Are Mushrooms Magic?

TGIF !! Another week over and the weekend is starting. I cannot believe how fast this year is going it is scary in a way or maybe I am just aging LOL.

Last Friday we had a picnic in the park with one of my closest friends, it was the first time Layla was in the park in months as she has become afraid of them, but she surprised me and was totally relaxed, wandered around a bit, and then went to sleep. It was relaxing for me to see her that way and not worry so have decided that am going to try it again today for a couple of hours. I think it was because the park was not full.

As you all know Layla is aging, it worries me big time and having lost her sight has made walking hard as I am so scared of her bumping her head, so I got her a halo which is arriving today. I am praying it will make outings less stressful for me as she will be able to walk on a longer leash and I will not have to keep pulling her in before she hurts herself. I think the pulling on the harness is hurting her back poor baby.

I have also been doing research on mushroom supplements for her and now am trying one on her.  She seems to be more energetic with it which is fantastic. What it is a capsule with 5 different mushrooms in.

A breakdown of the mushrooms and benefits below :

Reishi : have antioxidant properties to nourish, detoxify and protect the liver. It can also renew liver cells, strengthen the liver and improve the detox process.

  • Shiitake :
  • High Fiber Content Supports Digestion
  • High in B Vitamins. …
  • Contain Vitamin D. …
  • Protect Oral Health. …
  • Help Immune Function. …
  • Contain Cancer-Fighting Compounds. …
  • Good For Heart Health. …
  • Promote Healthy Coat And Skin.
  • Turkey Tail Mushrooms: Boost The Immune System.
  • Support The Digestive, Urinary And Respiratory Tracts.
  • Provide Phytonutrients.
  • Protect The Liver.
  • Increase Longevity In Dogs With Hemangiosarcoma.
  • Fight Other Forms Of Cancer.
  • Reduce Side Effects of Chemotherapy.

Maitake means “dancing mushroom” in Japanese.

  • Preventing cancer.
  • Supporting the body during chemotherapy and other cancer treatment.
  • Helping manage diabetes.
  • Supporting dogs with liver problems.

Chaga Mushrooms

Some of the earliest uses of chaga mushrooms were for ulcers, stomach pain, and inflammatory bowel disease. It’s believed that the immune-stimulating traits of chaga help balance the gut bacteria and ease ulcers and gastritis. Chaga mushrooms can help regulate blood sugar levels for animals with diabetes

I approached an Organic Mushroom Company – to get a bottle for a review as they have one capsule with all 5 in and I can open the capsule and mix in her food.

I am giving her their 5 Defenders Organic Mushroom Blend Capsules for Pets.



Their customer service has been fantastic, they have answered all my questions and I would recommend them to any other dog blogger who is interested.

I have not changed Layla’s diet or other supplements but adding the mushrooms have given me peace of mind that I am controlling her body health wise inside and out.

If you are interested in learning more about them this is their website :

So, on this note as I pack to go to the park to relax a bit which I need, I want to wish everyone a wonderful safe weekend with lots of fun, stay cool and hydrated,

With a woof and love from Layla


Are you prepared ?

June has arrived and it is important month for us pet parents. It is the month where we should make sure we are prepared for any disaster that can happen and our bags are packed and ready to go.

Living in San Francisco which is earthquake city I am prepared and check my bag once every six months to make sure all is good. With Layla aging and now on medications I have got extras in the bag, so I do not have to worry if we must run.

In the bag I have food for Madam, I have put freeze dried food as she eats homemade, boxes of water, water bowl, food bowl, leash, poop bags, first aid kit and so much more. I also have a wonderful carrier which expands on all sides to enlarge it so I can put her inside it, and she will be safe plus I will not have to worry about her wandering off especially as she is going blind.  There is also a file with all her important info which includes a document with emergency contact if something happens to me. Her microchip is up to date, like her tags with an emergency phone number in case my phone is not working. My plan is if we must run to put her in her backpack and carry the bag, so she does not fall and hurt herself.


For me LOL, some instant coffee and creamer, crackers, and some cans of food but not much as the bag is so heavy with all her stuff. As I say I can live off bread and water, but she needs proper food. I also have a sleeping bag, flashlight, battery operated radio and I put to protect us from winds which San Francisco does have a beach canopy which will give us some shelter.

Being prepared can be a life saver for our fur family plus being prepared makes my life easier as I do not have to worry If something happens.

Are you prepared? Tell us what you have in your bag as hey maybe I forgot something. Please keep microchip and tags information updated at all times.


