The fireworks are coming keep us safe please


Dressed up ready to party

Its Friday, the beginning of a long weekend and that means the fireworks are coming. Actually people have been letting them off for weeks now and I personally am sick of it all.

In a nutshell a waste of money which could be used on better things like donations to non profits, helping the homeless, helping shelters and so much more. I actually do not even want to go into this subject too much as my blood pressure goes through the roof.

So many pets get lost on 4th of July thanks to stupid owners who do not care for their pets by keeping them safe.

How to keep pet safe on 4th of July :

Never leave alcoholic drinks unattended where pets can reach them – these can be poison and make us very sick, death can also be possible

Do not apply any sunscreen or insect repellent product to your pet that is not labeled specifically for use on animals, this can also poison us.

Always keep matches and lighter fluid out of your pets’ reach – these can also make us sick

Keep your pets on their normal diet.  This is important as a change of diet with all the stress from fireworks etc can cause indigestion and diarrhea

Never use fireworks around pets – these can cause severe burns, trauma to the face plus they contain toxic materials.

Loud, crowded fireworks displays are no fun for pets – leave your pets at home in a safe quiet spot, why traumatize them in this situation which is just being selfish and uncaring.

Be prepared in the event that your pet does escape – make sure your pet is wearing a collar with an updated tag, microchip is updated and BEST of all just keep your pet inside in a safe place where it cannot escape.

Safe in my box where I love to hide

Now for some fun stuff – we had a very busy weekend last week, on Friday we went to the Trans March and Mom and I met the Mayor of San Francisco. She was nice enough to let us get a  photo of her.

Mayor London Breed chatting with me and Layla (Sorry my face is covered but I have to because of my ex

On Saturday we went to the Shi Tzhu meet up which was awesome as I saw all my friends that I have not seen in over a year, it was a fun fluffy morning.  From there we went to another park for Storm and Dash’s Birthday Party. It was windy and freezing cold but so much fun to see so many people again and of course the dogs.

Lots of fluffies all my size

We had the pools out as we were hoping to swim but because of the cold we decided not to, Mom says I would have turned into a popsicle.

Protecting the pool from blowing away

The pool we had was amazing though and cannot wait to try it out on a hot day. It is from a company called Pecute and they sell on Amazon. The pool is safe and made with a non toxic PVC material, durable with a nonslip bottom, it has quick drainage which is fantastic, an additional adaptor which will help you recycle the water and most of all it can be conveniently stored. For all those that have yards this is a must as it is big enough for us humans also.

Birthday cake time

Dash and Storm and their yummy birthday cakes, Happy Birthday both of you with love from Layla

Uncle Troy handing out the treats

We have the size XL which is large and comfy.

The company is giving a $10.00 coupon for all those that buy it by the 3rd of July which is a great money saver of course. Coupon on the link below.

Coupon for Amazon

We were given the pool to try out

So last weekend was busy but on Sunday Mom put her feet up and relaxed and I slept all day BOL as I was tired also plus I need my energy for this weekend adventures, not sure what they are.


On this note we want to wish everyone a Happy 4th of July, please keep us safe and have a wonderful family fun weekend,

With a woof and love from Layla




It is Passover and I am on Diet


Good morning fur friends,

Happy Passover to those that are celebrating, it is a time when families get together to celebrate freedom, the story we read is from the Haggadah and tells the story of how Moses led the Jews out of Egypt from slavery.

This year it is especially special as we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, freedom for us with the vaccines. We hopefully will be able to go back to a normal life, what a great feeling to be able to hug our friends, see our family and celebrate the holidays together. I am getting my first vaccine today and I am really relieved.

There are many customs and foods we eat on this holiday plus for one week we do not eat bread, cookies or anything that rises when baking. It depends also on what country you come from as to what you can eat or cannot eat which is a long list and can be complicated sometimes.

In the very religious homes the women clean out the kitchen of all non Passover foods which they sell to their neighbors or burn, they have cutlery, crockery and cooking utensils for the Passover only, and before Passover starts they go around the house with a feather to make sure there are no breadcrumbs anywhere. Passover starts at sunset and all cooking is done before then and kept warm, there is no cooking done on Passover evening so that means loads of cooking and preparations beforehand.

The reading of the Haggadah can take up to 4 hours during which you drink 4 glasses of wine, and then when it is over you stuff yourself with food as you are starved.

My favorite food of course is the chicken soup with matzo balls yummm

It is a wonderful holiday as there is a lot of singing also and I remember growing up when my grandfather read the whole Haggadah in Yiddish not Hebrew which was very special.

