night party


The weekend has arrived, and it is going to be fun like last weekend.

Last weekend we went to our first dog event in 2 years, it was small but so great to see friends and the owners of the Pet store that does in good times fantastic events. It was so much fun going on the MUNI (tram) there which Layla loves to ride.


It was a great day out, being out and about with people and yes, I was wearing my mask, rather be safe than sorry. Layla came home with a goody bag which she was so excited to see what was in, gobbled all the treats up very quickly.


We are having a sleep over in our house at the moment, Gidget is staying with us while her mom is away. It is also the first time since lockdown that she is staying with us, and I am loving it. My house looks like a bomb has hit it with toys everywhere, but I say a happy pup is a happy Aunt. Layla tolerates her with patience, and it is really funny.


So that is what is happening in the Layla Neighborhood, always busy doing something and I feel I need a break from all LOL, wishful thinking.


What are your plans this weekend? Weather permitting we going to spend sometime in the park.


Have a wonderful safe weekend


Gotcha Give Away

Friday has arrived, first week in February and Mom has been celebrating my Gotcha Day the whole week. Some of my friends know my story and how Mom found me but am going to share again.

When my fur sister passed away, Mom was with no fur kid and hated coming home to an empty house so after three months she decided to start looking again for a new rescue fur kid. My Uncle was in Los Angeles on business and his friend who lives there is a rescuer offered to help me, she is now my Aunt Cindy. Mom saw me on PetHarbor, emailed Aunt Cindy who went to the Carson Shelter, met me, called Mom and the rest is history. It was an online love affair.

Every year we celebrate my Gotcha Day with lots of treats and my favorite Costco Chicken, yummm, it is the one day in the year Mom does not watch my weight.

It has been 11 years since Mom rescued me, I am now about 14+ years old and Mom has become really strict with my diet, making sure I eat healthy and as she cooks for me my diet has to be very well balanced.

I have been eating Dr. Harvey’s Holistic Dehydrated food for some time but when Mom read about the Paradigm, a green superfood mix she knew she had to get it for me as it is made with 6 dehydrated vegetables, plus herbs and multi vitamins. It has not starchy vegetables or grains so it helps me keep my weight. It is easy to prepare, you mix the food with hot water, add fish oil, let it stand for about 8 minutes and then add the protein you want to add.

Mom also decided to get me some of Dr Harvey’s treats which I love and will never say no to, she got for me a bag of the dehydrated Wild Alaskan Salmon Bites and because Valentines Day is around the corner what could be better than a bag of dehydrated Chicken Hearts. A great way to show your love for each other.

Layla chomping on her new treats can be seen on this video :   

Dr. Harvey’s link to read more :

There is a coupon for 10% : LaylasWoof10

So, to celebrate my Gotcha Day and Valentines Day we decided to share these goodies with my friends and are having a Giveaway.

The Giveaway is for US residents only, you must be over 18 years old to enter. 

We were given these products to review by Dr. Harvey’s.

Below is the link to enter and we wish everyone good luck.

Now am going to finish my dinner and everyone please be safe and stay warm.

Woof with love from Layla

The sun has been shining and Madam is happy

Hi and woof to all my friends,

The sun has been shining which has been pawsome as Mom and I have been out and about walking a lot BOL and went on adventure.

Mom has come to the conclusion when we are out walking I want to walk to South Africa as I make her walk about 6 or 7 blocks each time, uphill and downhill and off we go. She does not realize that excluding me needing to potty there are lots of smells and pmail to check along the way and shhh don’t tell her but I drag her in the direction where all my treat uncles are so I can get a snack along the way.

Last Saturday we went to the Shi Tzu meet up in another dog park. It was chilly and windy but also nice to be out although I told Mom I do not like dog parks anymore, too much going on and it scares me so am not sure if Mom will take me again. I sat on Mom’s lap most of the time while she chatted with the hoomans and was so happy to go home when the time came. I do love travelling on the bus and trams but that is different as I feel safe in my backpack and Mom carries me.


Tomorrow I am going to my Uncles garden and really excited. I love that garden as its only me, no chaos and just sniff and wander around while Mom chats with Uncle and they drink tea.

So that is what is happening in the Layla Neighborhood at the moment, keeping Mom on her toes and BOL I think she is losing some weight from the long walks.

Before I forget it is my gotcha day next week so Mom is going to do a give away for some yummy treats and food for someone lucky dog.


Be safe and have a great weekend

With a woof and love from



Thanksgiving is around the corner

The weekend has arrived, Thanksgiving and Hanukkah around the corner plus with no rain in the forecast we are trying to get adventures in before the rain arrives.

So last week we went to the Embarcadero to look at the Bay, breathe some sea air and just be outdoors. It was chilly but sunny and a perfect day to be outdoors.

Madam was happy running around, watching the seagulls and Pidgeon’s and of course eating some treats because how could I let her starve. I had taken a coffee with me and it was just perfect, relaxing and just what the Doctor ordered.