So, everyone, get the bags ready, please be safe

Happy Pride everyone, get rainbows flying in the wind,


With a woof and love from Layla


February is the Month of Love

Woof to all my friends,

Did you know that Valentines might be over but on Sunday, 20th February is National Love Your Pet Day?

This is a very special day as it makes us humans realize how much we love our pets and how fortunate we are to have them in our lives. Something I would not change ever. I am aware that we spoil our pets daily, but I love the idea of one day a year is dedicated to them.

Did you know that most households in the United States have at least one pet? There are more cats than dogs in the U.S., mose households have dogs not cats, but the difference is not that much. Pets are not only canine and feline, there are quite a few who prefer the birds, reptiles, fish, or rats.

Whatever pet it is they all deserve to be extra spoiled on this day.

Below are some ideas of what we can do, and we cannot wait to hear from you what you are going to do.


So, to all my fur friends Happy National Love Your Pet Day and we hope you gets lots of treats, fun with your humans and please make lots of memories.

With a woof and love from Layla



Valentines Day is here

Hello fur friends,

It is 4 days away from Valentines Day or as Mom calls it chocolate day, and she told me she is going to spoil herself with a chocolate. I think I should be spoiled and not her but hey she does deserve it sometimes.

Mom and I had a long chat this week about Valentines Day and how I do not need anything as I am a spoiled brat but how the animals in shelters need to be loved also so we decided to put a package together of goodies and we going to drop it off at one of the shelters.

Those animals do not deserve to be in shelters but in warm homes with lots of love but we humans are to blame for that so as Mom says those caring humans who are speaking out for them must make sure also that they are spoiled on Valentine’s Day with love.

We are asking all our fur friends to please go to a shelter and donate food, treats or toys so that the animals can feel special love also. What could be better than seeing the smile of a dog or cat being spoiled like we are, it is a blessing.

I have a question? Who wants to be my Valentine?


Happy Valentines Day everyone, make sure you spoil your Mom or Dad with lots of licks and being good,

With woofs and love from Layla

National Mutt Day should be Every Day


I cannot believe we are already in December; this year has gone too fast I think but praying 2022 will be a good year for all.

Today is National Mutt Day – This special day is celebrated twice a year, Dec. 2, and July 31. The days help to raise awareness of the plight of mixed-breed dogs in shelters. There are millions of smart and healthy mutts in shelters just waiting for someone to give them a forever home.

There are so many sitting in shelters waiting for homes it is heart breaking and instead of buying from a breeder go down to the shelter and rescue one, mutts are the best, the love unconditionally and I personally think they are grateful daily for having that chance of a home.

Layla is a rescued mutt, and I would not change it for anything in this world and will always rescue.

As most of you know the past week has been Hanukkah, the festival of lights, for 8 days we light candles, eat latkes and donuts and oily food to remember the miracle of them thinking the oil would last for one day but it lasted for 8 days.  So as we celebrate that miracle, I each night when lighting the Hanukkiah I pray for a miracle for all the homeless dogs and cats sitting in shelters waiting to be rescued and adopted.

This is the recipe I make for Layla on Hanukkah but it can be made all year round also

Happy Hanukkah Everyone – May the miracle of lights turn into a miracle with finding homes for all the homeless pets

They do not have a voice, so we need to speak out for them to save their lives.

So, on this note lets all pray that shelters will empty and 2022 will be a better year for all those mutts in shelters

Have a wonderful week all, be safe and hug your furry babies

With love from


I have been Itchy

TGIF !!!!!!!!!! We cannot believe we are in the middle of October and the year is nearly over. It has gone fast.

The past two weeks have been hell in our house as Layla got a flea bite, am not sure where but she started scratching like crazy, had hot spots and there was no sleep in this house.

There are no emergency vets in San Francisco anymore so it was a nightmare trying to ease everything with no vet help although I knew we had an appointment on the 7th which had taken me two months to get. There is also a shortage of vets in the city so many clinics are not taking on new clients. My favorite vet from my clinic has left but the vet I got to see is amazing also.

This is a city that has more dogs than kids and this is the situation we are dealing with.

So this is what I did, thank goodness I had some Apoquel which I started giving her and then started researching on line.

Layla takes an amazing senior supplement from a company called Vetericyn called ALL-IN Dog Supplement for seniors which my vet approved so I went onto their website to see what else they had. Voilia I found hot spot treatment and shampoo so I went shopping.

The products I bought were :

Vetericyn FoamCare® Medicated Pet Shampoo – this shampoo helped so much with her itching it was like magic after I bathed her.