So it is not easy to be on a diet LOL and I have put Layla on a diet as she is a couple of ounces overweight which I want her to lose. She is not a happy girl at all and stands at her plate moaning for food. Being a Jewish Mom it breaks my heart but her health comes first so have now divided her meals into three tiny ones to keep her happy. Treats have been halved also so the Brat as I call her now makes me feel guilty all the time with her moans LOL.

So Layla and I would love to wish all our friends Chag Sameach (חג שמח) which is Hebrew for Happy Holiday,

Be safe and take care

With a woof and love
from Layla

Quirky Layla’s week

TGIF !!!! 

Good morning everyone,

The days are getting longer, the weeks are going fast and living in lock down is slowly taking its toll on me.  That is one of the reasons I took a break from blogging last week also.

I lost all my work so am sitting here figuring out daily what to do and like many I think I am driving myself crazy. BUT thank goodness for Layla she is keeping me on my feet and amused especially as she is back to being her funny normal self.

Layla has some new quirks which are amusing but on the other hand not sure where she has picked them up or do they come with age ?
She now sits at the door barking when she wants to go out, telling me to get ready to go and does not let up till she sees the leash. This is a dog that has never barked unless someone knocked on the door and I have to laugh although it can be aggravating also.  She has become a really bossy little girl.

I was very fortunate and a friend of mine, who grooms his dog did Layla for me last week so her fur is short and with the heat I am sure she is a lot more comfortable. It is not perfect but a lot lot better plus she got a bath. 

Last Saturday we did a professional photo shoot in our dog park with a great photographer who took some amazing photos. Unfortunately towards the end some idiot decided to set off fireworks in the neighborhood and she freaked out but thank goodness I had her backpack with me so I put her in it and she started relaxing. As soon as I get the photos I will share with you as some of them are really adorable.

Our adventures have become nothing as such which is sad as I miss them and am sure she does also and like me getting bored of the same walks and dog park so I decided that as they are having a ShiTzhu meetup this Saturday in another park to take her. There will not be many people, the park is enormous so great for social distancing and for both of us it will be mentally good to be somewhere else for a couple of hours.  Yes I will be wearing my mask and have hand sanitizer with me.

So as you can see we have slowed down here, our routine is not exciting and praying for it all to be safer so that we can start out adventures again.

Be safe everyone, have a great weekend 

With a woof and love Layla 

Hide the Fireworks are Coming plus Give Away

Good Morning All,
Me the social butterfly has been really busy as always but it is keeping Mom and I young which is what i keep telling her.

I went to the vet last week as my eyes were really red and Mom was concerned, I hate that place. Anyway my favorite vet was there and she checked them and told Mom I have really bad allergies and dry eyes, so she gave Mom some ointment to put in my eyes and I think it is working cos I am less itchy. 

On Saturday we went to the Shih Tzu Meetup which is one of my favorite events as there are lots of dogs my size and they are all fluffy. It was loads of fun, the weather was fantastic and also being in a different park always makes things more interesting.

In the evening we met up with one of my favorite Aunts who was here in the city for 2 days. She is a very special lady as she runs a Fospice for pets by rescuing the seniors that have been dumped in shelters so that they can live the rest of their lives with love. You can read about her Sanctuary on her Facebook page.

This is the link to her Facebook Page :

Sunday we just relaxed, Mom says she had no energy for anything so I took control and made sure we did lots of long walks. I am not interested in her being tired as I do not have a computer and need to check my pmail.

NOW as you all know 4th of July is around the corner, the nightmare for many pets because of the fireworks. It is so important that we, the parents keep our pets safe in the house and this is what I have found works for Layla.

I put a bed in the shower, water and some toys, making it comfortable for her if she needs it. I also keep music on, give her last walk at about 7 before the chaos starts and most important of all is I give her Hemp Oil. I am a firm believer of the Hemp Oil as it keeps her calm, relaxed and less worrying for me. 

The Hemp oil I use is from a company called Restorative Botanicals and swear by it. What I love also is that they have products for us also which makes a difference and when I am stressed out I drink their delicious coffee which keeps me calm. A must for us coffee drinkers.

This weekend we are going to Pride in San Francisco which is exciting although I hate the noise of the motor bikes so Mom will be giving me the Hemp Oil to stay calm, actually with age I am getting scared of many noises so this product is really easing my life in a big way.  