Sitting on my Aunts lap

As we all know, Thanksgiving is around the corner, shops are full, everyone stocking up with food, sales are starting and the city is slowly going crazy. I have no plans for Thanksgiving this year, lying low which I love to do and just relax. I will make Madam some turkey for definite with veggies, so she does not feel left out.

Thanksgiving treats for Layla

Thanksgiving pet safety :
  1. Keep the food on the table 
  2. No pie or other desserts for your dog
  3. Yeast dough can cause problems for pets, including painful gas and potentially dangerous bloating.
  4. Put the trash away so your dogs cannot find it
  5. Be careful with decorative plants.
  6. Quick action can save lives.

So on this note Layla and I want to thank everyone for helping her stay healthy, Dr Harvey’s, Vetercyn, Her vet Dr Gervais, Vet Vision Clinic and so many more who have spent the last year with us, BUT Layla would like to say a special thank you to everyone reading our blog, following us on social media.

BUT before we forget please please if you are shopping on Black Friday put on your list food, treats or toys for the pets that are in the shelters so that they can be spoiled also, thank you

Have a fun family Thanksgiving with lots of laughter,

With love from Layla





I have been Itchy

TGIF !!!!!!!!!! We cannot believe we are in the middle of October and the year is nearly over. It has gone fast.

The past two weeks have been hell in our house as Layla got a flea bite, am not sure where but she started scratching like crazy, had hot spots and there was no sleep in this house.

There are no emergency vets in San Francisco anymore so it was a nightmare trying to ease everything with no vet help although I knew we had an appointment on the 7th which had taken me two months to get. There is also a shortage of vets in the city so many clinics are not taking on new clients. My favorite vet from my clinic has left but the vet I got to see is amazing also.

This is a city that has more dogs than kids and this is the situation we are dealing with.

So this is what I did, thank goodness I had some Apoquel which I started giving her and then started researching on line.

Layla takes an amazing senior supplement from a company called Vetericyn called ALL-IN Dog Supplement for seniors which my vet approved so I went onto their website to see what else they had. Voilia I found hot spot treatment and shampoo so I went shopping.

The products I bought were :

Vetericyn FoamCare® Medicated Pet Shampoo – this shampoo helped so much with her itching it was like magic after I bathed her.

Vetericyn Plus® Antimicrobial Hot Spot Spray – easy to spray on and works wonders.

Vetericyn Plus® Hot Spot Antimicrobial Hydrogel – This I put on after the Hot Spot Spray and it is amazing.

I went to the vet on the 7th I took a shopping bag with me with everything to show her and she was really impressed. Her overall health thank goodness is good, her weight is good, her diet is good and my vet was really impressed that I am feeding her the Dr Harveys Allergy food (Turkey) mixed in with my home cooked food, so I was one happy Mom.

She did find that Layla had a skin infection from the fleas so put her on an antibiotic which is working wonders. I hate medicines but I also realized we needed to get rid of this infection as soon as possible.

Today, one week since we were at the vet Madam is eating like a pig, which is fantastic as her immune system is being replenished, she is back to being happy Layla and the itchies have nearly all gone. The only problem I have is getting her to take the medicine, she is a smart girl and knows I hide them in chicken so she will not eat the chicken when I give it to her LOL plus she hides in her box so I cannot get to her, so I have started blocking the box in the evenings especially till she gets her pill.

Never a dull moment here but I highly recommend their products which they have for other animals also, especially those that are outdoors a lot as they are just fantastic.

Vetericyn has sponsored me for this review by sending me a care package of their products for Layla for emergencies.

Their website is:

For my readers they are offering a coupon of 10% off, valid till 12/31/21 Good for 2 times per customer – LAYLASWOOF

Have a safe weekend everyone,

with a woof and love from Layla

Mom punished me also with a groom and then a bath a week later with the anti itch shampoo, she deserves the stinky eye







September is National Disaster Preparedness Month

Good Morning, TGIF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

September has arrived and with it just chaotic weather everywhere, natural disasters that has made me think about how precious life is, how important it is for us to look after the environment for the future generations and at the moment it feels as if there is one disaster after another as if there is no time to breathe in between.

So with this lets all step back and look at what is happening in this country:

  1. Hurricane Ida, the devastation is horrific, the lives lost both humans and animals, what people are having to face today and slowly get back on their feet again. Rescue Organizations running around trying to save every animal from drowning, endless hours of work which I so admire, emptying the shelters to make space for all those poor displaced animals. If only people
  2. The fires burning all over California and the loss of animal life, vegetation and it hurts me so much to see this on TV.

And then I go back to saying September is National Disaster Preparedness Month and what else will happen this month? Are we really prepared in our house for one? What do we really need? It worries me as I wonder what if I am not home when an earthquake happens. Will Layla be ok? Do any of you think of this?