Vetericyn Plus® Antimicrobial Hot Spot Spray – easy to spray on and works wonders.

Vetericyn Plus® Hot Spot Antimicrobial Hydrogel – This I put on after the Hot Spot Spray and it is amazing.

I went to the vet on the 7th I took a shopping bag with me with everything to show her and she was really impressed. Her overall health thank goodness is good, her weight is good, her diet is good and my vet was really impressed that I am feeding her the Dr Harveys Allergy food (Turkey) mixed in with my home cooked food, so I was one happy Mom.

She did find that Layla had a skin infection from the fleas so put her on an antibiotic which is working wonders. I hate medicines but I also realized we needed to get rid of this infection as soon as possible.

Today, one week since we were at the vet Madam is eating like a pig, which is fantastic as her immune system is being replenished, she is back to being happy Layla and the itchies have nearly all gone. The only problem I have is getting her to take the medicine, she is a smart girl and knows I hide them in chicken so she will not eat the chicken when I give it to her LOL plus she hides in her box so I cannot get to her, so I have started blocking the box in the evenings especially till she gets her pill.

Never a dull moment here but I highly recommend their products which they have for other animals also, especially those that are outdoors a lot as they are just fantastic.

Vetericyn has sponsored me for this review by sending me a care package of their products for Layla for emergencies.

Their website is:

For my readers they are offering a coupon of 10% off, valid till 12/31/21 Good for 2 times per customer – LAYLASWOOF

Have a safe weekend everyone,

with a woof and love from Layla

Mom punished me also with a groom and then a bath a week later with the anti itch shampoo, she deserves the stinky eye







October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Good Morning,

October has arrived and with it the Month of Domestic Violence Awareness. This is a topic that is very close to my heart as I am a proud survivor.

I am one of the lucky ones that managed to get away with my little dog, hid at a friend and then moved to a new city where we were both helped.  If I had left her I know my ex would have carried on abusing her so the minute I could ran, we ran.

Baby since has passed away, but she was my inspiration, my hero, my trooper and my lifeline through those dark days, and when she passed it was when I was finally in my own home so she knew I was safe, and could then open my doors to a new pup, and Layla arrived to live with me.  Layla wears a tag that says: Shelter Survivor which speaks for both of us.

Today I am not going to talk about me, but “The Power and Control Wheel” of Animal Abuse and Domestic Violence. This gives us a better understanding as to what happens behind closed doors, and why so many victims stay in the relationships.

  1. Threats – The abuser will threaten to kill or abuse the pet during the relationship or if left behind. (I stayed in mine as to protect Baby.)
  2. Isolation – Refusing vet care for the pet. Isolating the victim that the pet also suffers as it is not socialized with other dogs. It is as if you are living in a cage.
  3. Emotional Abuse – Giving away or killing the pet to take away her source of unconditional love.
  4. Economical Abuse – Refusing to permit her to buy pet food or vet care
  5. Legal Abuse – Custody battles over pets. This is heart breaking as they file charges against the victim claiming theft if she leaves with the pet.
  6. Intimidation – Harming or killing the pet and then saying to the victim “Next time it will be you…..” They do this to family and friends who assist with the victim and pets getting away.
  7. Denying and blaming – Blaming the victim or the pet when something happens.

An abuser will want to control everything, and if he or she does not have that, we, the humans, kids or pets become the victims of his or her anger, although he/she will never admit it.

So when people reach out and talk about wanting to leave a Domestic Violence relationship but cannot leave their pets, these are some of the reasons and I from experience would have rather carried on suffering the abuse to make sure Baby was safe, than left her in a house where she would suffer.

Pets do not understand abuse the way we do and they should not have to suffer at the hands of an abuser of any kind as they give us the unconditional love and loyalty that unfortunately humans do not do.

October is also the National Month of Adopt a Shelter Dog Month so reach out to a Shelter and give a dog a new home, as I always say about Layla – from pound to princess.

Be safe, have a wonderful week, with a woof of love from



They just amaze me

Last Saturday we went to the 10th Tripawed Meet Up in our dog park. These dogs just amaze me and I always say we humans can learn from them.

Some of the dogs at the event

Madam watching what is going on

Most of the dogs are rescues and unfortunately have been dumped in shelters because of their disabilities but it does not bother them as they are happy dogs, some hopping on two legs, others with three legs and they just playing around, begging for treats and absolutely adorable.

It was a great day to have a picnic in the park with all dog parents, with lots of laughter and forget all the world problems.