You can read all about them on their website :


So we decided to leave the BEST NEWS for last and that is Mom surprised me this week with some wonderful new treats, chicken jerky yummm and raw turkey necks to chew on especially on 4th of July which will keep me busy as I am inside more than normal plus what could be better than chewing away on something good.

What is the give away ??????? 

Freeze Dried Wild Caught Minnows. They are a single ingredient treat for both cats and dogs. This single source treat is perfect for pets on a limited ingredient diet, who have food allergies or stomach sensitivities. Minnows are easily digestible containing no grain, gluten, artificial flavors, additives, or preservatives. Sourced and packaged in the USA. 
I, Layla personally puts my paw of approval on them, they are delicious and I strongly suggest you enter to win as they are a must for the treat jar. I am also excited as once again I am sharing for both cats and dogs so everyone can enjoy.

You can find them on the link below and remember if you do shop there you have a discount of 15% with the coupon Layla15.

We have been sponsored for this give away by the company. It is not open to Canadian residents only the USA.

All you have to do is enter on the link below :

Before I log off here for the week we must NOT forget that 5th of July is the busiest day in shelters as they are saving and keeping all animals that have run away from the fireworks safe, so to all my fur friends everywhere, both domestic and wild, please be safe, try to stay calm and remember the stupid humans are to blame for us being scared on 4th of July.

Happy Pride to those that are celebrating this week and Happy Safe 4th of July Everyone.

With a woof and love from Layla 

Weekend is here

Good Morning All,

Weekend has arrived and the fun will begin. 

The weather is lousy here in SF at the moment, cold, windy and raining and not sure where the sun disappeared. Layla is not happy getting her paws wet so she is hibernating as much as possible in her box.

Last Friday I took the day off to spoil myself and went with friends for the day to Muir Woods. I have never been there and was so excited to go, I decided to leave Layla at home and spend some down time for myself in nature. I know some of you will say poor Layla but it is the first time I have done something like this, and although I felt guilty I really needed it. The Woods are magical, listening to the water running in the streams, the quiet, the birds singing, was heaven for me and relaxing that I came home with new energy and I think I need to do this more often. I am sure she slept and said to herself phew thank goodness she has gone LOL.

On Saturday we went to National Dog Mom’s Day held at Pet Camp San Francisco. 
What is Dog Moms Day ? Dig-The Dog Person’s Dating App created a day to celebrate and thank the dog moms who dedicate their love and support every day to their dogs. It’s a different, special and visceral love that deserves its own day to be recognized and appreciated.

Us Moms were spoiled with beautiful tote bags and caps from a company called Drink Babe whom gave us cans of bubbly Rosé Babe, Grigio Babe, and Red Babe to celebrate Mothers Day.

There were also vendors for the dogs :

The hosts : Pet Camp who is San Francisco’s only certified green dog and cat boarding, day care, grooming and training facility. A wonderful place with lots of place to run and have fun. Highly recommended.

V- Dog – V-dog is a family-owned vegan dog food company based in San Francisco,

CA VetCBD – teaching us the safe and effective use of cannabis for pets! 

 Paw Patch Pastries – Fresh Baked Organic Gourmet Treats, Cakes, Fashion, Accessories More! 

Yoga Force – Yoga for Humans and Dogs together

Vetted Pet Care – Vetted is an in-home veterinary care provider for dogs and cats

Dog Log App – DogLog’s mission is to improve the lives of pets and their caretakers by facilitating better communication and providing more visibility to the dog’s activitiesHappy

Hounds Massage – Happy Hounds Massage provides a variety of massage services including surgery rehabilitation, arthritis and dysplasia management, preventative treatments, athletic care and weight management.

 And then of course the Rescue Organizations Grateful Dogs Rescue and Copper Dreams Rescue.

In a nutshell we had a great time and I think the best of all was watching Layla climb down the stairs at the agility section LOL. Click on the link below :

On Sunday we had a lazy day, met a friend for coffee and a chat with Madam of course but otherwise we did nothing.

So that is what has been happening in the Layla neighborhood as with the rain at the moment and me back at work nothing exciting is happening although shhh she is getting groomed today and I have not told her yet.

Oy Vey I am going to have to stock up on treats and spoil her afterwards.
Have a wonderful weekend all with lots of fun and laughter.

Hugs and Woof Layla

Weekend has arrived and Give Away time

Goood Morning Fur Friends,

The weekend is arriving and I am so excited. 
Weather has warmed up in San Francisco, summer is around the corner and already all the fun weekend events are starting. 