I always worry that the items in my disaster bag which is next to the door is not enough.  I recheck once a month but I then say will I have time to pick up and run when an earthquake hits, and the more I think about it I think to myself maybe I should try a trial run this week. It might sound crazy but would rather be safe than sorry.

So this is emergency bag :

Water / flashlight / batteries / radio / change of clothing / food for Layla and me / her supplements / poop bags / dog treats / blanket / toy for her / first aid kit / copies of documents / cash / usb drives of all my computer files / my beach canopy that I could use as a tent and other sentimental items of mine.  It sounds a lot but I still wonder if it is enough. I also have a collapsible pet carrier to put her in so she will be feel safe plus her backpack to carry her out of the house in so she does not walk on the sidewalks in case there is debris and could get hurt.

I also say that I can live off bread and water but her food is extremely important.

So when all these disasters hit us, and however much we are prepared we all lose material items which for me is as I say, something that can be replaced, but the lives of the animals and birds cannot so it is so important to do as much as possible to protect them.

On this note I am asking everyone to be safe, prayers going out to those that were hit by the hurricane and most of all a big thank you  to all those that step up and help those that need the help, you are all angels.

Most important our pets are family and should not be left behind to fend for themselves as you are serving them a death sentence.

Have a great safe week,

WIth a woof and love from Layla






August 26 is National Dog Day

What is National Dog Day ?

National Dog Day is celebrated anually on August 26th. It was founded in 2004 by Pet & Family Lifestyle Expert and Animal Advocate, Colleen Paige, also the founder of National Puppy Day.

National Mutt Day and National Cat Day and many more philanthropic days are celebrated to draw attention to the plight of animals and encourage adoption. The date of August 26th is symbolic, as it’s the date that Colleen’s family adopted her first dog “Sheltie” when Colleen was 10 years old. National Dog Day is the only dog holiday that celebrates ALL DOGS, mixed and purebred.

National Dog Day celebrates all dogs, mixed breed and pure. The mission is to help the public recognize the number of dogs that need to be rescued each year.

National Dog Day is against any kind of breed ban. Dogs should not have to lose their lives because of the atrocities they have been forced to endure at the hands of man. Although American’s have the constitutional right to purchase a pure breed dog, I personally strongly discourage buying dogs from pet stores supplied by puppy mills, backyard breeders, the internet and newspaper ads. I would rather encourage people looking for a new canine companions, to choose adoption first. If you want a pure breed dog there are so many pure breed rescues with dogs waiting for homes.

Another place to adopt a dog is to go to adoption events which some pet stores hold to help rescuers find homes for those that have been rescued.

So as Layla woofs, she is a happy mutt please do not Shop but Adopt and save a dogs’ life.

Be safe everyone and have a wonderful weekend






Happy Friday the 13th everyone


Smile, its Friday the 13th everyone be safe. My great granny was very superstitious and would be spitting on her hand and touching her head BOL.

The weekend has arrived and we had a great fun weekend last week till Madam hurt herself but thank goodness she is fine and back to being the sassy Madam.

Last Saturday we went to Stern Grove Dog park which for me is heaven, it is a beautiful park near the city with lots of trees and a lake at one end. For me sitting next to water is the best way to balance myself and watching the ducks and turtles was just awesome. There are Coyote warnings all over the park but there were a lot of dogs and people so felt very safe, plus I kept Madam on leash most of the time. Rather be safe than sorry.

Beautiful Stern Grove

Layla watching the ducks but making sure her paws do not get wet

Walking back to the entrance of the park, Madam started slowing down and then hopping with her back left leg in the air. She has always hopped with that leg up but it was more than usual so I was concerned.

As I have lousy eyes and hardly can see I immediately called my neighbors so that I would have two sets of eyes checking her foot for foxtails or something else. They could not find anything so I emailed my vet and he told me to monitor her and give her gaberpentin. I did that and she was thank goodness eating, drinking, no moaning or yelping so kept an eye on her. When it did not clear up by Wednesday I called her groomer who is not far from me and asked her if she could cut her nails and check her paw for me.

Bingo !!!!!!!!!! She has a burr in the fur of her paw, Tomo, my groomer immediately removed it, and Madam is back to Piss and Vinegar. I am so relieved that we did not have to do a vet visit as I did not want to stress her out too much plus sit outside the vet waiting for our turn.

I am also trying a new Dr Harvey’s flavor with her, the Allergy Turkey flavor and she loves it, gobbling down her food like a little pig LOL. Madam with age has become a little pig and me being the Jewish Mom am loving it, the healthier she eats at her age the better.

It has all the veggies she needs plus turmeric and other supplements and so she is eating a really balanced diet.

You can find it on their website :  

Plus Layla is reminding everyone there is a coupon : Layla10 to get 10% off.

she cannot eat it fast enough

So on this note I am going to eat dinner while watching her slurp her dinner down,

Have a wonderful safe weekend

Layla the Boss