This Saturday, August 21st is International Homeless Animal Day – Every year on the third Saturday of August, International Homeless Animals Day is celebrated to draw attention to the issue of pet overpopulation.

To raise awareness spay and neuter clinics are held, adoption fairs are held, unfortunately because of Covid a lot of these events will not be happening but we can all do something to stop the over population of pets.

We must remember that worldwide there is an over population of pets and if we do what I listed below these poor homeless pets will not face euthanasia and will live happy healthy lives in homes.

How can we help with over population of pets :

  • Spay and Neuter
  • Foster a shelter pet
  • Microchip your pets
  • Become an animal rescue advocate

So Layla is begging everyone to spay and neuter your pets, do not buy from breeders but open your heart to a homeless pet who desperately needs a safe home,

Thinking of all the homeless pets

Be safe everyone, with a woof and love from Layla

The Mischief Maker Senior in my house

The weekend has arrived, phew I need it. Layla is full of piss and vinegar as always and I am exhausted.

Living with Layla is never boring, she is a funny little girl that keeps me amused all the time plus for her age she is so full of energy it is exhausting so I decided to share with you this week her quirks, some are new with age.

She loves to walk, once outside we could walk the whole of San Francisco if she had her own way, and we are talking about 4 walks a day, I on the other hand drinks cold coffee in the morning because of her, cold dinners as she times her wanting to walk when I sit down to eat, and her newest quirk now is barking.

She wakes up in the morning and if I do not get ready as she is awake she stands and barks at me ordering me to get moving, and if I take my time she lets me know. We are talking about 7 in the morning and I rush as I do not want her to wake up the neighbors so by the time I get home my coffee has become cold brew.


In the evenings she watches me make dinner, as soon as it’s nearly ready barky starts wanting to go out and bang goes my warm dinner as I take her out to keep her quiet.


Now before you all jump to any conclusions, Layla goes out 4 times a day if not more as I take her shopping with me, so she has ample time to do her business, sniff every leaf on the ground, wag her tail at every dog we pass plus so much more. She is the Boss of the house and I am the slave.


My final laugh over her goes to what she did this week, late afternoon. I live in a building with lots of dogs, it is a secured building so no one can get in or out with unlocking gates. I went to the garbage room to throw out the garbage that is one place I will not take her as I never know what is on the ground there. I came back inside, started preparing dinner when there was a knock on my door. I was surprised she did not bark but did not make a big deal of it till my neighbor outside tells me Layla is sitting on my door mat next to my door. I opened the door and Madam sashayed in wagging her tail thinking she was so smart. I was angry but just laughed so much over it, she is such Velcro should won’t go far without me.


While I am typing this the Boss is now telling me she wants to go under the bed so will I move the covers up for her so she can have her afternoon nap.


Having shared this with you, and I am chuckling at the same time, I can say I would not change any of it for anything in this world. Growing old with a rescued senior dog is quite an adventure and I am so blessed to have her in my life through the good and bad days.

We are family !!!!!

Have a great weekend everyone, be safe and treasure your memories with you pets

With a woof and love from Layla






Pets are Family

TGIF !!!!! It is the end of July wow, weekend has arrived.

There are so many pets sitting in shelters at this moment it is heartbreaking.

I have been watching on social media lately how people who adopted pets at the beginning of the lock down are now returning them to shelters as they go back to work.

My question to these dumpers, are you going to dump your kids or other family members now you going back to the office ? What are you teaching your kids? This is not educating them but the opposite, never mind putting a pet into a miserable cage.

I personally feel that those that dump their pets at shelters should be blacklisted and not able to adopt again, there should be some penalty to pay.

Rescuers run around looking for fosters, looking for homes for these poor pets and as a cage empties it fills up again thanks to the dumpers.

When I rescued Layla, I knew in my heart it was for life, she is aging and so am I but with all the expenses that there is I would never ever give her up, she is my fur kid till the end and nothing will make me change my mind on this.

I will not go into stores that sell pets, I am not interested in breeders and will not support them on social media and puppy mills need to close down.

And for those wanting a pure bred pet you can find one at a pure bred rescue organization on this website.

So as I watch daily these poor animals sitting in cages, my heart breaks as we as humans have let them down and they are paying the price for our selfishness.

Let us pray for all the animals in shelter that they find new homes where they will be cherished and live the rest of their lives, and a big thank you to all rescuers and fosters who are working hard for these animals, you are our heroes.

Have a safe weekend

With love from Layla