Last weekend the weather was fantastic so on Sunday I took Layla to the 40th anniversary Easter in the Park Event. This event is organized every year at Easter by a non profit organization called The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. They are a non profit organization who have devoted themselves to community service, promoting human rights which includes respect for Diversity. You can read more about them on their website :  http://

Layla with some of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence

It was a fun event, lots of music, laughter costumes of course and people and dogs. We sat back on the lawn listening and watching till Madam started to get antsy so after an hour or so we walked home and Madam fell asleep LOL.

So with that event last weekend and DogFest coming up this weekend the weekend outdoors life with events and parks is starting. I am so looking forward to it and I am sure Layla will be too when she see what she gains LOL.

With all this happening I decided to do a review of some new freeze dried treats as they are easy to carry and light and good for the munchies for Madam while we are out and about.  The treats that I have reviewed are from my favorite company Raw Paws Pet Food and the major plus is that they are for CATS also – yup, time to include the cats too. Of course, when we do reviews we do a give away and Layla has given her stamp of approval that these are the best of the best. 

She tasted:
The Free Run Chicken Recipe – I should make her run for these too, The Free Run Turkey Recipe,  The Free Run Duck Recipe, Grass Fed Beef Recipe 

All of them are : Grain Free and Gluten Free with no preservatives, additives or fillers. AND are made in the USA with no hormones or antibiotics.
To read more about their fantastic products here is the link :

Plus don’t forget with the LAYLA15 coupon you get 15% off your order. 

Raw Paws Pet Food also offered to donate the above treats to one of our favorite Rescue Organizations and we chose Muttville Senior Rescue. 

Who is Muttville :

Muttville’s mission is to change the way the world thinks about and treats older dogs and to create better lives for them through rescue, foster, adoption, hospice, education, and advocacy.  The tragic truth is that every day, dogs in good health with wonderful personalities are euthanized. Why? They’re older. And because they’re older, they’re not considered adoptable. Muttville saves senior and special needs rescue dogs; finds suitable homes for those dogs that are adoptable and offers end of life care for those that are not. These are not just shelter dogs; every day, dogs are moved from loving homes to concrete cages because their guardians have died or moved or simply can’t care for them anymore. If we had our way, no dog would spend its last days in a cold, dark shelter. There is so much love and joy in these dogs! Bringing these special dogs into a home is not only good for the dogs, but such loving, mellow dogs transform the quality of life for the people who adopt or foster them.

You can read more about them on the link : :

WOOOF let the give away begin and good luck everyone.

This give away is open for the USA only and persons over 18 years old.  All you have to do is click on the rafflecopter link below and it will take you to entry form.

We were sponsored to do this give away and are so happy to be doing it as Layla woofs these treats are worthy of sharing.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone 

With a big Woof, Love and Licks from Layla

Rafflecopter Widget Link to enter : 

San Francisco is sunny

Happy Wednesday Friends,

Thank goodness the week of rain is over and we are having some sunshine as it is needed to dry off everything including us LOL.

We had a great busy weekend as usual and the weather being good even made it better especially as I had Monday off, nothing like a long weekend to pamper Layla with quality time.

On Saturday we went to the Women’s March where Layla became little woman LOL. There were a lot of people plus many dogs which I was surprised to see. It was wonderful to be there and although we did not March as Layla was not happy with all the noise and I had given her some CBD oil before we left, I decided to come home when they started. Yes she was in the backpack but so antsy I was getting back ache from her moving around. So we took the bus home and got off in the park and relaxed there for a bit. It was a great day in all.

On Sunday we just chilled, relaxed and did nothing but normal walks in the nice weather, perfect for me to recharge my batteries and for her to get some exercise.


Monday we had a big adventure, a friend of mine with his two dogs decided to go down to Chrissy Field which is a great dog area on the beach so off we went. Layla was happy trotting along as long as her paws did not get wet LOL. It was so nice sitting on a blanket on the beach, looking out at the sea and Golden Gate bridge, drinking coffee and chatting. A perfect day in so many ways. Layla was happy although came home sandy and itchy poor thing but I immediately rinsed her off with some warm water and apple cider vinegar just in case there were any bugs LOL and then she ate and went to sleep.


I cannot believe that 8 years ago Layla was dumped at the shelter and how far we have come together, from her fear of people to a lap dancer today and so much more.

So that was our weekend and now back to work, housework and all the mundane things while Madam chews on a bone and relaxes. Life is good in the Layla Neighborhood.

On this sunny message we are saying to everyone be safe in the cold weather, and those in the Southern Hemisphere stay cool as we have been reading about the heat waves and fires.

With a woof and love from Layla